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W5 CTV special last night on Sex Trade in York, north of Toronto


Active Member
Jan 18, 2009
Don't kid yourself, the police actually go through all the ads in craigslist & other sites, they try to find & rescue under age girls, they try to arrest PIMPS who assault the SP's, some pimps marry the girl so they can pimp them out. There was one pimp who had 2 working girls but because he wasn't assaulting them & wasn't forcing them to work, he wasn't arrested. Then there was Jasmin, a DDG HDH escort, who was making 10k to 20k a NIGHT, once she made 50k euros in one night, sometimes she would accompany men on vacation for 30k. Her pimp got 2 years for assaulting her badly, & will probably be free in 6 months (this is Canada), if it would have been in the states he would have gotten a life sentence ( where life means till death do us part).
Do the police here in Montreal have a similar squad team trying to arrest pimps & try to find underage escorts?


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Jun 21, 2003
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Wow, I just posted the same thread at the same time concerning the same subject....

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Guys, it does not take much effort to give the Lounge a quick look before starting a thread like this one.

Threads merged.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
Thanks for the link. Just finished watching the video. Pretty good one except for the usual bullshit, in the first part, referring to a "study" in 2003 establishing that more than 80% of the girls in the trade are trafficked. The police guy never got into that kind of data and it helped heightening his credibility. He is clearly going after the bad guys without being judgemental on the rest.

Although there is a lot to improve, the report shows that LE in Toronto, (it is also the case in many parts of Canada) are changing their approach and their attitude towards prostitution, trying to build up their credibility with the sex workers, at least on a one to one basis when they make operations. They have understood that it is completely useless to multiply arrests of sex workers.

There is one moment that will stay in my mind forever. When the journalist asks one of the girls what made her change her mind in her decision to cooperate with the police. She answers something like: well the policeman was young, good looking, well dressed… I’m not judgemental here. Just thought it was funny.


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Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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Thanks for the link. Just finished watching the video. Pretty good one except for the usual bullshit, in the first part, referring to a "study" in 2003 establishing that more than 80% of the girls in the trade are trafficked. The police guy never got into that kind of data and it helped heightening his credibility. He is clearly going after the bad guys without being judgemental on the rest.

Although there is a lot to improve, the report shows that LE in Toronto, (it is also the case in many parts of Canada) are changing their approach and their attitude towards prostitution, trying to build up their credibility with the sex workers, at least on a one to one basis when they make operations. They have understood that it is completely useless to multiply arrests of sex workers.

There is one moment that will stay in my mind forever. When the journalist asks one of the girls what made her change her mind in her decision to cooperate with the police. She answers something like: well the policeman was young, good looking, well dressed… I’m not judgemental here. Just thought it was funny.

I sort of raised my eyebrow also when I heard that come from this girls mouth. Let's say a lot of these girls are too naive or they would have never fallen for these thug pimps.


Nov 12, 2007
There is one moment that will stay in my mind forever. When the journalist asks one of the girls what made her change her mind in her decision to cooperate with the police. She answers something like: well the policeman was young, good looking, well dressed… I’m not judgemental here. Just thought it was funny.

You missed the part where she not only gets knocked up by her pimp but is now knocked up not by her current husband but her fiance. Although she says he is a Christian so I guess it will work out ;). Not the sharpest tool in the shed.

I don't really believe the 10 to 20K a day either. Not in Toronto, sure as hell not all the way up in North York and not from some bimbo being trafficked by some gangsta looking thug. I can believe she got pimped out, but nothing else she says. Sadly I'd like to say I can't believe she ever went to university but sadly I've know some really dumb and shallow chicks who went so I guess it is possible.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
I don't really believe the 10 to 20K a day either.

Neither do I. Price transparency in this business is pretty good, mostly because of boards like this. They are of course a little skewed because sex workers do negotiate better prices for certain clients provided that they don't talk about it and because some hobbyists like to look good on the boards talking about tipping they don't really pay. But, globally, the picture is pretty accurate, helping true competition, mainly in favor of the "consumers".

Revenue figures transparency is a quite different thing, especially in a black market like this. Sex workers and pimps shout numbers way over the top when they talk about revenues and some people do funny mathematics when they try to figure out, usually multiplying overestimates of everything from real prices, number of clients per shift, numbers of days working in a week and number of weeks working in a year: they multiply the errors. Sex workers do not talk about their revenues because large chucks of it is undeclared. But it is also to their advantage from a market point of view to have people think they make a lot of money. A customer will be willing to pay more if he thinks they are popular and make a lot of money.


New Member
Feb 21, 2005
Ya they don't make that much.

I don't like the girl that said the cops should be hard on the cleints, what the hell, bust the dudes that beat the girls and force them into it, especially if shes under age. This lady does not understand how a mans mind and dick works, we are not that hard to figuer out, women on the other hand, well thats a whole new thread hahaha.
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