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Small things an SP can do to build repeat clienteles....


Lily from Montreal

HM, not sure about adding a tip (if) at the donation...When that happened I know only after my date left that there was a tip... I do not count the money,tacky...

But I will noticed if someone short change me do not fear...

The way I see it is donation should not be handed hand to hand,just left visible to be picked up discreetly at the hand but tip ,yes, if you had a tremendous session,nice is not enough to tip,then it is ok to give a tip ,with a kiss,hand to hand...
But I cannot ever understand how a girl can ask for a tip before the deed,first ask is a no-no,since when people ask for tip? and then before is beyond bad taste...

Nadia JolieDELETED

New Member
Dec 10, 2013
je suis choquer par certaine chose que je lit !!

- quoi ?? les filles regarde leur cell durant une rencontre !!!Quel manque de respect !! le mien est TOUJOURS fermer ! et loin je veut même pas qu'on l'entend vibrer sa dérange !!

les autres clients comprenne que jetais occuper je leur répond en temps et lieu ...

- lorsqu'on a terminer je me diriger vers les toilette et je rapporte un débarbouillette chaude que je pose délicatement sur vous .... sa vous détend sa me permet de me laver les mains .... et je revient me coller le temps d'un petit conversation de finir notre verre de vin ou eau .......

- en ce qui concerne le maquillage MANQUE de professionnalisme '!! je fair plus de incall que out et je suis toujours prêté propre parfumer main propre et bouche rincer avec de hystérie .... en ce qui concerne les out .... je ne rentre pas directe au toilette je m'installe prend un verre dos et je me dirige au toilette question de mettre ma lingerie bas ect... vérifier une dernière fois mon hygiène et voila .... 3 a 5 min MAX !!

- en ce qui concerne le temps je fait toujours mon heure ENTIERE ! j'ai ma propre music dans mon cellulaire je connais mes play liste et a quel chanson ns somme rendu a 30 min et a quel chanson 50 min ... parfois je l'écoute même pas et je dépasse mon temps .... ce n'est pas la fin du monde je préfère fini un 10 min en retard et avoir un client heureux qui va revenir me voir que finir plus tôt en laissant mon client avec cette déception d'avoir perdu son temps et argent ....

-en ce qui concerne $ si c'est une régulier je ne demande jamais .... nous avons bâtis un lien de confiance avec le temps .... pour le reste si je vois une enveloppe je dit rien et je n'y touche pas non plus .... parfois j'ai des clients qui semble un peu louche ou que je n'est pas totalement confiance je leur demande poliment de poser $ sur le comptoir et je passe a autre chose sans compte l'argent devant lui .....

- lorsque je vous reçoit vous trouverez dans la toilette une serviette propre du savon pour homme , axe , rince bouche , gum , purelle , cue tips une bouteille d'eau vous sera offerte ainsi que ma bonne humeur ....

selon moi c'est ainsi qu'on reçoit un client pour une rencontre réussite




Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
But I cannot ever understand how a girl can ask for a tip before the deed,first ask is a no-no,since when people ask for tip? and then before is beyond bad taste...

I was at a showgirls strip club in Alberta and non-contact dances are $35 per song........ You pay the cashier before you sit in the chair and she even asks for a tip in advance, I refused and walked out.
They had a price list in the wall, do not remember exact but these are close numbers. 1 song = 35, 3 = 90, 6 = 150, 10 = 250... They had an ultimate package of $400 and forget how may songs... All no contact.
The last sentence not related to tipping but it still irks me.

Lily from Montreal

I don't give tips ever, but I do give gifts. Expensive gifts sometimes more valuable than the donation itself. To me it seems just awkward throwing a twenty at a girl like she is destitute or something, and it looks cheap. Here's 20$ little girl, go buy yourself a burger.

Actually I disagree on both here: gifts and 20$ being cheap...

Gifts are fine but better if you know the person ,so first meeting I would not recommend it,same as flowers,it is a nice touch but can cause problems coming back to real life...I rarely bring back flowers for my real life job...
As for 20$ ''thrown at a girl'' are not throwing money at a beggar ,you want to convey how special the meeting was...And since I never expect any tip to start with, a 20$ is not meaningless...same as when I leave 5$ on the table for the maid when I meet in a incall setting,it is a token to show I appreciate their work...and yes ,I find a maid's work harder then mine...
I am quite sure that maids are happy to find any tip at all...

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I have a good fashion sense and know quality (Think of Europe's top fashion houses and top designers),

Priceless, you and Equalibrium ( was talking of giving a GG Sp diamonds ) have the same gift ideas. Tipping double + for a service seems decent.

Lily from Montreal

We are getting off topic as it is not the sp who will give jewelry...and double whammy the thread is asking for small,not expensive things a sp can do...

I once ironed a date shirt before leaving,suitcase are hard on clothes...those that count? I felt very GFE loll

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
True lily...... For myself all I require is full GFE and I am very happy. Easy to please.
PS. No cuddling required after.

Lily from Montreal

I like cuddling...allows me to catch my breath and remember my name loll


New Member
Dec 16, 2008
Truthfully, I have not been back in Montreal since the death of my brother last October 2013 and have not hoobied since. I generally would tip $60 for a one and a half session and walk the lady out from my hotel room and wait for the driver or cab to make sure she got away safely. i would generally smoke with them if they smoked and hang out. I was always suprised at how grateful they were with the gesture. For me, It's manners that count.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
HM, not sure about adding a tip (if) at the donation...When that happened I know only after my date left that there was a tip... I do not count the money,tacky...

Well, it does not matter much to me that she notice on the spot or later in the car. I mean i know for sure she count the money in the car, so she will notice the tip there, and for me thats more than enough. I usually add it while she is in the shower and put back the cash exactly how it was. Usually under the hotel phone. Its visible enough, its just for it not to fly around or anything lol. Im not much an envelop guy. I do agree that pulling out your wallet to give a 20$ randomly at the end is a bit awkward. I used to pay entirely at the end of the session, pulling out my wallet and giving the money to her, but i notice some didn't liked it, or wanted to see it at the beginning of the session so i stoped doing that. But when i did, it was less awkward to add a 20 to the mix at the end. I understand if a girl never met me, how can she know im a good honest client, especially since im not dress as a rich old man lol.

j'ai ma propre music dans mon cellulaire je connais mes play liste et a quel chanson ns somme rendu a 30 min et a quel chanson 50 min ...

Esce que la musique est obligatoire ou non? Je demande car personellement moi je n'aime pas du tout la musique que les jeune fille d'aujourd'hui aime.. lol. Je suis un gars de metal, et quand j'ai commencé a voir des SP au debut je mettais de la musique en background, mais je me suis rendu compte que sa ne fittais pas du tout. Ensuite j'ai utilisé la TV un ptit bout aussi mais encore la je n'aime pas sa, sa me deconcentre et m'enleve du focus sur ce que je fait. Le seul passe droit a sa est un match des canadiens, surtout contre boston :p Bref en gros je suis plus du genre a aprecier le silence ou simplement le bruit de la climatisation dans un meeting. Je sais que certaine fille aime un coté plus chaleureux et romantique, et je suis sur que certain clients adore sa. Mais moi non. Pas de musique, la lumiere allumer(je veut bien voir l'action lol) et voila. Sa m'empeche pas d'etre doux, gentil, et un bon client. Mais par exemple je l'ai deja mentioner, la lingerie ces tellement pas mon genre non plus, alors quand je vois une SP aller se changer au toilette, sa me decois lol. Je sais que ces une pratique courante, mais moi j'aime qu'elle refresh au toilette mais je veut qu'elle resorte comme quand elle est entrer. Ensuite ces a moi a "deballer mon cadeau" si je peut dire ... (lol j'avoue sa sonne un peu perv dit de meme mais bon...:lol:) Bra and panties super classique, sa fait mon bonheure.

The gifts I'm talking about are not flowers, but more along the lines of jewellery

The problem i see with that is, will she really wear it? I mean, if she have a personal life, maybe showing off expensive jewelry ain't the best. Also maybe she just don't want to wear gifts by hobbyist.. Or finally i wouldn't be surprise the jewel will end up at the pawnshop or any other place for cash. Trust me on that, SPs won't always say it, but they rather get everything in cash more often than not.


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Jan 28, 2004
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There are a couple of girls I see on a regular basis and I have had this discussion with them both. For one of them I will always stop at Tim's and pick up a coffee for her and when I asked about a tip she told me the best tip you can give me is to come and see me on a regular basis, I have seen her once a week for 5 years now ;) The other I have tipped on occasion when I felt the service was over the top. I think she got the idea because the service is ALWAYS over the top and it is costing me a fortune lol


Feb 25, 2012
Melonville, EH
I once had an SP who was really good at displaying herself. Once the pleasantries were out of the way, we proceeded to kissing and touching. She got up and dancing slowly in front of me - all the while with a little smile - slowly undressed. Not a strip tease, but just sort of slow sensuous reveal. Once all the clothes were off, she started to go through this little set of poses. I was sitting on the bed - half on the bed with one foot on the floor. She came over to the bed - again with that little naughty smile, and put one leg up on the bed showing me her pussy. She then turned, one leg on the floor, one knee on the bed and slowly bent over - again, showing me her pussy. Still smiling but not even really looking at me most of the time. She crawled up on the bed, back to me and crawled a bit away from me with that gorgeous little ass slowly waving back and forth, laid down and rolled onto her side, lifting one leg so her pussy was right there for me. Then she looked at me with this inviting smile and just laid there waiting for me. Damn I nearly exploded getting my pants off! I had two SOG with her and each time she would find a new way to get me completely entranced. I was very happy to give her a great big tip!
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