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Successful people who were once in the Sex Trade

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Techman said:
The Christian religion doesn't have the best track record when it comes to unconditional love and respect. Then again...not too many religions do very well in that regard.

I totally agree. They also don't have a very good track record when it comes to child abuse. They do, however, have a heck of a good one shiedling & protecting child abusers. The catholic religion is also notorious in having an incredibly high amount of homosexuals among its priesthood. Yet, it claims that homosexuality is evil. What a bunch of hypocrites!! No wonder i don't believe in God or the rest of this nonsense (for me, believing in Santa Claus makes as much, if not more, sense).

(For years, i've shared similar views as Bill Maher's towards religion. I'm presently reading a book titled "The God Delusion" written by Richard Dawkins & i highly recommend it)
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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Agrippa said:
For now I'll just say that it was excellent! In one of the first scenes Bill Maher interviews truckers in a truck stop chapel. Despite him asking rather pointed questions about their faith, they all have a civil discussion and as he leaves, Bill thanks them for being Christ-like rather than Christian!
I've been telling people for years that Bill Maher's not only a comical genius, but he's one of the most informed persons in all of showbusiness. This guy, for years, has been getting my utmost attention every single time he's on tv.

Miss Maria

Sweet & Spicy
Feb 19, 2007
Agrippa said:
I saw Religulous last night. I may post a review later on, but for now I'll just say that it was excellent! In one of the first scenes Bill Maher interviews truckers in a truck stop chapel. Despite him asking rather pointed questions about their faith, they all have a civil discussion and as he leaves, Bill thanks them for being Christ-like rather than Christian!

I will have to check this out, sounds very good.

Techman, I know what you are saying and I am not naive or trying to be funny. It is just that, as an outsider looking into these religions, it is what seems to be the ultimate message and not many of them seem to really live by it compared to certain people I know who would be considered sinners to them.

GG, I have enough buisness by advertizing in the advertizing section. Like you, I like to express myself and thought perhaps my expressions could interest others of the comunity. If you are not interested, you don't need to read or respond.


Nov 22, 2005
One of the SPs I had a session with earlier this year is currently enrolled in a PHD program. Her field of study is HIV. I would say that counts as success.

GTA refugee

New Member
Feb 29, 2008
Roseanne Barr, Barbara Streisand................

Roseanne Barr has admitted that when she started in comedey she use to work the crappy little dives and between shows she would offer services in a car outside the crappy clubs. There is a film that has popped up and it realy looks like Barbera Streisand in the porn. She is also rummored to have been a escort before she became famous. There is a guy trying to sell a porn film of Marlyn Monroe, no one can authenicate it as her.
In the Hollywood scene, there are hundreds if not thousands of women working in massage and escort, waiting to make it big. This is by no means exclusive to the USA and Hollywood. The canadian TV and movie scene in Toronto and Montreal also have ladies waiting to be discovered, meanwhile they need the flexibility that working in a massage parlour or doing escorting allows them so that they can go to auditions at a moments notice.


Nov 14, 2004
GTA refugee said:
Roseanne Barr has admitted that when she started in comedey she use to work the crappy little dives and between shows she would offer services in a car outside the crappy clubs.

roseanne barr was actually able to make money as an sp?


Active Member
Feb 12, 2004
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Catherine Ringer, singer and half the creative mind of Les Rita Mitsouko, is one of France most important artist of the 80's and 90's. She has done several porno movies before becoming a signer.

Ben Dover

Jun 25, 2006
JLB said:
roseanne barr was actually able to make money as an sp?

Well she certainly wasn't going hungry by the look of it.... :)

It was the eighties... She probably had a coke habit to support.



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Feb 13, 2004
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Nelly Arcan

Some of you guys apparently met her before she became a fairly popular writer. Her first book, Putain was aomehow a success story. Folle, her second book was not as successful.
Her notoriety came from her SP past.


Dec 24, 2005

Be careful, I know you like a deep conversation, but I think your better off not discussing this business with strangers and ppl you meet in the real world. If your looking to make connections between worlds be very cautious, Id urge you not to do it. Ive gotten to a point where I dont discuss this stuff with guys I know as most are not in to it and are not impressed. There is a stigma at least in American culture (actually its blatantly illegal) that prostitution is bad, it does apply to the men and the women.

Ive never thought Id say this but stay off internet chat rooms that have religious nuts, just stick to hard core sex fiends and such. :)

GG's comments seem unnecessarily defensive, he must not know you.

Tom Cruise's movie Risky Business was centered on a Hooker (Rebecce Demorne) that visits a high school kid in chicago, a plot line of the movie focuses on his awe of her capitalistic verve and complete lack of guilt in what she does, she was completely comfortable, societal judgemnt did not apply to her. I can relate to that sense of awe, Im envious of it.

My most memorable and fun SPs have been the girls that seemingly had a real gig and other interests outside of this SP world. 1 girl I know still is an SP but is rising through the ranks at her real job, another girl is probably a major accountant somewhere, but dont know for sure, she was pretty far in school when I met her.
I think attitudes will start to change when more people realize that the large cities have thousands of women working in the business, including many who are university students. The media and most people seem to be unaware or unwilling to acknowledge the situation, but once they do, eventually more people won't care if they find out their lawyer, doctor, tax accountant, etc., had been an escort.
Could a university get students to fill out an anonymous survey form, where one of the questions asked if they were a sex worker? There was a news story from England about something like that.


May 14, 2007
General Gonad said:
Another possibility is that business is so slow that you have to constantly come on the boards to assure us you love this job.:rolleyes:

Call it what you want, I call it shameless self-promotion.:mad:


I don't always agree with you GG but sometimes it seems that your reflections, like the one quoted above, are, at least partially, on target. I'm not saying that the person who was the object of your post have a very open agenda. I'm just implying that some SP uses the board(s) (besides the section dedicated to advertising) to indirectly market their services wich is part of the game i guess.

I suggest that the SP shall have an exclusive section and that the patrons have their own exclusive section where they will write reviews. Just an idea.



May 14, 2007
Guillaume said:
Some of you guys apparently met her before she became a fairly popular writer. Her first book, Putain was aomehow a success story. Folle, her second book was not as successful.
Her notoriety came from her SP past.

Good old memories!

I met her and she was working on her book at the time. She was studying in french studies or something like that.

She had a lot of reviews on this board ans canbest. The agency where she worked as an incall is closed since a long time. It was very private:D



May 14, 2007
juzt_a_girl said:
This board didn't exist when she stopped working.


Well, merb or not merb at the time, i met her via some reviews posted on a board. Wich one? merb or canbest? Who cares!

But i do care about the service she gaves :) She was damn good and very very reliable. A real gem.



New Member
Jan 6, 2008
ipoweru said:
I don't always agree with you GG but sometimes it seems that your reflections, like the one quoted above, are, at least partially, on target. I'm not saying that the person who was the object of your post have a very open agenda. I'm just implying that some SP uses the board(s) (besides the section dedicated to advertising) to indirectly market their services wich is part of the game i guess.

I suggest that the SP shall have an exclusive section and that the patrons have their own exclusive section where they will write reviews. Just an idea.


"Please master... may I speak with out being accussed of shameless self promotion like a desprate whore?"
Gimme a fucking break. You and GG have to seriously grow up and move on... BACK TO THE TOPIC OF CONVO HERE....

Maria, yes we can become something else from here, but like I told you the other day, with what you are aspiring to be, I do not see your present career choice hurting you or you credibility.
I think that your present career choice could help you if anything.


May 14, 2007
Tracy said:
"Please master... may I speak with out being accussed of shameless self promotion like a desprate whore?"
Gimme a fucking break. You and GG have to seriously grow up and move on... BACK TO THE TOPIC OF CONVO HERE....

Maria, yes we can become something else from here, but like I told you the other day, with what you are aspiring to be, I do not see your present career choice hurting you or you credibility.
I think that your present career choice could help you if anything.

Miss Tracy,

You can agree or disagree with my opinion. BUT YOUR INSULTS ARE NOT TOLERABLE.



New Member
Nov 9, 2003
ipoweru>>>Ah ha! We have just uncovered one more want to be mod!

Maria>>> I wonder if this MSN guy believes that Mary Magdalene, who walked with Jesus, went to heaven or hell.... :confused:

or what about the prostitute named Rahab who is best known for helping Joshua’s spies escape from Jericho after they had sneaked into the city (Josh 2).

Fight bible with bible LOL by the way isn't it the Christian way to hate the sin but love the sinner? (or something like that) Moreover doesn't the Christian God tell us to judge not lest ye be judged?

anyway, you get the idea,

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