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Speaking of Lunatics


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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pinkworm said:
It is an obvious publicity stunt. Just because Ben & Jerry have supported left wing political causes does not mean they support all left wing political causes.

It is not clear to me exactly how PETA benefits from this kind of publicity, although Ben and Jerry's certainly does! Although I agree with you that B&J, while supporting many liberal causes, probably would not go so far as PETA would like them to (unless there is some deal that they privately donate money to PETA in exchange for this publicity, something that might very well have already happened, even before the letter was sent). It seems to me more likely that PETA probably took a shot in sending the letter to B&J on the off chance that they might support the cause, and PERHAPS to get people thinking along the lines of alternative milk sources. Perhaps a more workable idea that they could have raised, instead of human breast milk, is the use of soy milk.
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New Member
Apr 5, 2005
Techman said:
Maybe I was a bit harsh calling them idiots. Maybe zealots or radicals would be more appropriate. I seriously doubt that their primary celebrity spokespeople never touch meat or are totally vegan. But hey, it's easy publicity for a failing career.

Considering the price of a decent steak, either in a restaurant or grocery store, I would hardly call it cheap convenience food. And I much prefer to get my protein the natural way instead of from some pill or supplement.

As for animal furs and other products such as leather, well if you consider the environmental costs of the synthetic replacements I wonder if animal products aren't better for the environment and the future of mankind. I for one have no intention to start wearing plastic shoes or a pleather jacket.

Humans are the top of the foodchain and I see no reason to apologize for that. I do feel that food animals should be raised and slaughtered as humanely as possible but I don't believe we should have a bill of rights for pets and other insane ideas that PETA routinely comes up with.

Maybe they would be taken a bit more seriously if they didn't go off the deep edge so often.


Well said... agree

as for changing the title, didnt see how to do it but if a mod wishes to change it it is fine with me


Sep 4, 2006
Techman said:
Considering the price of a decent steak, either in a restaurant or grocery store, I would hardly call it cheap convenience food. And I much prefer to get my protein the natural way instead of from some pill or supplement.

As for animal furs and other products such as leather, well if you consider the environmental costs of the synthetic replacements I wonder if animal products aren't better for the environment and the future of mankind. I for one have no intention to start wearing plastic shoes or a pleather jacket.

Humans are the top of the foodchain and I see no reason to apologize for that. I do feel that food animals should be raised and slaughtered as humanely as possible but I don't believe we should have a bill of rights for pets and other insane ideas that PETA routinely comes up with.

Maybe they would be taken a bit more seriously if they didn't go off the deep edge so often.


Regarding leather, I don't put it in the same category as fur because they are taken from animals that are culled for food. The only exception is reptilian leather, most kinds of which are banned anyways. With fur the animal killed is dumped and left to rot. After seeing some videos of how minks are killed (or rather not killed!) while the skin is being torn off their bodies gives me pause.

That being said, I am not against getting protein from meat (I have slaughtered animals myself). When you talk about the price of steak, restaurants have a ridiculous mark-up so that is not valid indication. But at the supermarket it is relatively inexpensive. But this isnt just about fillet mignon or porterhouse, there is ground beef and other lesser cuts. But maybe my perspective is skewed, I was born and raised in a country where meat is luxury (many are just content buying bones for soup), and here in the US (or Canada for that matter) its an item of convenience. If the general opinion of nutritionists is that people need to eat meat every single day, I will stand corrected

EB, thanks for the movie recommendation, I'll check it out.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
mass1965 said:
Well said... agree

as for changing the title, didnt see how to do it but if a mod wishes to change it it is fine with me

Actually I think that lunatic is a good term for PETA. It would be interesting to see if their press releases and other stunts follow the phases of the moon which would provide a concrete reason for the use of the term!:D

RS, I don't know if eating red meat in a large quantity every day would be a recommended thing to do. But I doubt that eating it in moderation according to nutritional guidelines would be harmful. One thing that is certain is that a purely vegan diet without supplements would not be advised either.

When it comes to the videos released by PETA to back their claims, I doubt that they represent the majority or even the average slaughterhouse any more than puppy mills represent the average dog breeder. I could easily name a couple of merb posters that if taken as examples would bring all hobbyists into question by their posts if they were depicted as an 'accurate' representation of a hobbyist.

And checking meat prices and seeing cuts such as bottom blade selling for 9 dollars a kilo and flap or skirt steak selling for 22, beef, other than ground, is no longer a cheap meal even when made at home.

EB, thanks for mentioning Soylent Green. I haven't seen that in quite a while and I think I will go download it!

And I still think that Pamela Anderson deserves to be hooked up to a milking machine.:D



Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
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The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
A fantasy??? No, not quite. I just find her incredibly annoying and I think that if PETA is serious about their idea that is only fair one of their spokespeople be the first to demonstrate the possibility. She is also the only one stupid enough to give it a go.:cool:


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Techman said:
A fantasy??? No, not quite. I just find her incredibly annoying and I think that if PETA is serious about their idea that is only fair one of their spokespeople be the first to demonstrate the possibility. She is also the only one stupid enough to give it a go.:cool:

Hell Techman,

Okay, I see. Well, If she is a true believer then she should be willing to take one for the team.

ante up baby,

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