viagra, cialis and
wilko26 said:
I use to buy my blue pill online on I get it into a discret packaging...Wilko
Out of curiosity, I ordered some viagra and cialis pills from, to experiment what spectacular effect those pills might have...
One week after I ordered, some guy knocked on my door, delivering a parcel, and made me sign for it.
The parcel came from china

and the contents were: "hand-made pearl bracelet". (no, not necklace...)
I open it, and there is indeed a pearl bracelet in a little box... with some pills hidden underneath.
Does it really go through china?? I don't know.
Can't the customs see the pills by scanning the parcel with an x-ray? Maybe they don't care...
The pills seem to be real. They look exactly like real pills are supposed to look.
They are supposed to be the highest dose (100mg per blue pill, 20mg per yellow pill) and they are difficult to cut in half.
I tried half a viagra pill, I got some annoying side effects (dyspepsia and nose bleeding) but no noticeable effect in the pants.
I tried half a cialis pill and got no effect at all.
I'll try taking a whole pill next time, but I don't expect anything spectacular.
Can anyone tell about their experience with "STUD 100 (genital desensitizer)" or similar products, and how to get some? It would be appreciated, I'm tempted to experiment with it.