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Solution pour le métro/ a métro solution


Feb 28, 2004

Afin d'éviter que d'autres personnes ne tombent entre les wagons comme la petite fille qui en est morte, pourquoi ne pas attacher des filets flexibles pour barrer l'accès au vide entre les wagons ? Simple et pas coûteux. Il s'agit de fixer des anneaux aux wagons et faire confectionner des filets en nylon ou autre, flexibles et résistants, qu’on attache en sécurité aux anneaux. Au début de la journée, on fixe les filets aux wagons et le tour est joué. J'estime une opération de quelques minutes en début de journée. En tout cas, beaucoup moins coûteux que les barrières dans les stations.
Tomber entre les wagons doit être plus courant que l'on veut l'admettre. Cela m'est arrivé à moi-même. Je lisais le journal Métro avec intensité et j'apercevais l'ouverture en haut croyant que c'était la porte. Eh non! C'était le vide et au dernier moment je me suis retiré évitant ainsi de tomber.
Une solution simple et peu coûteuse en attendant les nouveaux trains qui apparemment n’auront pas cet espace entre les wagons.

Apparemment, les nouvelles rames n'auront pas ces vides entre les wagons.

In order to prevent other unfortunate accidents like the one which took the life of the young girl in the métro, I suggest the installation of a net between the métro cars preventing falls in the void. A nylon or other flexible net could be made at low cost and be installed in minutes before the trains go out for the day.

All that is needed are: secure hooks installed on the métro cars, secure hookups of the nylon nets and your off.

Would be safer and lots cheaper than installing gates on the métro plateforms.

I fear that more people fall between the cars than is admitted. It happened to me as I was reading the newspaper with intensity and saw an opening over the top of the paper. At the last moment, I realized that I was walking into the void and pulled back.

They say the new métro trains won't have these voids between the cars.

Le Capitaine!


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
First, this is really a tragedy.
If anyone was educated enough to pay attention to others, such a thing wouldn't happen.


Moi je suggere un fil electrique LIVE tout le long tant et aussi longtemps que les portes n'ouvrent pas et qui descend au sol seulement quand les portes ouvrent.

Comme ca non seulement le monde ferait attention a regarder ou ils vont mais ca arreterait surtout tout le monde de pousser les autres comme des cr*ss de fous en plus !
Sutout que celui qui pousse pognerait la charge encore plus forte.

Gaigne de Mongols !

En plus personne pourrait se faire pousser sur les rails quand le metro est pas la.

Si c'est bon pour du betail, ca devrait etre bon pour du monde qui agissent comme...


I suggest to put LIVE electrical wire all the way.
It would shut off and go on the ground only when the doors would open.

This way everyone would look where they go and people would stop pushing like a**holes.
Since the ones pushing would get a higher current discharge.

Freaks !

Plus it would stop anyone to push another on the rails.

If it works for cattle, then it should be ok for those behaving like em'.


Sep 19, 2005
What is it about your recent inclination to inventions CP? :) You don't go to Cleo's anymore?

That being said, are most of these service interruptions due to accidents or to people deliberetly jumping in front of the metro. If the latter prevails, then neither nets nor cables would be of any help. Nets and cables will look ugly on top of that. I am not trading human lives for aesthetics here. This also brings up the topic of people getting so absorbed by their smart phones to the point of loosing their lives. I think the only actions required here are to educate these people not to sms anytime/anywhere and to tell suicide-contemplating people that there is no use of committing suicide during rush hours as people will not feel more sympathy for you this way, on the contrary they will curse you for the inconvenience you have caused.


Sep 19, 2005
True, these phones seem sometimes smarter than their owners and yet I still find the expression "smart phone" to be very exagerated. These phones are as close to intelligence as we are to Andromeda. Sad to see that this smart phones' infatuation makes people loose their lives.


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
If you think smart phones are a problem... wait and see those Google glasses...

To think that in a couple years max, smart phones could already be something retarded !

Ca va vraiment etre la revanche des NERDS a lunette !


Feb 28, 2004
Yes the glasses will pose a great problem too.
We can complain all we want about our growing obsession with the new information technologies (IT), the fact remains that the STM has a responsability to take in account this new reality and adapt their equipment accordingly. They already block off nooks and crannies in the stations for visually impaired patrons.

Teens are naturally at risk with IT's, us older folks can remember how much we used the IT's of the day: TV, stereo and the telephone for hours on end. The problem today is that these technologies are now mobile.
Captain out!
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