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We are not Criminals


Dec 19, 2012
What is next? Are only drug buyers going to be arrested too? Because the poor drug sellers are obviously oppressed people that have no choice to sell drugs to put food on the table. The "Nordic model" is a ridiculous and sexist law.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
What is next? Are only drug buyers going to be arrested too? Because the poor drug sellers are obviously oppressed people that have no choice to sell drugs to put food on the table. The "Nordic model" is a ridiculous and sexist law.

That was a lousy phrasing birds. The right sentence is:

Are only male buyers of female pushers to be arrested? Because the poor female drug sellers are obviously oppressed women who have no choice, contrary to oppresed male pushers, to sell drugs to put food on the table.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
Même ça ce n'est pas sur.

Tu as raison. Mais j'y ajouterais quelques nuances.

1 Il y a sans doute eu, bien que je l'aie pas vu documenté, un "effet d'annonce". La peur initiale, le temps que le rapport police/tds se stabilise. Au moins un an ou deux je dirais. La clientèle ne diminue pas sous les régimes prohibitionnistes. Elle s'adapte et elle se déplace quand c'est nécessaire. Mais ça prend un certain temps.

2 Il y a aussi des différences régionales dans le côté "entreprenant" des forces policières et sur ce qu'elles décident d'attaquer. De telles différences ont été documentées en Norvège avec une répression beaucoup plus sévère à Bergen qu'à Oslo.

Maria Divina

Adorable libertine
Apr 10, 2007
Around Montréal...
Merci pour vos réponses Gugu et Siocnarf

Mais vous savez... du côté de ce qui arrive déjà, et qui est amplement toléré...... existent les incalls, on peut déjà engager une réceptionniste, on peut déjà avoir un chauffeur/garde du corps, sans avoir aucune répression. On peut le faire en pratique sans avoir aucune réprimande, et même il y a des agences qui offrent des rencontres "incall" publiquement depuis bien longtemps et ils fonctionnent toujours.......

Par contre, au niveau de criminaliser les clients et/ou encore les escortes et les autres masseuses et danseuses, que ce soit d'un côté ou de l'autre, cela est complètement aberrant, selon ma propre perspective et expérience. Si nous avons affaire à des adultes pleinement conscients et consentants de ce qu'ils font pour chaque partie, cela ne regarde personne. C'est une entente personnelle et intime entre 2 adultes et je ne vois pas comment le gouvernement pourrait s'abroger le droit de venir se mêler de ma chambre à coucher (pour donner une image concrète), autant qu'il n'y a pas si longtemps, il était illégal d'avoir des relations sexuelles entre gens du même sexe au Canada, je ne vois pas en quoi aucune décision autre que celle de la femme ou l'homme (en pleine possession de ses moyens qui décide de pratiquer des activités d'ordres sexuels/sensuelles contre rétribution) regardent "les autres". Si ces activités sont faites dans la discrétion à l'abri des regards des autres, elles ne dérangent personne en fait, et "arrangent" ceux et celles qui décident de le faire......

Alors, me vient l'idée que si le gouvernement s'en mêle éventuellement, il le ferait bien pour que ça rapporte dans le coffre de l'état. Il faut qu'il y ait un bénéfice. Je pense à l'alcool qui était prohibée et qui fût un jour légalisé, et dont le contrôle fût alors réservé au gouvernement, et que les établissements qui veulent en vendent doivent payer permis au gouvernement et s'approvisionner auprès du gouvernement... Un beau racket très payant finalement. Enfin. Mais vu le caractère souvent immoral que l'on colle aux activités sensuelles/sexuelles contre rémunération, je pense que cela va aider à tenir plus à distance le gouvernement de "nos" activités, et cela est une très grande chance, je crois.

Merci encore pour vos réponses, je comprends maintenant la peur et l'indignation des gens, si on parle de criminaliser des non-criminels (parce que NON, ce n'est pas un crime ce que l'on fait, et NON, nous rencontrer n'est pas un crime non plus)
Ça n'a tout simplement pas de bon sens si cela arrivait. Mais sérieusement, je ne pense pas que le gouvernement va criminaliser qui que ce soit en 2014, cela serait un recul important sur des pratiques qui existent depuis toujours, et ça leur coûterait trop cher en interventions par la suite... parce que peu importe le BlaBla des "hautes instances", les activités du genre continueront toujours d'exister... et ce serait de ghettotiser et de mettre davantage de personnes possiblement en situations périlleuses, car alors, les "gangsters" pourront avoir plus de main-mise, vu le caractère franchement illégal... Enfin, il n'y a rien de logique à le faire avec nos us et coutumes "canadiennes" de grande tolérance. Nous n'habitons pas dans un pays répressif, et si je me fie à ce que Harper fait depuis qu'il est là, il me semble qu'il coupe et recoupe dans les dépenses.

Enfin, je ne connais pas toutes les données, je ne suis pas une spécialiste en politique, j'émets alors une opinion très humblement.

A-t-on vraiment dans les faits, un projet de loi proposé? ou tout cela n'est que spéculation?


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
Le gouvernement a jusqu'à la fin de l'année pour écrire une nouvelle loi. Ils n'ont pas annoncé ce que ça serait, mais le modèle Nordique semble être une chose qu'ils considèrent. Mais ce n'est pas nouveau. Il y a des politiciens qui le proposaient avant. Je ne pense pas que la loi quelle qu'elle soit aura un impact majeur sur le travail du sexe en général, et encore une fois ce seront les prostituées de rue qui vont en souffrir.

Le modèle Nordique ne serait pas vraiment différent des lois que nous avions jusqu'à maintenant et il ne survivrait probablement pas à un autre procès. Je pense que le gouvernement veux juste quelque chose qui paraisse bien et faisse plaisir à leur électeurs et qui ne puisse pas être invalidée en cours. C'est là la difficulté pour eux et je pense qu'ils se fichent probablement des conséquence réelles.


New Member
Jan 21, 2012
West Island
Laws are made to enable the Government to raise more money in taxes. Take the Winter tire laws. Had the Government just reduced speed limits during Winter conditions then Accidents would have been reduced. But there would have been little "Revenue Generated" without extra policing. By passing a law requiring Winter tires the Government have ensured a stimulus to the economy and Generated more Revenue. Winter tires have not significantly reduced Accidents, but have Generated more Revenue in the form of taxes. Notably Taxis Public Transport and Government Vehicles are not compelled to have Winter tires. You can be sure that the New Laws will have a consequence of Generating more Revenue for the Government. The original Bedford case was about protecting the Rights and Safety of Sex Workers, this appears have been lost in the minds of the Government and Press. Policing Clients will probably be easier for the police who can issue on the spot fines ( like small motoring offences just now) unfortunately this will leave a record, and it won't be long before some idiotic Politician wants all"" Clients"" on the Sex offenders List. We are on a slippery slope and it has to stop.


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
You can't really compare with motoring. Automobiles have no choice but to be on the streets, where police can watch us easily. 95% of prostitution happens in ways that make it very hard to police. I don't know about Canada, but in Sweden since 1999, the number of convicted Johns is between 11 and 100 per year. Even with a steep fine, that probably does not even cover the salary of the policemen who arrested them. Numbers of arrest went up a lot after 2008, because they increased considerably the police effective. By putting more police they can create whatever criminality level they want, but it's not more cost-effecive. If they want to rake in the money, legalization is the way to go.

For pot they are talking about giving fines instead of arrest for small amounts, but that's mostly to decrease the burden on the legal system. So it's more a way to save money. Even for that prohibition is obviously not working and costing more money then it's worth.


New Member
Jan 21, 2012
West Island
I would guess if it came to Legalising and Registering there will be a lot of "Personal Physiotherapist's" Personal Therapist's or "Personal Trainers" advertising. unfortunately the original problems of the SPs Safety will have been forgotten.


New Member
Jan 12, 2009
I saw an interesting documentary on the CBC news channel last night. Covered the legalization of sex work in New Zealand which seems to be working well, the Swedish model which prosecutes the male buyers while protecting the female providers, and the Canadian situation wherein the lawyer, Alan Young, has won the Bedford ruling at the Supreme Court. Good arguments on both sides from interviews with sex workers and feminists for and against legalization. As an occasional massage parlour hobbyist, I favour liberalization, of course. The documentary was titled Buying Sex.


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
I've been reading a lot of serious papers on the Swedish law recently. There's a lot of talk about the Swedish Model but people don't seem to realize that the whole swedish prostitution law is exactly the same as the 3 laws that were struck down here, with same consequences. The ''criminalizing only the buyer'' is like a thin frosting on a big cake of persecution against sex workers.

It is legal to be a prostitute, but it is illegal for them to rent a place to work, or to work in group, even to live with another sex worker. They can be arrested and charged for all kind of things. They ''can'' sell sex, but it's impossible for them to do it safely without breaking some law; exactly as in Canada. I don't want to sound overly optimistic, but there is no way the government could use the Swedish Model and get away with it.

According to the following legal study, ''a model premised on ending the demand for sex work would not withstand
constitutional scrutiny in Canada'':

Canada just got it's ass whipped in court by the sex workers. That's a huge precedent that the government will not want to repeat. Even if the conservative's ideology leans toward anti-prostitution, the pro- side here is clearly not something they can ignore. Feminist who try to convince people that prostitutes are just helpless-victim-that-do-that-against-their-will sound pretty silly when you consider that sex workers already sued the government and won.


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
How can you ''selectively'' criminalize clients without affecting the prostitutes? If it's illegal to buy sex, it's the job of the prostitute to protect her client from the cops (otherwise how is she going to make money without clients?), and she won't be able to do that without breaking the law (and probably not without a pimp). The police will arrest any client they see, not just the ones the prostitute complain about. If the police catch you peeing in the subway they won't wait for someone to complain to arrest you.

If the goal is just to criminalize violent clients and pimps, there's already laws against violence and abuse of people. Prostitutes don't feel completely confident dealing with cops unless their job is fully de-criminalized. Maybe you should get informed on the actual effects of that law instead of just reciting what the Swedish government says. Since you write that kind of garbage on your first post, I assume you are probably anti-prostitution. Welcome to merb; can't wait to read your reviews!


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
Its all about selectively criminalizing clients and pimps, based on sex workers complains to the cops.
...and you misquote me by saying I wrote that the cops won't catch you unless someone complaints to them.

Well, I will not ignore you. As I quote above you did say ''based on sex workers complains to the cops''. I did not have to misquote you, you said it yourself. All that stuff in your 1st paragraph is just irrelevant and does not illustrate anything about the reality of the prostitution law.

Also do not quote a full post from just above. The mods don't like that and if they catch you (or someone complain) you will be in trouble! ;)


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
If I say that you wrote garbage it's because it was garbage that, to put it mildly, reflects a complete ignorance of the issue. Just in case you happen to be a bona fide new member really interested in discussion (a contingency that seems remote at best) I can only tell you to develop a thicker skin. Mods, clean up in aisle one please.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
So, its not if you are all criminals or not.

Yes it is. That is exactly what the swedish law says. You buy sex, you are a criminal.

Its all about selectively criminalizing clients and pimps, based on sex workers complains to the cops.

Wrong! Most clients are not arrested following complaints by sex workers in Sweden.

Isn't that what the girls who went all the way to supreme court asked for?

Absolutely not! Sex workers are unanimously against criminalization of clients in Canada.

Stop hiding behind your little fingers.

I'd suggest you hide your ignorance behind a foot thick masonry wall.


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
gugu, please contain yourself. Using exclamation marks is no way to communicate in a civilized and respectful manner! Think of the children who will read this!


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
Well, he did use two exclamation marks and he wrote originally in German, a very aggressive and scary language.


Active Member
Mar 15, 2005
I Wonder what will happen to afternoon gangbangs....where very othen a SP is hired to accomodate many gents at the same time?
Will it become illegal?
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