Montreal Escorts

Shooting at Dawson College


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
Latest, from Police Chief conference,

2 dead: shooter and 1 girl, 20 injured including 5 critical.

My usual hotel is 1-2 block from there! I left the area around 12:30 to see a customer. I was debating going to the Nickel's restaurant in "Place Alexi Nihon" for lunch, just before I left. I often take a walk in that area to watch the cuties walking around... Sad, Maybe one of the girls I found cute might be the one who got killed... :(


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
It seems that the student that died was an 18 year old girl. My condolences to her family and to all those who were personally affected by this tragedy today.

On a side note: I hate people who try to cash in on a tragedy like this. One person in particular has been on every radio show, tv news broadcast and I saw him on the CBC National news tonight as well telling his story. This guy is clearly trying for a career in broadcasting and I think he's really pushing things.

Michel Boyer, a student at the college, told CTV Newsnet he saw the gunman in a hallway leading to the cafeteria.

Everyone else is home or with friends trying to make sense of what happened but this guy just loves the attention. If I hear him say "let me paint a picture for you" one more time I'll scream.
Maybe it's not his fault, maybe the news crews are seeking him out, maybe it's his way of dealing with things, but enough of him already. Please.


Living Large
Nov 30, 2003
Visit site
Techman said:
It seems that the student that died was an 18 year old girl. My condolences to her family and to all those who were personally affected by this tragedy today.

On a side note: I hate people who try to cash in on a tragedy like this. One person in particular has been on every radio show, tv news broadcast and I saw him on the CBC National news tonight as well telling his story. This guy is clearly trying for a career in broadcasting and I think he's really pushing things.

Everyone else is home or with friends trying to make sense of what happened but this guy just loves the attention. If I hear him say "let me paint a picture for you" one more time I'll scream.
Maybe it's not his fault, maybe the news crews are seeking him out, maybe it's his way of dealing with things, but enough of him already. Please.

It seems like he is going through some wierd shock, he is just too calm and earlier today he had a assault rifle in his face and watched people get slaughtered... I dunno, I think he is in a state of mind now that he is not too sure how to react. Wierd, but I guess we will see.


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
Fast action

Lucky, there was 2 cops nearby responding to a different affair. When they noticed the panick, they checked-it out and ended up face to face with the shooter. They were able to contain him so he could not wander around anymore.
One witness said the shooter was firing in the air and didn't start shooting peoples until he saw the cops. Maybe he was looking for somebody specific and, being cornered, he decided what the heck... The cops did what they had to when they cornered him. Who know what he was really going to do? If he had time to reach wherever he wanted to go, maybe the carnage would have been worst? Maybe nothing would have happened? Can't take such gamble...

The SQ is currently executing a search warrant in Montreal suburbs, at the house of the shooter. He was a 25yo canadian-born. They said he was carrying 3 different guns and they found lots of ammos in his car, parked nearby.

The Snark

Feb 24, 2005
Techman said:
One person in particular has been on every radio show, tv news broadcast and I saw him on the CBC National news tonight as well telling his story. This guy is clearly trying for a career in broadcasting and I think he's really pushing things.

Everyone else is home or with friends trying to make sense of what happened but this guy just loves the attention. If I hear him say "let me paint a picture for you" one more time I'll scream.
Maybe it's not his fault, maybe the news crews are seeking him out, maybe it's his way of dealing with things, but enough of him already. Please.
My guess is that it's more a matter of reporters seeking the guy out because he's well spoken. How many 19-year-olds do you know who can talk for two minutes without sprinkling every sentence with "like" and "kinda"? This guy is articulate and described the scene very vividly--if I were a reporter, I'd latch on to him as well.

Anyway, I'm heartbroken about the whole incident. Unfortunately, one of the strengths of a place like Dawson--its willingness to open its doors to a wide variety of people--has proven to be a weakness.


Mar 26, 2005
Coast to Coast!
metoo4 said:
The SQ is currently executing a search warrant in Montreal suburbs, at the house of the shooter. He was a 25yo canadian-born. They said he was carrying 3 different guns and they found lots of ammos in his car, parked nearby.

It is in Laval.


Wine, women, & song ...
Jul 6, 2004
Banlieues de Métropolis
The news of this tragedy made it all the way down to the NY Metropolitan area, where I live. I am deeply saddened by this also, and my heart goes out to the victims and their families.



The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
It turns out that the guy that I found annoying is employed by the promotions dept of CTV news. That's probably why he is so concise in his descriptions, he must spend lots of time around journalists.

It seems that the shooter was a goth and a member of a site called Vampirefreaks. I tried to find his user profile but I had no luck. It seems his blog had numerous photos of him with weapons.

I'd like to congratulate the police for their quick action and everyone in Montreal who has stepped up to help those in need. This is a good city with good people.


Jul 12, 2006
La Presse newpaper is stating that the shooter is of Sri Lankan origin.I have friends that go to that college and they told me the man is of white origin.Stupid media can't get there facts straight
They were both kinda right, he's of East-Indian descent, but going by the pics he can pass for white also

Jan 27, 2006
I saw this news online yesterday. :mad: It is very sad to see and I must say that my thoughts are with the victims and their families. There is just no excuse for taking out your anger about your crappy life, no matter how crappy, by hurting other people who have nothing to do with it. If your life sucks do something positive about it, don't hate others because they are percieved to have it better than you do. Life sucks and sometimes you get the short end of the stick, but deal with it and move on. At least to freak responsible is now dead and can't hurt anymore people.

From the pictures I am seeing online, it looks like the guy had a Highpoint 995 or Barreta CX-4 Storm carbine. Nasty little guns, but unfortunately quite effective for shooting unarmed people.



Jul 12, 2006
Btyger, I agree with most of what you say but

You cant make people like you
You cant make people accept you into their clique
You cant make people stop disliking you


He (the shooter) has to find his own happiness in life, he cant expect the government or society in general to spoonfeed him through life


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
From cjad in case anyone is interested.

If you would like to send a message of condolence and your thoughts to the students, family members and staff of those impacted you can send an email to: [email protected]



New Member
Feb 11, 2005
Some of my ideas on this.

There are many of us on this board, myself included who lash out with anger (those who've read my posts atacking Montreal in the past knows what I'm talking about). Many here do it by starting flaming wars, attacking others on the board, expresiing negative comments towards others and how do we react? We attack them back creating more of the anger and hatetred they already have. In essance we are creating our own monsters. I'm not saying don't defend yourself when attacked personally, but we need to try and understand these people. When we see posts expressing hatetred towards a city, a province, a group of people based on language race, religion, etc how about asking them why they feel that way, try understanding them instead of attacking them. There's plenty of hurt emotions and experiances behind those expressing these statements.

Big Daddy Cool
I love reading your post because it is essential the point you made about loneliness and unecessarily hurting and attacking and bullying people. As you said when we mistreat people, ''we are creating Monsters''.

I can see how someone would just snap/lose it and began hurting everyone around them.

Been an outsider can be very very painful at times, because we expericence social/cultural loneliness and sometimes communication loneliness ( when we dont speak the languages ) and no one speak with you if you have a thick accent. Been around people is a basic physical and essential need, and if are alone a lot, it hurts to be alone. I remember people not wanting to talk with me because of my accent. But fortunately I am a girl therefore I was not socialised to go around shooting neither hurting people. After my University experience where my accent was not as strong I notice people became much nicer to me, I read that as a classe prejugment. That means what? when I had a ''weird accent'' I was not good enough ?

Imagem what is like to look Arabe in a world where the image of the arabe descendent people have been painted in a very negative view point by the media lately ? How can people go on being so mistreated ?

Quebec has a very high suicide rate among males, this is to me beyond weird.

Are the male population in Quebec hurting so much that they have to contemplate dying ?

What would make someone become so alianated from humanity that they would coldly contemplate hurting people ? Are some of us hurting people around us that badly ?

Kenverr Gill complaneid of bullying and did not had many friends, I guess this is a clue but not sufficiente reason to do what he did.

I think Video games and Moves with more violence than dialogue can be dangerous because it devalue humain life, specially for people who grow up with parents that do not have time to teach their kids the difference between right and wrong.

Also the internet make people more socially isolated from others because it gives us all the illusion of ''community'', when in fact it is not a community but an eletronic highway board messages.

I have taken courses at Dawson College and it is because I know this is a peacefull crowd of students, my first thought when I heard about this tragedy was desbilief. But the look in the face of the students told me, no this is serious.
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Jul 12, 2006
Anywho, my condolences go out to all the families that were affected today and will be affected for the next few weeks.

I sincerely wish you better times!


Jul 12, 2006
Dee said:
Huh? Welcome to planet earth!

Everyone is comparing the 2 incidents... random, senseless shooting, school, Montreal...

Are you sure IT happened today?

You are a lucky person... everything, everyday will be brand new to you, nothing will be obvious....
I had a little brainfart and forgot Lapine was the guy in th 1989 shooting


New Member
Jul 28, 2005
Caught sight of him during my visit to Montreal

After I heard about this tragic incident, I vaguely recall seeing a person who fit his description when I was there in Montreal back in June. For a while I didn't think it was him that I saw, but after thinking about it over time, I now believe it was him.

June 16, a friday evening around 7-ish, I was walking down Sherbrook to see the Stadium Olympique. It was a longer than usual walk for me taking several hours. I was on the south side walking north-east. On the other side of the road, the north side, was a man also walking north-east.

What made me remember him was the fact that he was dressed like a Matrix character, all in black leather clothes which was odd considering it was a very warm evening. He had a Mohawk hair style and stood very tall. He was pushing in front of him a squeeky cart and he would occasionally let out an insanely loud shreik. I thought he was either insane or very angry for the predicament he found himself in.

I eventually out paced him and forgot about the incident until the news broke out.
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Board Stiff

Feb 9, 2005
I went to Dawson today, walked right in to the cafeteria, and started talking to some people and signing the memorial posters. Everyone was calm, hanging out exactly where Anastasia was shot, acting normally, besides all the hugging hello. A graduate pointed out the sequence of events, from where he was when he shot her to where her body lay. Extremely surreal, but the location of the cafeteria right in the front of the building makes it a prime target. Many, many more students could have been killed.
Toronto Escorts