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Montreal Escorts

Suggestion: Members should pay upfront

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
It was a suggestion that's all!

dirtierasigetolder said:
I think we all like to jump on the bash GG band wagon and I for one don't agree. This board just wouldn't be the same with out him. Oh crap now I'm a sap.

Anyway, just my 2 cents...GG keep up the ok work ;)

Thank, even though you get dirtier as you get older, you got more common sense than most of the guys that have been here a while. These guys take everything I say literally. They get annoyed with me, gossip ad nauseaum about me and the funny thing is that they do not have a clue about me.

Case in point: the ridiculous assertion that I write reviews to try and get a certain SP jealous. Are we in grade school? I am married with a lady that I love but it isn't going well. At no time did I fall in love with any SP I met. I grew fond of some but that is it. Love for me is sharing life's kinks and turns on a daily basis. Love is the real deal and I never confused infatuation or fondness with love.

Now, enough about that. Let me get back to my thread where I suggested we all pay upfront. I agree with Lion Heart that rarely do ladies ask to pay upfront. This typically happens with guys they can size up as being decent.

The problem lies with a small group of men that do abuse the ladies, leaving without paying. Given that the ladies are responsible for the money, I suggested that we rethink the rule of paying upfront. It was a suggestion that I made after I discussed my stance of witholding the money from Judy Star until the end.

I realize that this act of mine with Judy Star can be interpreted the wrong way by some loser out there who will try to stiff an SP. Unlike other services - medical, legal, restaurants - once you stiff a lady, there is little recourse. We do not know how often it happens but it happens (there was even an idiot who boasted about it on Merb). Once scammed, the lady is still on the hook for paying the driver and agency.

This is why I suggested that all agencies should adopt a pay upfront rule with all clients, no matter who they are. It isn't to protect themselves against the majority of decent guys, since most of us are decent, but to protect themselves against the assholes who can potentially scam the ladies out of their earnings.

Now everybody take a pill, relax, enjoy your day.

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New Member
Jan 9, 2006
It isn't up to the agency to adopt this policy, it is really up to the ladies... they need to understand that they are going to be completely responsible if the client should fail to pay the right and full amount at the end of the session. Does that mean that it has to be uncomfortable for everyone? I don't think so!

It seems many clients worry about getting ripped off, but the fact is, that doesn't happen as often as girls getting shorted or ripped-off. See, you guys, particularly in Montreal, can do your research and find out what you need to know about a lady, and proceed from there... that leaves a small margin that you will be ripped-off.

An agency, or a lady can blacklist all they want, but the reality is, that agencies don't screen, even only a slim amount of indies screen, so what are they going to black-list? A payphone number and a name like Johhny?

Should gents pay upfront, I think so, it is the nature of the game ("always collect upfront") and we all know that "paying the driver" is not on the menu ever (I have never heard of this, and if you encounter it, even if you don't follow through, you should report the agency)

As long as each of us is suspicious of the other though, we'll never come to a the perfect resolution. Please take into account, that any lady coming to see a stranger, in his hotel or motel, or when you have gone to visit her, she has extended a kind of trust, and it is a small request to ask the same in return.

There will always be naysayers, and exceptions, so let's not get into that debate - again...

Also, try to think about who COULD be reading your review and don't reveal information in a review that could do more harm than good, there are private ways to share added information with those you can trust.

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General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Asymetrical information

Just-ass-weet said:
It seems many clients worry about getting ripped off, but the fact is, that doesn't happen as often as girls getting shorted or ripped-off. See, you guys, particularly in Montreal, can do your research and find out what you need to know about a lady, and proceed from there... that leaves a small margin that you will be ripped-off.

An agency, or a lady can blacklist all they want, but the reality is, that agencies don't screen, even only a slim amount of indies screen, so what are they going to black-list? A payphone number and a name like Johhny?

Good point. The fact is that we have tons of info on ladies but little on clients. Agencies try to keep up but they can't. There are millions of ways to fool them. This is why ladies should be advized to collect upfront. If you get screwed over, come on Merb and expose the agency and the lady.

I do not write negative reviews but if I get scammed, I expose, like I did with Jen of Montreal Hotgirls. Also, whether or not you pay upfront or after, there are no guarantees in any encounter. Keep this in mind.



1M+ Tenge spent hobbying!
Feb 19, 2006
I've only been asked to pay upfront a very small number of times. I've never encountered any problem either way.
The intention here is honorable - it protects the SPS from bad clients. But what about the clients getting ripped off by by bad SPs and agencies? Either way, there will be bad experiences on both sides.
This suggestion should not be 'imposed' on agencies and SPs. They know how to run their business. If they constanly experience this payment problem from bad clients, I'm sure they're smart enough to find a quick solution.
I don't agree with this suggestion unless the SPs or agencies themselves enforce it and if that's the case, no problem.

Love big tits

New Member
Sep 1, 2006
Pay up front or after what difference does it make when you consider the alternative implied, that is not paying?
Would you really not pay the SP even if the encounter is not that great or a rip off. This is the best way to get a broken face or leg. I would not like the driver or anybody else banging on my hotel room after.
Pay up no matter what and then call the agency. You will loose your money or get a discount next time, depending on the agency.
I guess my choice is probably tainted by the fact that I am not built like Arnold, but hey:D the ladies seem to like.

one last alternative would be to refuse the SP right away, but my other brain usually gets the best of me:rolleyes:

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
borat, Love big tits,

You are both good clients, like most here. Unfortunately, there are some assholes that consistently get away with scamming ladies and they know how to do it without getting detected. In any case, from now on, I will pay upfront if I am asked to. No big deal.



New Member
May 23, 2005
I always pay upfront. Maybe it's because my first hobbying was in America, where the girl won't even take her coat off with being paid (with a tip, too).

I've never had a problem paying upfront. However, on the occasions that I do tip, I do it afterward. I don't tip a waiter for service before I am served; why should I tip an SP before the fact, unless it is someone I am repeating with?

I'd rather get the money thing out of the way before getting down to business. But that's me, and to each his own.


Virgin User
May 17, 2006
Love big tits said:
Would you really not pay the SP even if the encounter is not that great or a rip off.

If the encounter is "not great", then I think the client should pay in full anyway. It's not the SP's fault if there's no chemistry, if the client is too tired, etc.

But if it's a blatant rip off, for example leaving after 10 minutes when it's supposed to be an hour, then I do not think the client should pay.


Amor est vitae essentia
Nov 25, 2004
In the depths of Dante's Second Circle
I always pay upfront. I prefer they count it too. I'm only human and I make mistakes when I count.

I prefer to get this done and over with as soon as they sit down. Get this over with and then enjoy the rest of the evening getting to know each other better.

To each their own.
Apr 16, 2005
An agency, or a lady can blacklist all they want, but the reality is, that agencies don't screen, even only a slim amount of indies screen, so what are they going to black-list? A payphone number and a name like Johhny?

You are right of course Anik. The screening process is dubious at best. And may be viable in only a very limited number of cases. And that was my only point.


Feb 3, 2007
I actually have a question on the matter.

I have no problem with paying up front. I believe an envelope with the girl’s wages should be in plain sight as she first enters the room. From there on it's her choice to pocket it right away or wait till later. I don't see how this could bother anyone that has the intention of paying.

If the girl grabs it and starts counting it right in front of you, she lacks etiquette. But then again, that's an other story!

My question is regarding the tip.

Should it be in the envelop with the rest or could it possibly be in a separate envelope or even handed out directly. I ask because I want to make sure the girl gets the tip, and not the driver or whom ever.
If the girl gets picked up right away after the appointment, she might not of had time to count it to notice there is a tip in there for her or something...

Maybe the way of tipping should be a new thread, I duno.

Thanks in advance for the input!

I'd like to see more sp's reply in this thread. It would be nice to have both side of the coin, and establish proper etiquette for both sps and johns

Canadian Joe 652

I do all my own stunts
May 31, 2005
in between airport lounges

Am I the only one who thinks that this thread is useless :confused:

Just read the question above, come on! you do not know what to do to tip an SP?????? Put the money in the envelope? Really? before you ever met her, and or had a chance to evaluate your meeting? :rolleyes:

Afraid that the money will get to the driver? How about: Honey there is an extra $$$ for you in the envelope! maybe that will work :cool:

What? we now need courses on comme human interaction? You just spent an intimate moment with another human being but you can not find a way to show her your appreciation and need someone to tell you how to do it?

How about directions for where your winnie should go! :)


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Too presumptive.

Hello GG,

In a very short time I make up my mind whether or not I feel I want the lady to stay. Actually, I only sent a lady away once, and I gave her 40 for the trip. In all the other encounters I gave the lady the donation when she asked for it...many do not ask until the end. I always give the full amount, even when the meeting was a poor one. I simply chalk it up to the chance one takes in this "hobby". I never worry about the lady getting stiffed because...after all...I know I will do what is right.

You make many good, positively provocative threads and you make many good contributions on other threads. I am glad you continue to give us thought provoking subjects. But one of your lesser qualities is the tendency to speak for us all about things that concern you. If you simply put this up as something for us to consider no one could have any reasons for objections. But, you seek here to set up a de facto rule for us all and that is not proper. The manner in which you set up the tone of this thread is presumptive. Debate is one thing. Try to avoid the impression that you are trying to tell others what they should do. Please do not presume to speak for me. I would support you whole-heartedly if you were chastizing those who cheat the ladies on the terms of the agreements they have made. But here you ARE a bit out of bounds even if your intensions are very commendable. :eek:


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New Member
Feb 28, 2007
Leaving the SP's donation on a desk where it can be seen equates pretty much to depositing the money in trust. This modus operandi, inspired from a standard business practice, always worked for me and I like the impression it gives that no money exchange ever happens.

I don't see, btw, how paying upfront can keep assholes from being assholes. In fact, what keeps an asshole, after complying to such policy and being gratified, from stealing back the money and run away? To counter such an eventuality, the policy would stipulate that the money is not only to be paid upfront, but also to be paid to the driver, which implies either one of the following two events: driver walks up to the client's suite to collect or the SP steps out to meet the driver outside. I'm inclined to think that, in either case, very few clients would agree to such terms and business would therefore be lost. It's good business sense to accept getting stiffed once or twice than losing opportunities by implementing such harsh policies.

P.S. Not interested in assessing the possible reasons why this thread has, once again and forever, turned into another referendum on GG.
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New Member
Apr 6, 2004
If I want to rip off a SP, I would pay up front. Why? Because once the exchange take place, the responsibility of keeping the money with her is hers not mine. Naturally, paying up-front will create lengthier window of opporturnity to take it away from her as well. I might even be able to buy her trust by paying fronto with many, if not most, SPs, which will create wider window of abuse. IMHO, most experienced SPs know this instictively, and ask for money at the end.

Some of you leave the money in an envelope, and I am not sure where this is standard business practice. If I were a SP, I would ask the john to put it away. If he insists on paying upfront or leaving in open, I would call my driver. I would also be extremely cautious of any john counting money in front of you: this is stuff of Con-man-ology 101.

The lesson here is that no matter how the transaction is done, there is room for abuse, and SPs should be on the guard, even with a trusted client: counting money is error prone process.

IMHO, the best practice is: john leave pre-counted money somewhere near door, and step back at least 6 feet. SP takes the money and count it, put it in her handbag and leave. If you want to give tip, leave it with original pre-count. Transaction is best done once.


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
H2C, WAY too complicated for my small mind! :) And I never have a measuring tape with me because I'm afraid some measurments could be used against me in bed... :eek:

Joke aside: whatever peoples feel is good for them and whatever the SP want, it's about getting to a middle point that make both happy.
I had ladies almost walk out without the donation! Too much fun in the meeting!
I had one asking to see the money but never had to pay upfront, and would not agree to either.
I usually give the money at the end, when she's ready to leave, and suggest she count it in front of me. This minimize possible driver visit because of mistakes.
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