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Second American Civil War Coming?


New Member
Feb 23, 2007
Hello Ladies and Gentlemen,

It seems the US is becoming quite polarized over the 9/11 Truth Movement.
Danny Bonaduce, who's looking quite haggard but still has his hair (hairless guys like me notice these stupid things), has called for Rosie O'Donnell's execution simply because she has a curious mind and asks questions. Bill
O'Riley and other neocon media pundits are savagely attacking her too.

Since when is speaking your mind a crime (unless it's a hate-mongering)?

Rosie O'Donnell is not going to back down; in fact, this controversy will harden her resolve.

If Rosie O'Donnell were indeed assassinated, likely by a wingnut who listened to the fool Danny Bonaduce, could this spark the beginning of The Second American Civil War?

The number of Americans who believe they were not told the whole truth regarding 9/11 is in the high majority.

All it takes is a spark, a flash, to wake up America and set it ablaze!

That's my take, anyway.

I never really cared much for Rosie O'Donnell, but she's got my respect now.



New Member
Nov 19, 2004
Who cares since aliens are about to invade us anyway. I'm looking forward to meet the triple-breasted SP from Eroticon 6.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
The sky is falling.

Hello Alfonso,

So we are basing the specter of another American Civi War on the bickering between loud mouth idiots. How misdirected. You missed several much more threatening crisises. The Borg mutants want to steal our atmosphere to destroy us, the Ninja Turtles are stealing and breeding with our women, a vampire scourge has overrun most of South America and is now headed northward, and Barney the dinosaur is rotting the minds of babies. Now...get back to the real news will you.

Pouting at you, :mad:



New Member
Dec 6, 2005
alfonso said:
Rosie O'Donnell is not going to back down; in fact, this controversy will harden her resolve.
Ms. O'Donnell is yet another not very well educated, entertainment celebrity who is obsessed by her own self importance. Being an actor or actress doesn’t mean that you can’t be well educated and well informed about a particular topic, however such people generally are not the members of the entertainment community who have a great deal to say about various controversial issues.



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Nov 19, 2004
NOTE: Most people (or should I say lunatics...) who defend themselves by brandishing the sacred icon of free speech, have nothing intelligent to say in the first place. :)


New Member
Feb 28, 2007
JustBob said:
NOTE: Most people (or should I say lunatics...) who defend themselves by brandishing the sacred icon of free speech, have nothing intelligent to say in the first place. :)
You're free to say that. :p


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Dec 6, 2005
Elizabeth said:
I like Rosie. She is a strong woman who is not afraid to speak her mind. Here is what she said on her blog :

"9/11 affected me deeply, as I know it did many Americans. The falling of the twin towers served to remind me that many of the assumptions Americans have about their lives are rooted in false feelings of security. ."
Perfectly fine in fact a nice philosophical statement.
Elizabeth said:
I In light of this reminder, I have begun doing exactly what this country, at its best, allows for me to do: inquire. . . into what happened five years ago, an inquiry that resists the dominant explanations and that dares to entertain ideas that push me to the edge of what is bearable. I have come to no conclusions and, given the scope of the subject, will not for some time.
However, that's not really what Ms. O'Donnell is doing. She has indeed stated opinions not just said that she has questions.

Free speech is a wonderful right, however there are several points to be made about this - a right of free speech is not a right to be on television spouting drivel, neither is it a right to make slanderous or libelous remarks.

There is also a responsibility to realize that one is not a polymath (unless one truly is) when a friends physician says they have a cancerous growth on their X and if it is removed as soon as possible they will have a 90 percent chance of a permanent remission, they obtain emergency second and third opinion all saying the same thing. Now Ms. O'Donnell comes along and tells you the physicians are wrong you have something else and all you need to do is drink lots of cranberry juice. . . Does she have the training of the physicians or their experience? Yes Ms. O'Donnell has an opinion, we all have opinions, however on what are those opinions based, work experience, other practical experience, education (formal or through reading) or on mere prejudice and ignorance. Ms. O’Donnell doesn’t think that steel looses structural integrity in high-rise fires with large amounts of petroleum based fuel available. Yet metallurgical and structural (Civil) Engineers do. I believe one would be wise to take the advice of one’s physician in the case of the Cancer patient and of the Engineers as the causes of building collapse. and leave Ms. O’Donnell to acting.


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Jul 18, 2004
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Kepler said:
Many lies have been spread about 9/11. For anyone interested in getting a scientific look at the facts, check out:

Rosie's comments: http://tinyurl.com/yp4mnp

More generally: http://tinyurl.com/yhcdwt

Popular Mechanics is a joke! Its a neocon mass product..and those ARE NOT scientific facts about the events :rolleyes:

For example Pop Mech. said right away the whole building number 7 collapsed becasue of a small crack at the top lol..the very own land lord AND fire dept admitted the detonated it


Virgin User
May 17, 2006
hankypanky said:
For example Pop Mech. said right away the whole building number 7 collapsed becasue of a small crack at the top lol..the very own land lord AND fire dept admitted the detonated it

Did you even read the article? They never said that. Quote:

"[...] National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) [surely all in on the conspiracy] told Popular Mechanics that debris from the 110-floor North Tower hit WTC7 with the force of a volcanic eruption. Nearly a quarter of the building was carved away over the bottom 10 stories on its south face, [...] The unusual design of WTC7 is also crucial to the discussion, in that key columns supported extreme loads—as much as 2000 sq. ft. of floor area for each floor—as the building straddled an electrical substation. [...] Tower 7 housed the city’s emergency command center, so there were a number of fuel tanks located throughout the building—including two 6000-gal. tanks in the basement that fed some generators in the building by pressurized lines [...]

These are facts. And they make more sense than to believe a demolition team secretly wired the building in a few hours, or at night without any janitors or security guards noticing. Unless they're part of the conspiracy too.


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Jul 18, 2004
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Kepler said:
Did you even read the article? They never said that. Quote:

"[...] National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) [surely all in on the conspiracy] told Popular Mechanics that debris from the 110-floor North Tower hit WTC7 with the force of a volcanic eruption. Nearly a quarter of the building was carved away over the bottom 10 stories on its south face, [...] The unusual design of WTC7 is also crucial to the discussion, in that key columns supported extreme loads—as much as 2000 sq. ft. of floor area for each floor—as the building straddled an electrical substation. [...] Tower 7 housed the city’s emergency command center, so there were a number of fuel tanks located throughout the building—including two 6000-gal. tanks in the basement that fed some generators in the building by pressurized lines [...]

These are facts. And they make more sense than to believe a demolition team secretly wired the building in a few hours, or at night without any janitors or security guards noticing. Unless they're part of the conspiracy too.

The fire dept and landlord admitted it?? :rolleyes:


New Member
Dec 6, 2005
hankypanky said:
Popular Mechanics is a joke! Its a neocon mass product..and those ARE NOT scientific facts about the events
Jesus Wept! Are you putting us on are you truly so obsessed by conspiracy theories that if a dog bit you you'd try to tell us it was a Tasmanian Tiger.

I believe it was Mencken that said “no one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American [or Canadian] people.”


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Jul 18, 2004
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Wombat2 said:
Jesus Wept! Are you putting us on are you truly so obsessed by conspiracy theories that if a dog bit you you'd try to tell us it was a Tasmanian Tiger.

I believe it was Mencken that said “no one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American [or Canadian] people.”

LOL..im only stating the facts..and its well known amerika has tried similar events- which again they have ADMITTED (northwood projeect and many many more) :rolleyes:


Virgin User
May 17, 2006
hankypanky said:
northwood project

LOL. Northwoods was rejected by the president and never acted upon.

Geez, Clinton couldn't even keep a blowjob secret. Bush can't even keep secret the level of NSA spying, and that's at least arguably legal.

Your conspiracy calls on the complicity of hundreds of Americans (*) to murder thousands. It would leak before it even got out of the planning stages.

(*) demolition teams, radar operators, USAF pilots, secretaries, janitors, firefighters, police, etc.


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Jul 18, 2004
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Kepler said:
LOL. Northwoods was rejected by the president and never acted upon.

Geez, Clinton couldn't even keep a blowjob secret. Bush can't even keep secret the level of NSA spying, and that's at least arguably legal.

Your conspiracy calls on the complicity of hundreds of Americans (*) to murder thousands. It would leak before it even got out of the planning stages.

(*) demolition teams, radar operators, USAF pilots, secretaries, janitors, firefighters, police, etc.

No shit sherlock, but it was planned..oh and who rejected it?


New Member
Dec 6, 2005
Kepler said:
Geez, Clinton couldn't even keep a blowjob secret. Bush can't even keep secret the level of NSA spying, and that's at least arguably legal.

Your conspiracy calls on the complicity of hundreds of Americans (*) to murder thousands. It would leak before it even got out of the planning stages.
"When three people know a secret - it's no longer a secret."

Paranoia will get you every time, the only two secret's I'm aware of that have every been successfully kept for many years were the breaking of Enigma and the Purple Codes during the Second World War. And that was forr three reasons: 1) everyone privy to the secret knew how absolutely vital it was to winning the War. 2) everyone involved knew that Great Britain and the United States were the "good guys" and that expression was more than a cliché to them. 3) with the coming of the Cold War everyone involved once again knew we were the "good guys" and how important is was to keep our cryptographic knowledge secret.

That's miles away ethically, morally, politically from the U.S. government deciding to murder thousands of it's own citizens and rely on a vast conspiracy of silence. Would none of the people involved have morals? For what end would the United States do this? Just look at the world today. I know it's popular to bad mouth the President - but what on earth kind of person immoral spawn of the Devil to you make him out to be that he would go though with something as you propose. It just plain fails the laughability test.


New Member
Jan 24, 2006
I think the idea of someone covering up 911 is just a conspiracy theory. This idea of something of this magnitude would take many planners and it's simply not possible to keep that many people quite. There are many ways now to expose literally anything being done. Take for the example of the Abu Grab ( spelling?) situation, all it takes is one whistle blower to expose the whole thing. We just have to realize that there are people in the world that hates Americans for what they are and what they have. What's weird is that most Europeans think of americans as prude "conservatives bigots" while most Middle eastern sees americans as godless, moraless country. In the end it's all about the envy. Regarding the civil war it's not possible, the country as a whole is more moderate than they are liberals or conservatives. It just seem that way because those are the people that bitches the loudest. I dont see people picking up arms for Jimmy Swaggart or Jerry Falwell or any envangelical leaders or any relilgious leaders that come to mind. Nor would they fight for any liberal weird causes on a mass scale, most people on either side are extremist they are blinded by their idealogy and can not have the intellectual capacity to listen or debate within reason. Most americans viewed them as fanatical psychos. As passionate they are about their arguements in the end of the day it's what we all expected when you inbred.
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