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Shooting at Dawson College


Active Member
Mar 27, 2006
I Agree

I Agree With Thoughts And Prayers Are With The Killers Family As Well.the Shame And Embarassment That They Will Have To Deal With for The Rest Of There Lives.the Questions They Will Be Asked For The Rest Of There Lives.i Am Aware That In The Indian Culture Just Like Any Other Culture When Someone Does Something Wrong The Whole Community Looks Down On A Child When I Was Growing Up I Dealt With The Same Type Of Bullying And Shit That He Dealt With.i Know How It Feels When You Are Left Out And Picked On.this Should Be A Lesson To Us(society) The Words We Say To Each Other,the Things That We Do To Each Other Play A Very Important Role In Our Lives.instead Of Pointing Out Our Differences We Should Point Out Our Doing So I Believe The World Would Be A Better Place.we Should Learn To Forgive And Forget But We Don't Forgive Or Forget.



Jun 21, 2006
Juliana sound like a sensitive provider.

Been an outsider can be very very painful at times, because we expericence social/cultural loneliness and sometimes communication loneliness ( when we dont speak the languages ) and no one speak with you if you have a thick accent. Been around people is a basic physical and essential need, and if are alone a lot, it hurts to be alone. I remember people not wanting to talk with me because of my accent. But fortunately I am a girl therefore I was not socialised to go around shooting neither hurting people. After my University experience where my accent was not as strong I notice people became much nicer to me, I read that as a classe prejugment. That means what? when I had a ''weird accent'' I was not good enough ?

Imagem what is like to look Arabe in a world where the image of the arabe descendent people have been painted in a very negative view point by the media lately ? How can people go on being so mistreated ?

Quebec has a very high suicide rate among males, this is to me beyond weird.

Are the male population in Quebec hurting so much that they have to contemplate dying ?

What would make someone become so alianated from humanity that they would coldly contemplate hurting people ? Are some of us hurting people around us that badly ?

Kenverr Gill complaneid of bullying and did not had many friends, I guess this is a clue but not sufficiente reason to do what he did.

I think Video games and Moves with more violence than dialogue can be dangerous because it devalue humain life, specially for people who grow up with parents that do not have time to teach their kids the difference between right and wrong.

Also the internet make people more socially isolated from others because it gives us all the illusion of ''community'', when in fact it is not a community but an eletronic highway board messages.

Good points Juliana.


New Member
Feb 11, 2005
I see what do you mean !

I Agree With Thoughts And Prayers Are With The Killers Family As Well.the Shame And Embarassment That They Will Have To Deal With for The Rest Of There Lives.the Questions They Will Be Asked For The Rest Of There Lives.i Am Aware That In The Indian Culture Just Like Any Other Culture When Someone Does Something Wrong The Whole Community Looks Down On A Child When I Was Growing Up I Dealt With The Same Type Of Bullying And Shit That He Dealt With.i Know How It Feels When You Are Left Out And Picked On.this Should Be A Lesson To Us(society) The Words We Say To Each Other,the Things That We Do To Each Other Play A Very Important Role In Our Lives.instead Of Pointing Out Our Differences We Should Point Out Our Doing So I Believe The World Would Be A Better Place.we Should Learn To Forgive And Forget But We Don't Forgive Or Forget.

Hi TheHITMAN, I completely understand how been rejected and bullied and made fun of can traumatize someone forever. Kids and teenagers can be soooooooo mean. I wonder where they learn to hate so much ?
I love when you said: ''Instead of pointing out our differences, we should point out our similarities.
You are right the world would be a better place, if also we saw our differences as enriching rather then a reason to desagree or devalue one another.
Corleone what does positive discrimination means ?
Whatever it is I think it is time for everyone to stand up against bullying, againts loneliness. Why should anyone be in front of a computer screan, on a sartuday night, when we could all bring food and drinks to a friends house, and be together, and eat/drink and share bread, and eliminate social loneliness in the process. That is what I did when I felt lonely, I cooked and invited some friends over, till I meet people who would also do the same, ( invite me ) then eventually, my weekends became filled with dinners parties.

I hope kids and teenagers and adults from all schools/work places will now, stand up and say no to bullying, and be friend the kids and the teenagers or adults, who are been harassed and rejected and made fun of, enough is enough.
Heinekaze Thank you for your kindness.
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