Montreal Escorts

Trip Summary - Labor Day 2018

Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
Do you mean that if you take the ticket lets say wednesday, then its only valid til sunday, therefore making it not really a weekly pass but a 5 day pass...?

I can only repeat (for the fourth time in this thread) what I have said before: the only option for a weekly pass is Monday through Sunday. No matter on what day you "take the ticket", it is only valid until the end of Sunday. Please refer all further inquiries to the STM site (you can find links in my post # 6), I am done with this topic.

In any case we obviously have very different way of speaking

Understatement of the week.

Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
To get back on topic, i don't understand why the mods have not replied in this thread yet. Explain there side of why they don't like trip summaries etc.

I don't presume to speak for the mods, but perhaps they consider board contributors capable of doing a basic search and finding what was stated on this subject before. For example:

We do not permit one post/thread with multiple reviews unless those reviews are copied into their respective threads as well. In the long run it would create a chaotic board, where reviews are scattered everywhere.

It is certainly a valid concern.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
OK thats a bit thiefty in my opinion, anyway moving on...

Well that argument is not really true, because terb operate this way and the board is not chaotic. If it was a totally different type of boards i could understand not all domain are the same but its the same exact type of board, its basically merb for ontario, only in red, so.... and actually terb get much much more post per days than merb, so if it would be "chaotic" somewhere it would be there before being the case here. If anything is chaotic its more when you look for reviews and there is a 15 pages thread with 1 review every 2 pages and the rest are comments... Plus as i said, we seen lots of usefull good review threads disapeared because of posters deleting there history OR when the rogue mod did it.

R the Man

Variety is the spice...
Feb 6, 2004
Somewhere in LaLa land.
Visit site
Hey Mistral, I had a good time hanging with you at Cleo's and Kingdom. Agree with you about Laurie - did I suggest her to you, or had you already seen her when we met? Anyway, great report, and hope to hang with you again.

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