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SEX poll for Service Providers!


New Member
Nov 9, 2003
Daringly said:
Sorry don't buy it. All kinds of people stay in jobs that they don't like for years and there are many sp's that do the same thing. It is called survival.

Yeah, you work on an assembly line, or in a factory, you hate your work but hey it pays the rent. The boss doesn't care if you are happy as long as you get the job done.\

Prostitutes who hate their work will rob clients, give poor service and develop a bad reputation which means less people will go see them (word gets around) and no repeat business. They burn out quickly.

I know many street workers who are expert pick pockets because of this. (Ask Oliver Kloseoff, I am sure he can back me on this point). The ones who hate it, yet do not have other options (such as addicts) will do what they have to do to survive but personally I always considered them addicts more than sex workers.

This is a tough job and not everybody is cut out for it. Why do you think so many stay for such a short ammount of time? How many can you think of who quit after months? No body gets into this business because they perceive many other choices. They stay bacause after the immediate cause is taken care of, some realise that for them their are other benefits.



New Member
Jan 9, 2006
Daringly said:
Sorry don't buy it. All kinds of people stay in jobs that they don't like for years and there are many sp's that do the same thing. It is called survival.

I am sure that there are some ladies who SP but hate it. However, despite all the threads and polls trying to count up how much a lady makes working as an SP, the fact is that there are indeed alot of other jobs that pay as much or close to, what SPing pays (not per hour, but overall) that doesn't involve sucking cocks or fucking clients.

Right now, I am back to bartending, and I am shocked at how much money I can make a night... most weekday nights I would make with an agency who booked me 3 calls a night and on the weekends I make almost double that - the difference is SPing I made it in about 3 hours - bartending it takes me 8 hours.

My point is... if a lady is doing this JUST for the money and ONLY for the money, there are quite a few other options where you could make equal to, or better money.

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New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Very True

Just-ass-weet said:
I am sure that there are some ladies who SP but hate it. However, despite all the threads and polls trying to count up how much a lady makes working as an SP, the fact is that there are indeed alot of other jobs that pay as much or close to, what SPing pays (not per hour, but overall) that doesn't involve sucking cocks or fucking clients.

Right now, I am back to bartending, and I am shocked at how much money I can make a night... most weekday nights I would make with an agency who booked me 3 calls a night and on the weekends I make almost double that - the difference is SPing I made it in about 3 hours - bartending it takes me 8 hours.

My point is... if a lady is doing this JUST for the money and ONLY for the money, there are quite a few other options where you could make equal to, or better money.



Very true.Simply a question of motivation - developing the skills and finding the jobs.


New Member
Jan 9, 2006
Oh shoot... I forgot - you already know everything there is to know about who is an SP... their motivations, their addictions and even their future. :rolleyes:

Next time a question for SPs comes up, we'll just let you answer, since you know it all...


Daringly said:
The jobs that pay $240 to $300 cash per day are hard to come by. If you are in most jobs to take that home you would have to gross $350 to $400 per day most difficult to find for the vast majority of people wether you work 3 or 8 hrs per day. You can sugarcoat this any way you want and make it sound like the money is easily replaced, the truth is it isn't and there is no doubt in my mind that well over 90% of sp's never make this type of money again once they retire or even come close.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams

Just-ass-weet said:
Oh shoot... I forgot - you already know everything there is to know about who is an SP... their motivations, their addictions and even their future. :rolleyes:

Next time a question for SPs comes up, we'll just let you answer, since you know it all...

Hello Anik,

Testy hmmmm. Well Daringly, how many jobs you might refer to require "exposing" ( no pun intended) so much of your inner self to total strangers mentally and physically? Comparing SPing to any other job is invalid. Being an SP is just too unique since it touches so much of a person like no other job I can currently think of. Having sex with multiple strangers in one night is unlike anything any sort of worker, manager, skilled professional or whatever. So there is no way to make a fair comparison between wages outside this business and SP donation rates. I really think we need to stay within the unique bounds of SPing to make most relevant observations and be fair about assessing this "job".


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Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Daringly said:

I agree with you that you can't compare sp'ing with other jobs. These ladies deserve every penny they make. As you know i see many indies and i don't complain about their rates.

However no one needs to suggest that you can just stop sp'ing and with no problem at all you will find employment that pays the same. That is not the case for the majority of ex sp's or the general population as a whole.
Jobs that pay $300 to $400 per day are the exception not the rule. To think otherwise would lead me to believe that person may be delusional.

Hello Daringly,

I have to agree that earning $1500-2000 per week is pretty uncommon. If it was making 100,000 a year I would be in SP heaven pretty often. I also don't think most SPs can get those jobs, either because of a lack of education, job competition, or availability.

But the idea that an SP is doing it just for the money is probably too general. A number of SPs I have known love the "excitement", and some of the more successful ones who may eventually become successful independents might even find it a good career choice once they can become more selctive about who they difficult as that seems to us. My point is, you cannot discount how individual SPs feel about the situation just because of the more common conditions and experiences or what you may believe about the business.

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