Montreal Escorts

Trip Summary - Labor Day 2017


Active Member
May 27, 2004
Boston, MA USA
Trip Summary

Apparently, the moderators hate having trip summaries in the review section, so I am posting this here. I was in Montreal from Friday through Tuesday and had 6 sessions with 5 different ladies - Maie (XO), Angie (euphoria), Mila (Vogue), Emily (euphoria), and Julie (XO). The details of those sessions are posted on their respective review threads. This post is about the overall trip.

My last visit in early July was pretty awesome and there wasn't a single mediocre session the whole time. This visit was more of a mixed bag - the dominant theme was tons of cancellations.

In general, I very rarely repeat with girls here in Montreal because there are just so many wonderful beautiful women in this fair city and I spend so little time here. I feel like I want to try and see as many as possible. That being said, my last visit was so great, I knew I was going to have some repeats. I booked Adriana with Love for the night I arrived and Maie (XO) for the next morning and I desperately wanted another session with Mandy (Vogue).

As I was driving up from Connecticut, I got a text from Adriana that she had a personal issue come up and had to cancel. So, before I even crossed the border, I was already scrambling to adjust. I decided to move my booking with Maie to that night and book Misa from XO the next morning. After my session with Maie, Sam said that Misa was feeling under the weather and he wouldn't know for certain if she could make it until the next morning. This seemed way too risky, so I went ahead and moved my booking with Misa to the following morning so I could book Angie (euphoria) in the early afternoon and Mila (Vogue) at night.

At this point I wasn't bummed because I was still going to get to see Misa Sunday morning, but late Saturday night Sam let me know she had to cancel. I took a deep breath and surveyed who was available and I thought that things were looking up because James said Laura (euphoria) was available in the afternoon. Laura has been on my TDL list for over a year but I have never been able to book her. At this point, I didn't care about any other cancellation if I could finally meet Laura. Then around lunch time, James said Laura had to cancel. I booked Emily in her place for later in the evening.

Even after all of this, I was praying that Mandy would be working on Monday. I knew a session with her would make up for every other misfire. However, when the Vogue schedule was posted, she wasn't working. I am pretty sure at this point that Oliver and Anthony at Vogue had pretty much reached their limit of reading my texts "Is Mandy working monday?"

In the end, I had two wonderful sessions with Maie, really nice sessions with Angie and Mila and kind of middle of the road sessions with Emily (euphoria) and Julie (XO). The trip felt a little frustrating not because of the sessions themselves but because I had such trouble scheduling the girls I wanted and then getting so many cancellations. I wouldn't say any of this was the fault of the bookers at the respective agencies, it is just one of those things that happens from time to time.


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2015
I feel your pain Luvdozer, on my last trip I had cancelations galore. If I was a local I wouldn't care nearly as much, but coming from out of town it really messes up your plans when you have limited time.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Nice report Luvdozer!

Glad you liked Maie, if you only knew how I like that girl! Have not yet repeat.. Shame on me.

As a local I pretty much always have a plan B because we get these cancellation a lot too. So you guys on trip with one or 2 per day, you need a plan b, c, d and possibly e haha

But at least there is a turn around. When I was with my ex or girlfriend before when she was not in the mood or for any reason, plan b was your own h... hehe



A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003

You provide a good example for everyone of how to be resourceful and resilient in the face of cancellations. You had a run of bad luck but you dealt with it well and still had a good time. There are so many great girls in Montreal that no one should get too disappointed when cancellations happen. You just move on to plan B and if necessary plan C. Sometimes when cancellations happen something good comes of it e.g. You discover a new girl who turns out to be great.


Active Member
May 27, 2004
Boston, MA USA
Plan B? How about a spreadsheet with different tabs for each agency that tracks when different girls have worked over the last 6 weeks and summarizes merb reviews along with my personal rankings. I come to montreal as prepared as allies landing at normandy. Even when German anti aircraft scatter my gliders all over the peninsula, I adapt.

In all seriousness, I plan so intensely precisely because my visits are so short and I don't know when the next chance will come for a given girl. If I lived in town I would have a totally different approach. I have no doubt that James, Sam and Anthony grow annoyed with my incessant texting, but I make every effort to be a good customer otherwise.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I understand you fully. If i was a local i wouldn't care one bit either. I mean she canceled today? Meh... ill take the first shift next time she work, no worry. Especially if you call from your home, its an easy thing. You don't loose anything. Or if you are an incall guy and just have to drive 10-15 mins or take the subway there, no worry at all.

But when you plan a trip, come from far or in my case not that far but a big hassle to have to go trough (multiple bus and/or finding driving to ride with, reserving hotel etc etc) then a cancellation is devastating.

But my trips are a little different than the one here. I mean i see only 1 (very rarely 2) girls and stay 1 night only... so i have only 1 chance for this to work, if i end up on plan b mode and said plan b end up being a disapointement, im fucked... and not in the good sense of the term lol. Especially with the popular agencies fully booking 80% of there girls by the morning, if my meeting is canceled i don't have much chances of redeeming it...

And the most disapointing this is when you really wanted to see somebody, then it does not happen, and she end up quiting the business before you can go back to MTL... so you end up either never seeing her or never repeating....

Also i hope trip reports will be at least allow into the lounge, there very fun to read. Its weird how merb and terb seem like identitcal sisters twin site but have such a different set of rules... lol. I mean i see local post reviews of 2 different girls in the same post very often, not even trip reports. Classified Ads girls also have there own section while terb indies and agencies have another one.
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