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Visistor question:why indy is generally more expensive than agent


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Plenty of indies charge less than agencies. If you don't believe me, look on the Montreal version of BP or CL. You will find escorts that charge less. You may find a bargain but my advice to you is if you live out of town and your hobby time or budget is precious than do not search for bargains.

Sound advice ;) I am mainly an indy guy. I do use AI, Hump or 123 which are the Montreal version of BP or CL as you call them Hungry.

The good indy girl that you can find from those site, and who do charge less, are mainly working out of Montreal. They are in Laval, Brossard, Terrebonne and even St-Jerome or St-Jean... Which is way too far for a visitor. For visitor staying with Merb Indies or agency is the big first steps towards having a great time in this city ;)


Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Im not saying they charge to much ,im only saying those are just escuse to justify there price. The second apartement is not neccesary cause there s lots guy that go to hotel.

...My 2nd grade mathematics teacher would point out the fact a month worth of hotel is a lot more expensive than a month rent.... I’m just gonna leave this here lol


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
Yes captainmax, I always figured the agency operators had to keep a tighter range between the girl's quotes to keep the peace on the team. Why are some agency favorites always booked up quickly? That would tell you that they could charge more.


French Ebony
Mar 11, 2019
Just to add my two cents. Some women start off working for an agency. They can become very popular and booked solid all the time.

I know some of then will set their donation higher than agencies on purpose. On a volume perspective, you won't get as many calls and will have time to do stuff outside of your job but still be ale to make a good living.

Carmine Falcone

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2017
I was in Montreal a few weeks ago and it was mostly a trip of Indys. All the good points about why indy providers cost more have already been covered. Only thing I have to add is that service-wise, I haven't noticed that much of a difference between indy and agency ladies. This is a testament to the high quality of service in Montreal and that should be commended. Or maybe I've been really fortunate with a greater portion of the agency girls I've met.

Of course, it begs the question of why pay more when you can get just as good at a lower price? I'm sure value-conscious guys will see it that way. My criterion for picking an SP is whether she's appealing to me or not, regardless of whether she works for an agency or is independent. So, I have no problem seeing that more expensive indy if something about her is irresistible to me. You local Montreal folk should never take for granted the good things you have.
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