The porn dude
Montreal Escorts



Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello all/Bonjour a tous,

In total 166 Merb members cast votes, 27 members did not meet minimal qualifications for voting. All disqualified voters were for lack of a review, and/or lack of any posts.



We will be using a 3-point system as suggested, for which all comments that were provided were positive.

a) You can vote for one agency listed on the poll or write in Top Montreal Escorts. Because there were only 10 spaces and three agencies received 3 legit nominations creating a 3-way tie at the bottom, Top Montreal Escorts can also be written in for a 1st place vote for a total of 11 eligible agencies for 1st place votes. But if you want TME 1st you must not vote for another 1st place agency if you chose to do so you can still write in a 2nd and 3rd. The 10 listed and TME are the only agencies that can get 1st place points. Each 1st place vote receives 3 points.

b) You can post two more choices for 2nd (2 points), and 3rd (1 point). You must be clear about where you rank your choices or points will be automatically awarded based on the order given.

c) You can write in honorable mentions, but these will not receive points.

Take into consideration: websites, contactability, honesty and friendliness of bookers, accurate descriptions/advertised services/pictures, punctual arrivals/honoured prebooking appointments, general customer service pre & post appointments, overall satisfaction with girls etc.

Please note, eligible members:

1. Only members who have registered on MERB by December 25th, 2013, or any date before, are eligible to nominate or vote in the poll.

2. A member must have posted at least one review sometime in their posting history.

3. Make sure that you used this agency in the year 2013.

4. No owner or anyone who worked at an agency or acted as a de-facto agent of an agency can nominate or vote.

5. When the poll ends all votes will be verified. Ineligible names will be eliminated.

6. No duplicate votes for the same agency by the same member are allowed. This would be a disingenuous attempt to pack the vote for points. If there is a duplicate the duplicate is void and any other agencies named in the top 3 are moved up in rank. There can't be a 3rd (for instance) without a 2nd. Still, an honorable mention remains honorable mention unless the member posts a change to fill a voided top 3 rank.

*It will be appreciated if the mods or members help in identifying ineligible voters discretely by PM during or after the nomination/voting process.

Good luck to all,



CONGRATULATIONS to GoodGirls on their huge triumph.

CONGRATULATIONS to Montreal Sex City on another strong consecutive 2nd/3rd place finish.

CONGRATULATIONS to Wildtime on their strong 3rd place finish in their 1st year.

Good Girls - 162 points

51 - 1st place - 514Rookie, alainrdl, annieb, anon_vlad, bornshky, cameo, cloudsurf, coach69, falancan, CockAsian69, Cruiser777, david8269, Delta123, doc holliday, EagerBeaver, express1, genieconseil, ghost777ca, Halloween Mike, hockeyfreak61, Hungry101, jjjames, Joe.t, k12, KoolAidMan, laxdude1967, Madmanacross, metaeros, neverbored, p90sert, panthere, Parkyboy, pat98, Pipo King, R the Man, Remi, reverdy, Serps, Shaggystar, sharkman, shivasirons, Shlong, smuler, Sol Tee Nutz, sweetwater, the infamous, ThePhotographer, treebeard, UncleBob, Wallseye, xfall
3 - 2nd place - charmer_, SpecialK, st-cum,
3 - 3rd place - bobspitzer, kingmaker, whoareyou
NOTE: Hungry101 publicly requested a vote correction adding his 1st place vote to GG.

Montreal Sex City - 78 points
23 - 1st place - alden, BadChap, Born2fly, Cat Daddy, chadnyc, charlespat27, cunniling, DiscoPitou, ezekiel, fletch16, greenacres99, Guinnessman, jonny71, Justforfun, Kingpin1, Martin07, Merlot, Montreal2008, nycbadboy128, Robin, Touch
2 - 2nd place - mike279, Xpassion
5 - 3rd place - sapman99, underdog98, LEANDRE, metaeros, pyjama guy

Wildtime Escorts - 68 points
20 - 1st place - Adam black, claudelin, cuthbert, eisfire, HOT4U, I_Love_QC_Girls, LEANDRE, lovelegs, Mike 279, Mr First, netone, nightcrawler, NJDude, oldbutartful, pl_101, pyjama guy, rumpleforeskiin, sapman99, snoop007, SY_MTL
2 - 2nd place - Halloween Mike, hungry101
5 - 3rd place - Cloudsurf, Delta123, justforfun, SpecialK, Xpassion

Montreal Xxxtase/Delight Escorts - 54 points
13 - 1st place - charmer_, CLAVIE, cockring, Hal, john77721, Kasey Jones, lastvisit, PaperMaker, phoenixdawn, sugarbear1966, robvya, Toxic1979, underdog98, Xpassion
7 - 2nd place - Cloudsurf, EagerBeaver, Joe.t, Mtlguy78, nycbadboy128, Pipo King, xfall,
1 - 3rd place - Madmanacross,

MTLGFE - 49 points
12 - 1st place - feelsgoodhuh, Hobbyist2012, luv to rub, marklee, montreal_monk01, peacemaker88, Rich Gear, rush_of_blood, simonpaul, Special K, st-cum, Xsat
6 - 2nd place - Adam black, LEANDRE, Merlot, pyjama guy, sapman99, underdog98
3 - 3rd place - hungry101, netone, nycbadboy128
NOTE: Hungry101 publicly requested a vote correction subtracting his 1st place vote for MTLGFE.

Asservissante - 23 points
6 - 1st place - eman514, ethyl, leoslide, Net Profit Margin, stef22, walter
2 - 2nd place - Madmanacross, metaeros
1 - 3rd place - EagerBeaver

Eleganza - 12 points
3 - 1st place - Doggyluver, samsonite, spyke
1 - 2nd place - netone
1 - 3rd place - xfall

Angel Escorts - 10 points
2 - 1st place - productions, saigonfun
1 - 2nd place - Delta123
2 - 3rd place - Merlot, Pipo King

Plaisirs Rebels -9 points
3 - 1st place - alca, Calabas, SpecialAgentMoody

Satin Dreams - 8 points
1 - 1st place - yves3061
1 - 2nd place - Justforfun
3 - 3rd place - mike279, charmer_, Joe.t

Top Montreal Escorts


Mae88 - 4 points
2 -2nd place - kingmaker, whoareyou


Mae88 - Pipo King

Montreal Xxxtase/Delight Escorts - Doc Holliday, Merlot, Pyjama guy

MTLGFE - Doc Holliday

Tony/Darlie - kingmaker, whoareyou

***A reminder that write in votes can be placed no higher than 2nd place since only those agencies who made the cut through nominations can get 1st place votes. All other votes fall down in order of placement.


All votes are being verified as the poll proceeds. Disqualified names will be erased in the final official poll count in a new thread preserving all members posts, except flame posts.


All help with verification, vote counts, suggestions, positive ideas are appreciated.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
As promised, all posts relevant to voting are preserved. Disqualified voters, flame comments, and superfluous comments were removed.

Hello all,

1st: Montreal Sex City


3rd: Angel Escorts

Honorable Mention: Montreal Xxxtase/Delight Escorts



Third..... WT

1st- GoodGirls.

2nd- XXXTase/Delight.

3rd- Satin Dreamz.

  1. WildTime, as voted at top of page
  3. Montreal Sex City

1st GG
2nd Asservissante
3rd XXXtase/Delight

And the worst, should you ask: Angel

1st - Good Girls
2nd - Wild Times
3rd - MTGFE

Merlot - please note that the order in the post above is the order in which I would like to cast my vote. I became distracted and I checked the wrong agency in the poll above the first post. Please correct this. As per your instructions in your reply to my PM I am noting this in the thread. Please post Good Girls as #1.



#1 Wildtimes
#2 Wildtimes ? :)
# 3 mtlgfe

I've been too pleased with Wildtimes customer satisfaction and honestly haven't been seeing anyone from other agencies for the last while.
I doubt my #2 vote is valid, but hey if it gets them points...maybe they'll throw a banging party soon. There's a couple of new girls on the roster I'd be interested in seeing in person before booking (I'm a face guy. As well as an ass tit and tattoo guy)

#1 Montreal Xxxtase/Delight Escorts

1st- GoodGirls.
2nd- XXXTase/Delight
3rd- Angel escorts

Honorable mention to for very interesting revolving offering of Korean dolls incall and friendly booking service and customer service.

1- wildtime escorts - for their friendliness, excellent customer service, quality of the girls in looks and service
2- mtlgfe, service ----- punctuality , quality of girls.
3- msc…---- friendliness, punctuality, good service, quality of THE GIRLS

1st : GoodGirls (already voted)
2nd : Angel escorts
3rd : Wildtime


I voted in the main poll for GG already but please add my 2nd and 3rd place votes as follows:

(2) XXXtase/Delight
(3) Asservissante

1 Goodgirls - Mike et Dan sont super cool et ils me text pour m'indiquiquer quand la fille quitte lagence. Cote ponctualite cest top ( already voted in poll )
2 Xxtase - toujours fiable
3 Eleganza - jamais eu de probleme

1. Wildtimes
2. Montreal Sex City
3. Satin Dreamz

1st Goodgirls
2nd Delight/XXXTase

1. Montreal Xxxtase/Delight Escorts
3. MSC

There is nothing vindictive about it at all. Agency owners are not allowed to vote in these threads and neither is anyone who has acted as their direct representative. This is a rule set by the poll starter and one that must be followed.


1st: Montreal Sex City

2nd: Satin Dreamz

3rd: Wildtime

My votes are:

1st place-Montreal Sex City
2nd place-Delight/xxxtase
3rd place-MTLGFE

#1 is Plaisirs Rebels.

Thank you.

Wild Time

Hello everyone.

I first wanted to thank Merlot, for taking the time to put this poll together. Having done it myself, last year, I can attest to how much work and time goes into it and how thankless it can be, because of the impossibility to please everyone. I had PMed him regarding the disqualification of Joe t., to try to clarify the situation in which I felt there was some confusion. Merlot asked me to post this portion of my PM publicly. GoodGirls has no issues whatsoever with the rules of this poll and will abide by any final decision made. In this case, I believe Joe. t.'s labelling as an agent is inaccurate. I also feel that saying Joe is an agent does him a disservice beyond this poll and isn't fair to him, so wanted to set the record straight.

Hi Merlot

I I just wanted to Comment on Joe t.'s disqualification. This is your poll and I accept any decision you deem to be the right one. I just wanted to clarify that I feel Joe had nothing to do with setting up the last GoodGirls GT and labelling him an agent is inaccurate. He did co-rent the penthouse last October with Iggy, but never had more to do with the organization of the party beyond that. Iggy had helped send out the invites and put together a guest list because Mike and I were very busy at that time, but Joe had never contacted or had any input into that organization. Mike nor myself had never even spoken to him about the logistics of the party until we saw him the day of. As far as I'm concerned, Joe t. was just an equal guest as everybody else.


This past year I've only used one Agency and only seen one girl so they get my vote (Good Girls's Lexxi). If my vote does not count due to this fact, so be it, but I can only vote for one... :)

1) XXXtase/Delight (Already voted on top)
2) GoodGirls
3) Satin Dreams

I realized i forgot to vote.

I voted for GoodGirls since for me it's an obvious choice. They have a large roster of great (good?) girls. Even though i haven't seen many of their girls, i've referred them to some of my visiting pals and most of the time the agency came through & my pals were very pleased and did repeat.

Honorable mentions:

XXXtase/Delight, MTL GFE. I would have usually added Asservissante, but they're closed way too often for my liking and i haven't used them since Marie-Eve and Britanny retired.

Don't see my votes anywhere. Pretty sure I voted as follows a few weeks ago:

2)mtl gfe
3)msc/satin dreamz

My vote:

1st: Mae88

2nd: Good girls

3rd: Tony/Darlie

Same as whoareyou,

1) mae 88
3) darlie

My vote:

1) Wildtime Escorts
2) Eleganza

My votes,

1) xxxtase/ delight
2) montreal sex city
3) wildtimes

1. Goodgirls
2. Asservissante
3. Montreal Sex City

2. GoodGirls
I don't have a 3rd

1: MAE88
2: GoodGirls

I heard today i had still a couple days left to vote on this poll. Since i am no longer associated with Wildtime. I put my vote for Good Girls, not like it needed it to win but whatever :p

Second place will go to Wildtime anyway, and it does not matter if i was there or not, those girls deserve to be recognized.
Third place... Eleganza, for keeping there words on giving me the discount they promised.

Time to cast my vote

1. GG, recruiter master of the year !
2. MtlXXXtase / Delight for the consistency and quality of of their service.

Ok, finally placed my votes today. This is extremely difficult because both MTLGFE and GG have been stellar for me this year. I'd actually put them in a tie but that's not possible in the poll. Therefore, I'll give my 1st place vote to MTLGFE (since GG's running away with the title) and it also helps that MTLGFE has my current favorite gal in their lineup. ;) Third place I'm going with WT. I'm sure Xxxtase is also deserving but I didn't partake in any of their gems this past year.

3: Wildtime

As an aside to Merlot, very nice job undertaking this task. You kept it clean and fair and also well updated. Thank you!


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

Now that the poll has closed let me congratulate the winner and offer my own opinion on the reason why GG won this poll so convincingly. It has to do with their business model. They have combined outcall and incall operations in a way no agency has ever been successful at doing. Most of the clients at GG that I have met are either outcall-only or incall-only. That suggests to me that they have a double clientele which other agencies less proficient in combining operations do not have. You can really expand your client base when you have an incall operation running as well and in as good a location as GG's. A reliable daytime incall operation really enhanced their poll numbers, i believe.

Unlike most GG clients I have used both the outcall and incall operations. Mostly outcall. But I was very impressed with their incall apartment/condo. Much nicer than what I was expecting. A studio, but clean and efficient for the purpose.

Also, GG has a large and varied roster. Kate and Hannah are/were clearly two of the best reviewed SPs, if not the 2 best reviewed SPs, in 2013. The agency has also featured a number of other very good SPs at various times, such as Katrina, Valantina, and others.

The fact that GG won by over a 2 to 1 margin over the next best agency startled me somewhat, but the reason I think is what I set forth above. In the past other primarily outcall based agencies tried to do incall ops on top of a successful outcall op, and never did it as well. That is why GG won by as much as they did.

Congrats To GOODGIRLS!

I know first hand how hard Mike and James work for everyone involved and while not perfect, they do a pretty darrn good job and this poll reflects that. This is NOT to take anything away from the other agencies at all as either I or my friends have had great things to say about almost all that were listed in the poll.


Speech! Speech!

It would be impossible to say how many who voted for GG were outcall clients and how many were incall clients, but even if it were 50/50 and we counted only the outcall voters, Good Girls still wins the poll. Of course, we can't make up such distinctions now that the poll is over.

GoodGirls # 1 WOW ! thanks guys from me and james you made us !!

now to everyone who voted for GoodGirls and KATE in this year's pool

- you will receive an invitation for GG3

ey IGGY lets get them to the BIGGEST GT ever !!
over 20 girls and lots of fun animation , winning prices .

trust me it will be montreal's best event !!
and you will remember it for a long time .

special thanks to randy . man you made me !!
by not taking me back with you . forced me to be
better and give me motivation to be the best .

that was coming out of your mouth i was the next one !
man you were right BIG THANKS TO MY BUDDY RANDY !

I learn a lot from you and you were the best so i guess

l eleve a dépasser le maitre . vraiment merci Randy
mais les sacrifices pour arriver a cette fin on value le coup
je suis vraiment fière de ce que mes GoodGirls ont accomplis !!

maintenant la partie la plus dure va commencer devenir no 1 est
une chose mais le rester est autre chose , comme ma dis mon
ami delta !

merci delta pour avoir été le premier membre a me faire confiance
ta jeter de la lumière sur GoodGirls on on rayonne aujourd' hui un peu
grace a toi je te suis reconnaissant et t ai accorder un super V.I.P TRAITEMENT
et j ai jamais regretté notre amitié

and big fucking BIG THANKS to JAMES !! you trusted me and join the agency
man im so happy to have you with us . your by far the best agent who worked
with me and can't say it enough THANKS !!!!!!!!

TO ALL GIRLS WHO WORKED HERE THANKS !!!!!! you made GoodGirls no 1 !!
and i owe you so much !!!!!! i love you and will love you for ever !!

guys i know I'm not easy to deal with some time but can't say enough THANKS
to support GG and try my best to be better , you deserved it .


I personally can't comment on the incall part of GG, always been an outcall client, but i can say that Mike/James where always on time taking the girls to me. They where always reliable both in term of time and girls showing up. I am not sure of how many girls i saw the past year, but must have been at least 5-6 differents, and many repeats with Kate, and i always got 5 stars services. As for the girls themselves, very pretty and friendly.

Mike has proved he knows how to run this business very well, congrats Mike.

I think all of the Loyal and Beautiful Ladies who are happy working with/for Mike should get a huge applause for this win as well. Whats makes a great Agency? A great team and GG's has that covered in all areas, from Owner/Management to bookers, to drivers and the stars = the GoodGirls.

Hello Hello !

N’est-ce pas fantastique ! Il me semble que depuis déja plusieurs
années nous vous remercions pour les résultats qui nous place
en 2ieme, encore et encore et encore !

Bien, nous vous remercions encore :lol: pour cette 2ieme place et soyez
assurez que ces remerciements sont des plus sincères ! :hail: Oh oui !
Pour nous cela signifie que nous arrivont a gérer cette affaire avec
une grande consistance année après année et ce, peu importe
la competition et nous trouvons que c’est une belle réussite !

Je souhaite offrir mes plus grands remerciements a l’équipe de Montreal Sex City.

Mesdemoiselles, vous êtes merveilleusement appréciées et vous amenées cette
agence dans l’estime de la clientèle a un niveau inoubliable. Vous êtes très
chaleureuses et généreuses lors de vos rencontres et vous définissez
jour après jour la touche spéciale de Montreal Sex City.

Aux bookers et chauffeurs pour votre intégration aux nouvelles tâches qui vous
ont été offertes et que vous avez accepté de relever le défi, mais surtout, pour
votre chimie qui permet que tout ce passe dans une ambiance agréable.

Alors voila, Mesdames et Messieurs, toute l’équipe de Montreal Sex City est fière
d’avoir été selectionné pour faire partie du poll final de meilleure agence en
2013 et de plus amples remerciements pour cette position, que nous
trouvons spectaculaire de ces points de vues ! :thumb:

Nous allons continuer a vous offrir le meilleur de nous en 2014 !

Amusez-vous !
Merci à tous tellement!
Mlle Jessy et une belle équipe de professionnelle ! :smile:

* * * * * * * * * *

Ain't that fantastic! It seems to me that since already several
years we thank you for bringning us in 2nd place ,
again and again and again!

Well, we thank you again :lol: for this 2nd place and be ensure that
these are sincere thanks ! :hail: Oh yes ! For us it mean that we
are able to manage this business with high consistency year
after year, regardless of the competition and we find that
this is a great success finally !

I wish to offer my deepest thanks to the team of Montreal Sex City.

Ladies, you are wonderfully appreciated, you bringht this agency
in the esteem of the customer at an unforgettable level . You
are very warm and generous during your meetings and you
define day after day that Montreal Sex City's special touch.

To bookers and drivers for your integration to the new tasks
that were offered and have agreed to challenge, but more
importantly, for your chemistry that allows everything
going on in a friendly atmosphere.

So here it is, Ladies and Gentlemen, the whole team of Montreal Sex City
is proud to have been selected to be part of the final poll of best agency
in 2013 and further thanks for this position, that we find spectacular
from these points views ! :thumb:

We will continue to offer our best to you in 2014 !

Have fun !
Thank you all so much !
Miss Jessy and a great professional team ! :smile:

GG is very deserving of being the #1 agency in MTL.
Keep up the great work of managing, recruiting and offering the best service!
Congrats Mike, James and all the GoodGirls.


I also congratulate you and Montreal Sex City for running a consistently high ranking agency in the voting over the years. There have been some #1 agencies that flamed out after a couple years, but I would rather be #2 or #3 for a bunch of years, as you have done. Great job! There are a whole bunch of agencies looking up at you, including the other 8 that were nominated!

very nice out of you EB you touch my heart . coming from a veteran member its very flattering .

can't wait to have a stinger with you !


Suis pas inquiet pour toi. C'est bien mérité. La dernière fois que j'ai booké Kaila, juste à voir le service exceptionnel que t'as fourni, j'ai bien vu que t'es désormais de retour parmi les meilleurs providers
Laches pas!

pour vrai t tellement pas compliquer a servir et si j aurais que des gars
comme toi les filles seraient plus heureuses . merci a toi mon ami !!

et j espère te voir a la fin février au GG3 fait tellement longtemps
qu on se parle faudrait bien prendre un singer avec EB ET tous les
autres . fais moi le plaisir de te présenter on a tellement de choses
a se dire .


I personally can't comment on the incall part of GG, always been an outcall client, but i can say that Mike/James where always on time taking the girls to me. They where always reliable both in term of time and girls showing up. I am not sure of how many girls i saw the past year, but must have been at least 5-6 differents, and many repeats with Kate, and i always got 5 stars services. As for the girls themselves, very pretty and friendly.

Mike has proved he knows how to run this business very well, congrats Mike.

you deserved it I'm so proud to win your confidence !!!


That is a good point.

It would actually be nice if the pool was separate for incall and outcalls.
Customers needs are different.
Of course, a good agency like GG could win in both fronts.

Sometimes even the ADs are not clear enough and I have problems trying to figure out if it is incall or outcall.
I can only do incalls, so that is important for me.

Just an idea/suggestion... :)

will take good note of your comments. it will help us tanks


you deserved it I'm so proud to win your confidence !!!


Tu l'a depuis un mechant boute :D

I would also like to specially congratulate the girls at WildTime as well for a well deserved podium place, i made some good friends over there, those girls are really amazing, beautifull and nice to talk to. Allyson and Christina, awesome girls, easy to deal with, always on a good mood. Felicia, wich became a good friend and i loved to chill with you drinking beers and wine :p. Amelie even tough your not with WT anymore, i was able to meet you there and made a friendship with you. And of course all the others i had some good talks with. And finally, one very special person, dear in my heart, Lily Rose you know how i feel about you and words are not enough to describe you :angel:

Wow, look at Good Girls Soar! Off the charts!!!! Does anyone wonder why Mike has made GG's #1 and has outpaced his closest competitor by more than a 2:1 margin? Well I will tell you something; When I call he picks up the phone and he remembers me. He calls me by my first name and I forgot I even told him my first name. He sounds like he is happy to hear from me and do business with me and we have only had a few conversations between us. I ask him to select a girl and he sends a knock out that is off the charts because he listens to me and he seems to understand my hot buttons. If he were a restauranteur his restaurant would be packed. If he sold cars he would have repeat customers lined up. If he sold ice, the Eskimos would be on a waiting list. Oh, and yes, his girls are smokin hot!

I would like to go back a few years and see how the numbers stack up for the past 5 years or so. Who would have thought that Devilish/GOF would not even be nominated? And that other top agencies like Eleganza would have faded?

Thank you Merlot. This is very useful data. It looks like the three agencies I voted for all scored well. This is a good reality check as it tells me I am pretty much working with the top agencies. This means that I am at increased odds of having an enjoyable encounter with these agencies according to the data. Also, I see Montreal Sex City is one exception. They have the 2nd highest total points and they have stood the test of time. I have yet to do business with them. I will have to give them a shot this year. I wouldn't have realized this if it were not for the pole. Thanks again.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

Congratulations to Mike & James on your victory. Very impressive and well deserved :nod:. Wish I could make your birthday gathering at the end of the month Mike, but previous circumstances forced me to change my travel plans. I'm sure you'll put on a phenomenal party!!

Boy did I ever nail this prediction.:thumb:

Congratulation to Mike of GoodGirls for winning the prestigious !!!!AGENCY OF THE YEAR!!!! award, you now officially have the belt.


Comme je l’ai mentionné il y a quelques semaines lol : Félicitation Mike et également félicitation aux beautés GoodGirls and a special mention to James, what a great guy.

Also, I would like to take to opportunity to say thanks to all agencies that I’m doing business with.


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