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Should I convert my US dollars today?


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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johnthomas said:
I normally get the best exchange rates when I take $ out of the ATM machine.

And are those ATM machines dispensing $20 or $100 bills? Because I want hundreds. If I see a lady for 2 hours I want to hand her 3 $100 bills and a $20 so that we have a crisp, clean transaction. Neither one of us wants to be fumbling around and having to count 16 $20 bills. And if it is a longer date or HDH it is gonna be worse.

I want to know if these Canadian ATM machines are dispensing $100 bills.


clown of many colors
Nov 14, 2004
EagerBeaver said:
And are those ATM machines dispensing $20 or $100 bills? Because I want hundreds. If I see a lady for 2 hours I want to hand her 3 $100 bills and a $20 so that we have a crisp, clean transaction. Neither one of us wants to be fumbling around and having to count 16 $20 bills. And if it is a longer date or HDH it is gonna be worse.

I want to know if these Canadian ATM machines are dispensing $100 bills.

Not the ATMs I tried last week. They all just loved to give me $20 bills.


New Member
Oct 18, 2006
$100 bills

EB, most ATM's seem to give out $20 bills. However, on my last trip to Montreal I used the ATM at the Royal Bank on the corner St Catherine & Stanley. It gave me $50 bills, but not $100's.


Active Member
Mar 28, 2005
Most ATMs that I've used in Montreal will give out 20's and 50's. I don't remember receiving a 100. Generally when I make a large withdrawal, I will go inside the bank where I can specify the denominations that I'm looking for.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I don't remember any ATM in my entire life ever handing out $100 bills. Some may hand out $50 bills, but not many. Sps actually hate receiving $100 bills since it harder for them to break it when she has to pay her pimp & driver's portion of the fee she received from the client. I usally either pay the girls with $20's & sometimes $50's. Rarely $100's for the reasons i mentionned.


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
IMHO, some peoples will definetly disagree, somebody who's flashing $100 bills is only doing so to... flash... Show how important they are and how rich they are... Again, this is personal opinion and an opinion is like an asshole, everybody's got one.

Come on guys, isn't it just the power trip of having those $100 bills that make the difference? Hey! I even met peoples who were making a must of always having $100 bills on them, just to show they could have them, even if their bank account was closer to $0 than to $10,000.

Then why carry $100 bills if not to show-off? The only reason left I can see, since most legal stuff worth paying with $100 bills can be paid with plastic, is the person carrying $100 bills who claim not doing it to flash is either lying to me or to herself or, that person is dealing in some illegal business. Who would want to be suspected of doing illegal stuff? It's either this or flashing and either way, IMHO, this is bringing unwanted attention on myself so I don't see why I'd do it and I won't pay somebody with $50 or $100 because I don't want them to be seen like that either.

SPing is almost the only time I'll ever spend over $100 and do so with a person who doesn't accept either debit or credit cards. Why bother with getting $100 bills? $400 is still $400, no matter if it's in $20 or $100! Yes, there are times doing business legally between peoples where cash is a good idea but this is minimal.

Personally, I hate $100 bills. I'm not fond of $50 either. Why? Harder to get them circulating is one reason: find me any clerks in a convenience store who appreciate somebody buying a pack of gum with a $50 or $100...


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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It amazes me that anyone can possibly surmise that someone using $100 bills would be to flash them rather than for purposes of simple economic efficiency of carrying less bills and knowing how much money you have in 3 seconds rather than 2 minutes.

When I am in Montreal, I am doing either 2, 3 or sometimes 4 hour dates, sometimes HDH and almost never 1 hour. So do the math:

$320 = 3 hundreds and one 20, or 16 $20s
$480 = 4 hundreds and 4 20s, or 24 $20s
$550 = 5 hundreds and a fifty, or 25 $20s and 5 $10s

It is ridiculous to be foisting that number of small bills on an SP, for simple counting purposes if for no other reason. Presumably, at the end of the evening the SP will have plenty of $20s from other clients to settle with the driver and agency owner. In my case, I have always believed that if I am paying with less bills it makes it easier for her at the end of the evening since she will also be getting small bills. I have seen SPs with large stacks of bills and if all they had was $20 bills, adding up to $1000, the counting process would be kind of hard.

Ask anyone who is doing multi hour or HDH dates and they are probably paying in larger denominations simply to avoid the counting hassle and also to easily keep track of how much money you have on you at any given time. It's much easier to do with bigger bills.
Last edited:

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
metoo4 said:
IMHO, some peoples will definetly disagree, somebody who's flashing $100 bills is only doing so to... flash... Show how important they are and how rich they are... Again, this is personal opinion and an opinion is like an asshole, everybody's got one.

Come on guys, isn't it just the power trip of having those $100 bills that make the difference? Hey! I even met peoples who were making a must of always having $100 bills on them, just to show they could have them, even if their bank account was closer to $0 than to $10,000.

Funny you mention this. It has occurred to me several times that i'd be perceived as being an arrogant s.o.b if i paid with $100 bills, so i'd go downtairs to the gift shop & buy something in order to break that $100. I figured i may be out-thinking myself or being a tad paranoid, so i'm glad to see someone else is thinking the same thing i did. :D

Anyways, as i mentionned the 'main' reason why i prefer not to pay with $100 bills is because i don't want the sp to be stuck with such bills & not being able to break them when giving her pimp & driver their cut of her earnings. EB raises a good point about an sp having a large stack of $20's from her previous clients, but unlike EB who often sees sps well into their evening, i usually insist on being the first client of an sp's shift. In rare times, i'll accept being #2. So if i'm either #1 or #2, i doubt the sp will be carrying any $10's & $20's prior to seeing me.
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