Daringly said:Sorry don't buy it. All kinds of people stay in jobs that they don't like for years and there are many sp's that do the same thing. It is called survival.
Yeah, you work on an assembly line, or in a factory, you hate your work but hey it pays the rent. The boss doesn't care if you are happy as long as you get the job done.\
Prostitutes who hate their work will rob clients, give poor service and develop a bad reputation which means less people will go see them (word gets around) and no repeat business. They burn out quickly.
I know many street workers who are expert pick pockets because of this. (Ask Oliver Kloseoff, I am sure he can back me on this point). The ones who hate it, yet do not have other options (such as addicts) will do what they have to do to survive but personally I always considered them addicts more than sex workers.
This is a tough job and not everybody is cut out for it. Why do you think so many stay for such a short ammount of time? How many can you think of who quit after months? No body gets into this business because they perceive many other choices. They stay bacause after the immediate cause is taken care of, some realise that for them their are other benefits.