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Smoking in hotel rooms...........

Gabriella, it is good to know that some upsacle establishments like the Queen E still cater to their smoking guests. A list of such hotels may be valuable to have as sometimes it can come in handy for longer staying visitors.
To tell you the truth, I was a little bit shocked when my gentleman informed me we were going to be able to indulge his smoking fetish IN his room a few weeks ago. The positive about it was that the windows opened. Something rather rare these days unless you're staying in the older hotel buildings in the Old Port.

As for the list of nice hotels that still offer smoking rooms/floors, I have a feeling the list would be rather short. You're best bet is to rent a room/suite with windows that open or with a balcony.


New Member
Jul 21, 2015
Great advice Gabriella. Smoking is definitely not good for the health. However when used as an aid to the enhancement of life I guess it can sometimes be a good thing. Good to know that some places can still indulge their guests. I suspect however that the majority of people prefer non smoking at all times.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Yes, smoking is a bad habit. It is smelly, it stains teeth and makes your hair and clotheing stink to high heaven and you ruin your things with burn marks. It is bad for your heart and lungs and causes premature wrinkles and a whole host of other problems. it is also a damn expensive habit. However, I have a bit of a smoking fetish with an SP dressed as a school girl smoking a cigerette. Nothing sexier than a cigarette smoking teen. Got to admit it. How do I induldge it? Are there smoking hotels amymore?

Thor Jr

Wǎnshàng hǎo tiānshǐ
Jul 24, 2008
Ok, i too find cigarette smoking a bad thing and having said this, i have to say i sometimes indulge in GOOD CIGAR, a la Tony Montana style, sitting in a large bubble bath with a glass of wine and a beautiful lady near by if not in the tub with me, so my question here would be, where can i find a place like this? I have found one or the other, but not both in the same location. And it is a big turn on when the ladies take the cigar from me and take a nice long pull, so if anyone is up for sharing a cigar, you know where you can find me. And if i dont find a place soon, i am redecorating my bathroom.

Thor Jr


Coming from a person who has spent many years in motels if you have to smoke in your room make sure you have microwave popcorn ( added note: need a microwave ). Cook up one batch and no smoke odor will be noticed ( tobacco or pot )................ I guarantee it works, tried and tested.

J'ai essayé le truc du popcorn hier soir chez moi. C'est vrai que ça marche. Je fume toujours un joint quand j'ai le rhume ou la grippe. Étrangement, mon rhume ou ma grippe durent moins longtemps quand je fume un ou deux joints. C'est vrai qu'on ne sent rien dans la pièce, moi qui déteste l'odeur de la cigarette et du pot.
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