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This Lunatic NEEDS to be exposed to the World !!!


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Girls on Fire said:
This Sam B, is in fact RobertPal... I know this forsure.

The Nefarious Robertpal, who not only craves BBFS but also apparently enjoys passing himself off as an erudite, sophisticated British doctor with a fondness for English literature. Very devious! This is his most devious act since the infamous plagiarism of Rumpleforeskin's review of an SP on another Board.........which he plagiarized in order to create info there which he could exchange for tips there on BBFS providers. A truly sneaky guy!

Did anyone fall for this one?
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Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Doc Holliday said:
I also wasn't aware that they were still on sale. I don't know a single person who uses them.

... I wouldn't be surprised, by the way, if he eventually found any takers to his offer. Today, bbfs is not as uncommon as we want to believe it is. My ears are constantly open to what goes on behind closed doors in this business & it is indeed happening & has been for the past few years. It's not an unusual phenomenon, or whatever you want to call it. Many young sps only started to use condoms once they entered this business. I've even spoken to several over the years who admitted having a hard time getting used to condoms after entering the biz. So it's not only the johns who have a hard time adjusting to them. /quote]

Hello Doc,

As you can see from this poll 39% of those responding here said they received BBFS, and 9% more were offered it but declined. Yes, very scary. So it seems Robertpal is just one of many clients and SPs taking risks. It's nice to have a warning about him, but it's too bad all the other clients and SPs doing it won't be named here.





Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Doc Holliday said:
I also wasn't aware that they were still on sale. I don't know a single person who uses them.

Yeah, someone who sends emails of this nature to sps must be creepy. However, there are many creeps in this business at all levels. If they guy is truthful about being allergic to latex, like many people are, he should simply find himself a girlfriend. The escorting business is the last place he should go to seek bbfs. I wouldn't be surprised, by the way, if he eventually found any takers to his offer. Today, bbfs is not as uncommon as we want to believe it is. My ears are constantly open to what goes on behind closed doors in this business & it is indeed happening & has been for the past few years. It's not an unusual phenomenon, or whatever you want to call it. Many young sps only started to use condoms once they entered this business. I've even spoken to several over the years who admitted having a hard time getting used to condoms after entering the biz. So it's not only the johns who have a hard time adjusting to them.

I know a girl who's also very allergic to latex. She even had to quit her nursing job because of it. I asked her one day how she managed to have sex prior to getting married. She replied that she absolutely couldn't have sex with a man if he wore a condom since her vagina would swell up like crazy. Which is why, she said, that she only had a couple of boyfriends in her life, the last one being the guy she later married.
Hello Doc,

As you can see from this poll 39% of those responding here said they received BBFS, and 9% more were offered it but declined. Yes, very scary. So it seems Robertpal is just one of many clients and SPs taking risks. It's nice to have a warning about him, but it's too bad all the other clients and SPs doing it won't be named here.


View Poll Results:

BBFS question I had BBFS with an SP 21 38.89%

Never Had BBFS 28 51.85%

Was offered BBFS, but declined 5 9.26%

Voters: 54.


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Sep 4, 2006
Doc Holliday said:
Today, bbfs is not as uncommon as we want to believe it is. My ears are constantly open to what goes on behind closed doors in this business & it is indeed happening & has been for the past few years. It's not an unusual phenomenon, or whatever you want to call it. Many young sps only started to use condoms once they entered this business. I've even spoken to several over the years who admitted having a hard time getting used to condoms after entering the biz. So it's not only the johns who have a hard time adjusting to them.

That's truly alarming. I do recall one review written several months ago where the hobbyist said that the SP started applying Vaseline for lubrication. So there are SPs out there who are not even educated in the proper use of condoms.

If this is robertpal, well I don't know what to say. I know if I wanted BBFS I would get involved in an LTR, but seeking that kind of service from an SP is a monumental act of stupidity.

Is there anything normal people can do to avoid SPs who have offered this in the past? Do they fit a specific profile (e.g. new to the biz) or do those who offer it come from all segments (new, experienced, agency, indy...etc)?
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I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
thebitchelor said:
can someone pm me or translate here in french who is this?
You want to start a riot or what? Asking for a translation!! :D :D :D :p :p
Tu veux partire une émeute ou quoi? Demander une traduction!! :D :D :D :p :p

Serieusement, RobertPal est un disgracieux personnage qui a été banni à vie il y a un bout. Son plaisir était, entre autres, de tenter de convaincres les dames d'avoir des relations sexuelles complètes et non-protéges avec lui. Chris de GOF et Jessy de MSC disent savoir de source fiable que RobertPal est le même mec qui envoie des courriels a beaucoup de dames en essayant encore le les convaincre de faire des BBFS en prétextant une allergie au latex et autres matériaux utilisés pour faire des condoms.


New Member
May 8, 2008
Girls on Fire said:
Just so you guys know,

This Sam B, is in fact RobertPal... I know this forsure. So i would advise anyone who get`s this email not to see him not even if he says ok i will use one....



Hello Chris and thank you !

Well I guess this sick minded S.O.B. is reading our comments at this
very moment !!

He is now identified and exposed !

Well done !

Special K

‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^›
May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
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Doc Holliday said:
Who's Robert Pal? Any relation to Roger Mooreny? :confused:

Yes, they're the same person Doc.

I still don't see Sam Beckett as being Robertpal though. The writing style is nowhere near the way that Robertpal writes, he may be a highly intelligent, trust fund baby douchebag, but whenever he wrote anything on this board he wrote with the skills of a 9 year old. My opinion is that the Sam Beckett email is far too well written to be him.


Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Special K said:
I still don't see Sam Beckett as being Robertpal though. The writing style is nowhere near the way that Robertpal writes, he may be a highly intelligent, trust fund baby douchebag, but whenever he wrote anything on this board he wrote with the skills of a 9 year old. My opinion is that the Sam Beckett email is far too well written to be him.

I agree, i don't believe that Sam Beckett is RobertPal or Roger Mooreny. Sam Beckett wouldn't be a handle that this parasite would ever use & you're correct.....Sam Beckett appears to be much more educated than the "unwanted one". On top of that, you probably know him better than anyone else! Didn't i ever see you two at the same dinner table once? :D

(Sorry bud, i just had to say it! :D )

Special K

‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^›
May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
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Doc Holliday said:
I agree, i don't believe that Sam Beckett is RobertPal or Roger Mooreny. Sam Beckett wouldn't be a handle that this parasite would ever use & you're correct.....Sam Beckett appears to be much more educated than the "unwanted one". On top of that, you probably know him better than anyone else! Didn't i ever see you two at the same dinner table once? :D

(Sorry bud, i just had to say it! :D )

Haha, Yea, you almost saw him under the same dinner table, spitting out his chicklets. :)

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Special K said:
Haha, Yea, you almost saw him under the same dinner table, spitting out his chicklets. :)

I still remember vividly that evening....even though we were only sitting about 15-20 feet from one another, we kept calling one another on our cells & you'd say: "What a f'kin idiot! What a f'kin idiot that guy is!" Ten minutes later, i'd call you again. "So? How are you doing bud?" You'd say "I swear, if i don't get out of this place i'm gonna hit that f'kin idiot! What a f'kin idiot!!" And then you left & relieved your stress by being royally entertained by one of my atfs, none other than the marvelous "Marie-Eve". Later that night, at the HDM, it was our favorite jester "Beave" who nearly lost it when he saw RP continuously grabbing one of Chris' girls' ass. The Beave's ears were steaming!! :mad:


Sep 5, 2006
Doc Holliday said:
Many sps have wound up getting pregnant while working in this business & it wasn't always from intercourse happening outside of the business

Maybe they got pregnant from a ruptured condom?

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Mysterious said:
Maybe they got pregnant from a ruptured condom?

I'm rolling on the floor & laughing out loud right now!!! :D :D :D

That excuse never goes way!!! It really never does!!! :D :D :D :D

Girls on Fire

The Devils Twin
Mar 30, 2007

Hey SK and DOC,

I`m telling you it is him because when he started to try to rebook with me, remember when i posted his picture:eek: :cool: :p he was using that same email to ask me to please forgive him and send him girls... So i know it is him. Also it is not to hard to write an email like this if you just sit down and concentrate 2 minutes, on the bowl :D LOL.

It is the same email untouched he has been sending around for the last 2 years.



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site


Having also met Robertpal in person myself and followed his various board controversies over the years, I am inclined to agree with Special K and Doc that this particular email exceeds Robertpal's level of sophistication. However, I don't doubt he sent you that email; what I doubt is his authorship of it. I believe he found it somewhere or befriended a fellow BBFS enthusiast who is a bit more literate and had him draft it. It does have the RP trademark sneakiness to it, but the erudite diction is simply not consistent with his other writings.


New Member
Jul 24, 2007
i remember robertpal being banned from this board but i dont remember sure alots of new merbites are asking who is robertpal and why was he banned from merb????
could somebody tell us robertpal history and why was he banned from merb???

Girls on Fire

The Devils Twin
Mar 30, 2007
I agree fully

Hey EB,

I agree with you 100% on that. I agree he could never write something like that even on his best "crap" day:p . No matter where he got it it is him who is sending it to us under the name SAM BECKETT....



New Member
Jun 6, 2005

EagerBeaver said:

Having also met Robertpal in person myself and followed his various board controversies over the years, I am inclined to agree with Special K and Doc that this particular email exceeds Robertpal's level of sophistication. However, I don't doubt he sent you that email; what I doubt is his authorship of it. I believe he found it somewhere or befriended a fellow BBFS enthusiast who is a bit more literate and had him draft it. It does have the RP trademark sneakiness to it, but the erudite diction is simply not consistent with his other writings.


Perhaps adapting an old adage to "Once a plagiarist always a plagiarist"
would serve as an explanation.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I still recall vividly one of his eye-opening reviews when he saw an Eleganza girl & admitted to 'greeking' her. He had written that he was under the impression that she wasn't ready for the moment & litterally crapped all over bedsheets. I also remember him mentionning later going out & then sleeping in those same 'soiled sheets' until the following morning, when he was surprised by the maid & she snickered when she realized that he had slept in soiled sheets! Whew!! I mean, phew!!! :eek:
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