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Scams around town.

J. Peterman

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Feb 26, 2004
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Stereo speaker scam:

Again, it happened. I was in a shopping center and a guy drives up to me in a van, he tells me that he is a speaker delivery person and he was suppose to pick up 2 stereo speakers but the distribution warehouse gave him 2 set.
So, now he has a extra set to sell me, at a rediculous price.
Do no go for it, these speakers are inferior crap. Do not trust the name on the speakers, they are fakes.

Leather coat scam:

If a guy comes up to you and sais that he is in Montreal for a clothing manufacturers convention, but he does not want to take his wares with him because he has to go to New York City to vist his sister so he will be taxed if he enters a second country with his coats. Therefore he will sell you 3 $800 leather and fur coats for $400 ( the cost of the leather ).
Check out the materials, they are usualy synthetic plastic coats.


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
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Ziggy, I met a couple of young women who identified themselves as Israeli Art Students. They came to my place and displayed some paintings I liked. They agreed to come back the next day when I had a chance to get some cash but never showed up. They didn't steal anything while in my place. I don't get it. What is the scam?


New Member
Jun 6, 2005
The Scam......

anon_vlad said:
Ziggy, I met a couple of young women who identified themselves as Israeli Art Students. They came to my place and displayed some paintings I liked. They agreed to come back the next day when I had a chance to get some cash but never showed up. They didn't steal anything while in my place. I don't get it. What is the scam?

The scam is to get entry to you residence - case it for valuables,possible safe,etc and if it is worthwhile comeback the next day with an armed accomplice or break-in while you are away.


Jul 4, 2003
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Scam the scammer

Mr Peterman et al, have a good look at those speakers. This applies to "tower" style only. If things have not changed, the cabinets/enclosures that they come in are actually quite good quality. Both material and build wise. I bought a pair of them about 7 years ago. I knew fine well that they were phony "high end" rip off's. BUT! The towers themselves were actually tounge in groove hardwood assembled. As everybody knows, wood ALWAYS sounds better than plastic. All I did was remove the the rear covers, take out the garbage speakers, and replace them with, here's the fun part, automotive speakers found at a recycling yard. The subwoofers came from 2 Ford Probe GT's (factory option), and 2 Infinity 6x9's from a Chrysler Intrepid. The wiring was simple and the sound is better than anything I have have heard to date. Price for the car speakers was around $80-$100. The asking price for the "back of the van" specials was $75, I got him down to $40. $140 and an afternoon's time 7 years ago for speakers that still sound awesome today? Pretty good deal to me.


Mar 26, 2005
Coast to Coast!
Selling speakers from a van in a shopping center parking lot, it sounds like stolen stuff too. They also use that trick with power tools. In my book, when it sounds too good, it is suspecious...

Another scam? Gas price...

J. Peterman

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Feb 26, 2004
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Once this guy came to the door dressed in 1970s clothing ( big check plaid winter jacket ) he tells me that he has just been let out of prison and he would like to know if I could help him out iwth a donation.
I told him that I was sorry, I just got paid and I had not gone to the bank. (lie) I also gave him some good advice not to go next door, as a phyco cop seargant and his phyco constable wife lived there!
He took my advice and ran down the street.

Also watch out for old geezers asking for donation for "Dans la Rue" ( feed the street kids charity ) This organization does not solicite door to door.


New Member
Feb 11, 2005
What a great strategy you got !

J. Peterman said:
Once this guy came to the door dressed in 1970s clothing ( big check plaid winter jacket ) he tells me that he has just been let out of prison and he would like to know if I could help him out iwth a donation.
I told him that I was sorry, I just got paid and I had not gone to the bank. (lie) I also gave him some good advice not to go next door, as a phyco cop seargant and his phyco constable wife lived there!
He took my advice and ran down the street.

Also watch out for old geezers asking for donation for "Dans la Rue" ( feed the street kids charity ) This organization does not solicite door to door.
J Peterman you are smart and you simply scared the guy away but he might had been genuinely poor and experiencing despair.

J. Peterman

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Feb 26, 2004
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I do not think this guy was in great need, as there are many organizations that will give him food if he is truly hungry. I also did not like his smirk or the way he tried to intimidate me when he told me that he was in prison for drugs, breaking into houses, assaulting several policemen (police - persons). He also told me that while in prison he assaulted several gaurds.
I believe the way he presented himself was an atempt to intimidate me. He was trying to tell me to hand it over or I may come back and visit your home while you are out.
It was obvious that he was sending a message by wearing the late 70s clothing ( loud red white and yellow plaid jacket with the hood and fake fur trim ) His girlfriend with him, did not present herself well either. (prison toosie type)
He also told me that he came from downtown, and he was quite far away from home. It was closer for him to get food from 2 or 3 organizations downtown then to be in a far away strange neighbourhood.

Foot note: I do not know if it is the same guy, but I heatrd on the news a few months later about a guy with the same M.O. that was picked up for going door to door with a simular story, and when he di not get a donation he would threaten to smash up the property.
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