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Sleeping behind the wheel!!!did it happen to you...trick anyone??


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Jul 16, 2004
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I think Mercedes has one that looks at how often you blink, even the new Nissan Altima has one form of it. Some have an audible warning or vibrate the steering wheel if it detects you falling asleep.

i heard about it...sounds really good..


New Member
Jan 21, 2012
West Island
Having driven Montreal - Halifax non stop, (except for gas and a meal break ) a 15 hour drive, I can tell you that the 5 hour energy drinks work well for me. Red bull is fine also, except with Red Bull I need to stop more frequently for rest room breaks.


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Jan 28, 2004
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This happened to me one time. I was on my way home and taking the 640 which runs north of Laval east too west. It was about 2am and yes I had been out for a business dinner, a little too much to eat and a little too much to drink. It was late November and I was tired. All of a sudden I open my eyes and I am about to go off the road, thankfully to the ditch side and not across the very wide medium towards oncoming traffic. I managed to keep the car on the pavement and with my heart beating out of my chest pulled over to the side of the road and got out. It was perhaps 3 celsius and damned cold but I walked about a 1/4 km up the road and back to my car. I got in and actually sat slapping myself in the face and drove the remainder of the way home with all of my windows open freezing my ass off. That was the only time I ever had a close call and to this day I will NEVER take a chance of driving when I am tired


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Jan 28, 2004
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I just thought of something ;) I was coming back from Quebec city one time and it was early evening when I stopped for gas just before I got out of the city and was about to get on the 40. A girl at the gas station came up to me and asked if I was going to Montreal, I told her yes. She then asked if I would give her a lift, anywhere would be ok as long as it was close to Montreal. I agreed and off we went. we chatted and I was glad to have the company. Then without a word she leans over and unzips my pants and pulls out my cock and proceeds to give me an amazing BBBJ and swallows my load. When I came I was doing about 90 as my foot went down on the gas pedal lol and when she finished she sits up and keeps chatting with me like nothing happened. Turns out she was headed to Laval and I decided to take the 640 at Repentigny then go back south to drop her off and when we got on the 640 she gives me a repeat performance. When I got to her place and dropped her off she invited me in and I spent the next 6 hours fucking her at her place. I ended up spending 6 years with this amazing woman but as memory has it, even driving back from Qc, a boring drive at best I didn't come close to falling asleep that night. Perhaps this is the trick, have someone in your car to service you to keep you awake ;)


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Hi all
Has anyone thought about this, driving with reduced faculties is illegal either its for alcohol,drugs or sleepy at the wheel!
Be safe do not drive in those conditions the risk is high you might injure yourself and others or worst !!!!
The safest thing to do stop the car, find a safe place(truck stop) to sleep a good "siesta" the real meaning of it not hobbying one!!!!! LOL
Refresh yourself in truck stops bathroom a safe drive everyone !!!!
Regards all


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
Cold air will make you relaxed, no ?

To me A/C will put me to sleep

Best Regards



Dec 2, 2008


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Jul 16, 2004
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pull over and take a nap. Fool!

You should read the thread before commenting bad me i Think i gonna stop before i say something and get ban GARANTY!!!!...grrrrr :mad:


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
This section of the NJ turnpike is where the lanes seperate into the car and truck lanes

People always wait til the last minute to make their decision

Best Regards


Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I had the same problem until a few years ago. I noticed that i'd feel like dozing off after eating something. I'd driven tired in the past (less than 5-6 hours of sleep), but it wouldn't cause me to doze off. Eating would usually do the trick.

I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes over 4-5 years ago. I have elevated blood glucose levels (hyperglycemia). But since i've been taken my medication, watching what i eat/drink & exercise, my blood glucose levels have been under control & i no longer feel like falling asleep when i'm driving moderate-to-long distances.

Have you been checked for diabetes recently? Maybe that's where the problem lies.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes over 4-5 years ago. I have elevated blood glucose levels (hyperglycemia). But since i've been taken my medication, watching what i eat/drink & exercise, my blood glucose levels have been under control & i no longer feel like falling asleep when i'm driving moderate-to-long distances.

This is a good comment. My special lady friend followed what she thought was a drunk driver. She was trying to get his license so she could call the cops. He was driving up curbs and swerving. He seemed to be aware that she was following him and he acted as if he was trying to get away. Anyway, The police called us back and told us that the guy is a diabetic and he was having an episode.

Sleep apnea is turning up everywhere and I think that you fit the MO Panther. Go have a sleep study done. A colleague of mine had did this and it changed his life. I have considered it myself.

I have become very sleepy while driving. The air conditioner on max, stopping for coffee and snacks, snacks while driving, and holding your breath. This is an old USMC trick. Don't breath. Try it. This will wake you up.

However, I do have a gift where I can sleep on planes, trains, and automobiles. At least twice I can remember having to pull over and nap in the car. With just a 10 minute nap I feel like a new man. One time I pulled over for a nap in the parking lot of a golf course. I had a nightmare that I drove off the rode. I woke up and I was trying to desperately to steer a locked steering column. In front of me was the golf course. My heart was pounding as I thought I drove off the road into a field. I was trying to steer and the steering wheel was locked...and then I woke up. My heart was pounding and I was sweating and scared. I was able to drive home wide awake after that.


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Jul 16, 2004
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Sleep apnea is turning up everywhere and I think that you fit the MO Panther. Go have a sleep study done..

already done...and i have the machine for apnee at home.=it does help a lottttttttt=also snoring is finish lolll.....but like i said i was perfectly fine when i left mtl...but after a while i fall a that was a bit scary...reallyyyy scary i have to say...

One time I pulled over for a nap in the parking lot of a golf course. I had a nightmare that I drove off the rode. I woke up and I was trying to desperately to steer a locked steering column. In front of me was the golf course. My heart was pounding as I thought I drove off the road into a field. I was trying to steer and the steering wheel was locked...and then I woke up. My heart was pounding and I was sweating and scared. I was able to drive home wide awake after that.

that should have been scary for wake up like this...i imagine your heart rate..ishhh..

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
The best treatment for sleep apnea is to lose weight...........................

This is actually quite true. Sleep disorder doctors often recommend a 10% body weight loss. Same thing with type 2 diabetics. Losing at least 10% of body weight and maintaining proper eating habits (with moderate exercise) can do wonders. I know some people who were once on insulin who've stopped using it after getting in very good shape & maintaining it.....and keeping their weight down.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I just had an appointment with my Dr. today and he gave me a short quiz to fill out. The results indicated that I should have a sleep study done. He said he could tell by looking at my neck and the opening of my throat etc. Apparently, if you can't achieve RIM sleep you put a great stress on your heart. He said that a local cardiologist in town has many 60-70 year old patients with AFIB. They put them on a machine and they find it helps so much that they can't function without. My Dr. is trying to diagnose this problem for guys in their 40's and 50's to prevent the stress on the heart.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I have had multiple sleep studies done, and I was determined to have a very low % of REM sleep (4% whereas I believe the normal rate is about 12%). I was diagnosed with mild sleep apnea and losing weight was the best treatment for it. I was given a CPAP machine but I toss and turn too much, and if you toss and turn in quick violent movements, the CPAP is not going to work, although it is a big help for many people.

The last one I had done they taped about a million electrodes to my body and getting up during the night to go to the bathroom was a major adventure. On the positive side, the sleep study facility I went to had rooms that were of 4 star hotel quality. I had the Yankees game on the TV and a sleep technician who attended to my needs. They are monitoring you all night so if you need anything, you get it.

I went for my first stress test with a cardiologist a year ago and passed that sucker in a big way. The cardiologist said I had a less than 1% chance of ever having cardiovascular disease and seemed very impressed with my data. I was a little worried because at the time I was not in great shape. They make you run on a treadmill at various increasing speeds for about 10 minutes. I asked the technician if she ever had someone drop on the treadmill from a cardiac event, during the stress test, and she said yes it has happened and that is why there is an ambulance in the parking lot. However I did not find it to be as taxing as what I was expecting.
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