JustBob said:
Ok, just an observation to start with. If you're going to use a book as your main "source" (title, quotes (William James...) and/or content), I suggest you make that known from the get go.
I am well aware of scholarly practices. Since this isn't a university paper, but more of a conversation I've eschewed these conventions. Who footnotes their conversations? I figured naming the thread by the title of the book was enough of a hint.
JustBob said:
Not a bad book by the way, but an extremely one-sided vision from a writer with an holier-than-thou attitude and a complete intolerance for any views other than his own which borders on religious fervor. Not to mention that economics and geo-politics are obviously not his strong suit... And Mr. Kunstler is so sure of his "facts" that hey didn't bother to include a bloody index... A perfect example of what I previously called "Doomalism". And people got all upset when I said that Global Warming had become a religion where the zealot followers had nothing but condescension and disdain for opposing views... Considering your apparent disdain for religion, I'll let you figure out the irony. And for the record, I'm an atheist.
Here's a pretty good review of said book:
Now here's a couple more books:
The Party's Over (Richard Heinberg) and
The End of Oil (Paul Roberts. You'll get the basic facts (on peak oil) and suggestions/alternatives, without the insulting, self-righteous tone.
I read Robert's book a while ago, and keep coming across Heinberg's name regularly in various media. I like to think I am well versed in what I am discussing from a variety of sources.
Please let's not turn this into another waste of time 'Global Warming: Man or Nature' discussion. Let's agree to disagree on what has caused global warming, but I think we can all agree that the climate
is changing and that it will have serious consequences for human and non-human life.
I see no irony. Religious behaviour is based on faith, not facts. Whereas peak oil, global warming, ecocide, is supported by facts. Dawkins makes the difference between faith and facts a few times in
The God Delusion, which I'm sure you have read. How can you be an atheist and
not have disdain for religion? I find your reasoning in general to be weak JustBob... what exactly are you contesting ? The tone of the arguments or the contents?