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Search method



I just happened to stumble across a MERB feature I didn't notice before, and I think it may be useful to all of us...

Many of us complained in the past that looooong threads are a nightmare to search, as MERB identifies the thread containing the words we are looking for, but not the post... Well... That's not true!

When we do a search, right below the "Search by keyword" box there is a "Search Options" section. In this section it is possible to select "Show results as posts" as opposed to "Show results as threads". It then highlights each and every post individually, and clicking on the link brings us to the right page, albeit not on the right post.



Bonjour Captain!

En fait, non, les Québecoises m'appellent par mon prénom, et non par mon handle sur Merb. Après tout, on échange tellement de choses (je laisse aller ton imagination!), que c'est bien plus naturel d'utiliser nos vrai prénoms, n'est ce pas? :D

Mais on m'a déjà dit que mon handle m'allait bien! :p

Take care and have fun!

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