hahahahaha said:
Now, am I going to get someone to answer my question, or shall I just delete this thread altogether? (about the parties...)And don't bring your girlfriends. I will take them home.
Even though I sort of outted HAHAHAHA, albeit he wasn't who I thought he was (sorry dude...), he did bring up something of interest. I haven't been a member for long myself but have noticed the MERB (or hobbyist ) parties seem to occur before Christmas and again in the summer. Are those the only times an official party is scheduled?
And if i understand it correctly, Stripperlover was the first member to organize these get-togethers, then Orallover has handled the last few? (will Anallover be the next member to take over?
I have to confess that I did show up at the Hotel de La Montagne the night of the last party (back last december), hoping to join the group, but was sitting down with a drink while I tried to spot our fellow members. Which I eventually did, but before I could approach found myself talking with a lady non-member for quite a long time before we eventually left the hotel for an evening of fun...Next time, i'll try harder to join with everybody, but no guarantees I'll succeed, deal?
As for the girlfriend stealing bit, my friend, get real!