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Selling sex is a choice

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Selling sex is a choice

Criminalising men who use prostitutes won't help women find another means of earning a wage

Diane Taylor
Tuesday September 11, 2007
The Guardian

There is a beautifully simple logic behind the proposals said to be under consideration by the government to criminalise men who pay for sex - apply the laws of supply and demand. If the demand is wiped out by tough laws, the supply will wither on the vine.

The argument continues that women involved in prostitution are victims of coercion by evil pimps or in the grip of addiction to class A drugs. They know not what they do and are in urgent need of rescue. It is not fair to punish them with Asbos, soliciting convictions and the like, when it is men who are to blame for their miserable predicament.

One problem with this argument is that it oversimplifies a highly complex area in which women have a huge range of different experiences.

Only a small percentage of women involved in prostitution work on the streets. Most of this group have chaotic heroin and crack habits and are working primarily to support them. The majority of sex workers are based off the streets, in flats or saunas or as escorts. Generally they are not addicted to drugs. In some parts of the UK, up to 80% of the women working indoors are from other countries, but only a minority of them are trafficked. According to Lithuanian anti-trafficking police, even trafficked women often know that they are coming to the UK to work in the sex industry. They make the decision to come because they are living in poverty. What they do not know is that once they arrive they will be subjected to enormous cruelty by their traffickers and deprived of their liberty and earnings.

Ideologically unpalatable though it may be to some, the majority of women involved in prostitution have made a choice to sell sex, because they see no alternative way of earning what can sometimes be substantial sums of money. Undocumented migrants in particular have few options available to earn money. The twilight world of prostitution in a rich western country is one. Their goal is to lift themselves and their families out of poverty, and they see this as one of the few ways they can do it.

A key issue for the government to consider if it does go down the road of criminalising men who pay for sex is that it does not appear to work. Such a law was introduced in Sweden eight years ago, but research has shown that instead of wiping out street prostitution, it has simply become more hidden, placing the women involved in it at greater risk of violence from punters. The most socially marginalised women who work on the streets have suffered most. Meanwhile, sex for sale on the internet has increased.

The proposal to criminalise men who pay for sex was mooted in the government's prostitution strategy launched in January 2006, but until now we have heard little about it - perhaps because some in government have misgivings. If the government is serious about reducing the number of women involved in prostitution, it needs to come up with sustainable initiatives to offer training and realistic employment to women who have few income-generation choices available, to provide rehabilitative counselling and support to women who are emotionally damaged and addicted to drugs and alcohol, and to release street-based women from the yoke of soliciting convictions so they can apply for jobs outside prostitution.

None of these solutions is as cheap and easy as uttering a few soundbites about punishing men who buy sex and adding an extra clause to the criminal justice bill. But until women are given real choices in their lives, no amount of draconian legislation will change the current landscape of prostitution.

· Diane Taylor is co-author with Rhea Coombs of My Name Is Angel: And This Is My Story, the memoir of a woman involved in drugs and street prostitution.

[email protected]
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General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
General Gonad said:
Ideologically unpalatable though it may be to some, the majority of women involved in prostitution have made a choice to sell sex, because they see no alternative way of earning what can sometimes be substantial sums of money. Undocumented migrants in particular have few options available to earn money. The twilight world of prostitution in a rich western country is one. Their goal is to lift themselves and their families out of poverty, and they see this as one of the few ways they can do it.

I tend to agree with this statement. There are few alternatives that can bring the huge sums that come with escorting in a relatively short period of time. What the author fails to explore in this article is whether the price you pay on a personal level is worth the money you make. That is a more complex issue.



Oct 16, 2004
6' under
General Gonad said:
What the author fails to explore in this article is whether the price you pay on a personal level is worth the money you make. That is a more complex issue.
then the issue becomes: since prostitution will psychologically damage you in the long run, we are making it illegal.

is this something the "law" should be controlling?

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
johnmbot said:
then the issue becomes: since prostitution will psychologically damage you in the long run, we are making it illegal.

is this something the "law" should be controlling?

No, but without an honest discussion of the effects of prostitution on the SP as an individual, we cannot really assess the supposedly ''benign'' choice these ladies are making. BTW, I can say the exact same thing about most hobbyists.;)



Oct 11, 2005
How long is it going to take before people realize that almost all women are prostitutes? Marriage is nothing more than a “man paying for sex”, unless you met your soul mate through :rolleyes: And like marriage is free from psychological damage and abuse. Legalize it now!

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
beautydigger said:
How long is it going to take before people realize that almost all women are prostitutes? Marriage is nothing more than a “man paying for sex”, unless you met your soul mate through :rolleyes: And like marriage is free from psychological damage and abuse. Legalize it now!

With those views, do not bother getting married.:rolleyes:


J. Peterman

New Member
Feb 26, 2004
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Bob Dylan : '' You have to serve someone '' .

There are many jobs out there that are very unpleasant and humiliating. For example, washing out toilets. If a person is comfortable with the endeavor and it is a choice made with their free will, then more pover to them.


Oct 11, 2005
JacknJill said:
Are you a simone de Beauvoir's fan?It is exactly her words from Le deuxième sexe.BTw, she was claiming the women should have the right to be soldiers like men to reach equality.. ;)
Sorry GG, to be out of topic.Nice topic, yours.
I think you know that I am probably the most anti-feminist member here.:D I think that war proves that gender equality is just not possible. What does your username imply?
Sorry GG, to be out of topic.Nice topic, yours.


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
Roxy, prostitution is 100% legal in Canada!! You can even legally earn a living out of it, as long as it`s your own ``work``, for your own purposes, not a ``pimp boyfriend`` living off your gains. And filing income tax in Canada with ``companion`` as a profession won`t send anybody to jail. Those who don`t file either simply don`t want to or don`t know there`s no problems declaring their real occupation.

J.Peterman, there`s no humiliating job on this hearth, there`s only the peoples who likes to humiliate those doing jobs they don`t see as noble.
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General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Do prostitutes have to claim their income at the end of the year?

I got a kick out of reading some of the comments:

I like what Food Dude wrote: "Yes, but they can write it all off as charitable work.":D

All joking aside, it must be easy to register a company and say you're a masseusse working from home and deduct your expenses, including some of the rent. The thing is why would you bother declaring income at all.:confused:



Jul 9, 2004
Visit site
i think roxanne said it well...just imagine if u were a man.....have u ever heard of male escorts....not really. why is it that so many girls escort in montreal....i mean there just aren't as many girls in nyc and it is a much bigger city....even in toronoto and vancouver there are less and prices are much higher. what's up with this? is it the french thing?
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General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
robertpal said:
why is it that so many girls escort in montreal....i mean there just aren't as many girls in nyc and it is a much bigger city....even in toronoto and vancouver there are less and prices are much higher. what's up with this? is it the french thing?

What are you babbling about?:rolleyes: Are there more SPs per capita in Montreal? Probably since this is a relatively poorer city but it has nothing to do with the French thing.:rolleyes:


General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
robertpal said:
it's not poorer than ottawa or vancouver is it?

Of course it is - much poorer!



Jul 9, 2004
Visit site
dude it's easier to get an escort 18/19 than in eastern europe in's so weird...and i am sure those cities are poorer. seriously if i had not planned ahead in moscow with those is pretty hard getting a girl from an agency.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
robertpal...what are you trying to say? That you went to Moscow and lived out your bbfs fantasy? Maybe I should tell you about my trip to the moon!:rolleyes:

Originally posted by beautydigger: I think you know that I am probably the most anti-feminist member here

Don't you mean anti-female? You are one of the very few posters on the boards that seems to have absolutely no respect for women at all.

How long is it going to take before people realize that almost all women are prostitutes? Marriage is nothing more than a “man paying for sex”, unless you met your soul mate through :rolleyes: And like marriage is free from psychological damage and abuse. Legalize it now

What do you buy your mother for mother's certificates for the Chablis? You seem to have some real issues where women are concerned.

Back to the topic:

Originally Posted by General Gonad
Ideologically unpalatable though it may be to some, the majority of women involved in prostitution have made a choice to sell sex, because they see no alternative way of earning what can sometimes be substantial sums of money. Undocumented migrants in particular have few options available to earn money. The twilight world of prostitution in a rich western country is one. Their goal is to lift themselves and their families out of poverty, and they see this as one of the few ways they can do it.

I don't agree that a woman who really sees no other way to survive can be said to have made a choice to sell sex. To me a choice is when there are two or more viable alternatives. When the choice is between selling your body to survive and not surviving, I don't see it as much of a choice. If the choice is between selling your body and working at a low paying job, the overwhelming majority of women choose the low paying job. Maybe the majority of escorts have chosen their profession, but I doubt that the same could be said for those who walk the streets and make up the majority of women who work in prostitution.



It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.

Very well put, on all counts.


Oct 11, 2005
Techman said:
Don't you mean anti-female? You are one of the very few posters on the boards that seems to have absolutely no respect for women at all.
Some where I have heard that any man who engages in sex with a prostitute has no respect for women. Hmmm…..not up on your feminist teachings. And I thought you were the voice of reason not hypocrisy.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
beautydigger said:
Some where I have heard that any man who engages in sex with a prostitute has no respect for women. Hmmm…..not up on your feminist teachings. And I thought you were the voice of reason not hypocrisy.

I don't know where you heard that but it sure as hell wasn't from me! And when did I ever claim to be a supporter of feminism? As far as I'm concerned, women should be happy to be women and not try to be men. And men should treat women with respect and appreciation for the many things they bring to our lives, sexual and not.

robertpal said:
i did not bbfs.

Ok, then did you spit or swallow?:cool: :p

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