Montreal Escorts

What a difference a decade makes for American hobbyists (2001-2011)


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
I concluded SPs, MPs and agencies have 2 rates, lower rates for locals and higher rates for Americans.
Rates for locals often are flat rates, tourist (including americans) will pay flat rates but girls will ask more for "extras" once in the room and the control is switch to the smaller brain...

Hello Roger,

The funny thing about the title of this thread is I started hobbying in...2001, June to be more precise. In all of the time only 1 lady has suggested paying extra for anything other than greek, or anything that wasn't very standard, and that charge was for something I didn't want anyway. Plus, from my Montreal friends I have learned that they too have had generally the same experiences. In sum, there's really no difference regarding whether a client is a Canadian native or not. The most common difference has always seemed to be regarding more exotic services. Though there have been some exceptions in charging for more standard services, that too has not differed based on nationality according to most Canadian and American posts on these boards.

However, I agree with Guido. I wouldn't put it past some SPs to take advantage of a "Daddy Warbucks" type regardless of nationality if the lady smells the blood of opportunity in the water, and she gets a hint that she has a rich fish hooked on her.

In any case the rates are advertised on the agencies sites. When I want to meet a lady I confirm the rates as advertised. If they aren't confirmed I would say...thanks, no thanks. If any lady tried to alter them and/or charge for standard services...I would give her NOTHING on the way out. Any lady or agency that attempts deception deserves NOTHING. But that has not happened to me yet in 10 years.


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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Hello Roger,

The funny thing about the title of this thread is I started hobbying in...2001, June to be more precise.

Hello Merlot

I saw that you started the hobby in June 2001. I hobbied prior to the year 2001 but it was without much satisfaction. My first trip to Montreal and the first time I was ever satisfied by an outcall escort was in May of 2001. This is when I made my first trip to Montreal. I remember that the agency escort cost me the equivalent of 80USD. I also made a trip to the legendary Grand Prix. I could not believe a place like this existed. It was Nirvana! I do not think I felt anything this exhilarating until I spent 24 hours in a FKK one weekend nearly 10 years later.

I have had occasion to travel the world fucking woman of all creeds, nationalities and ethnicities. At times I feel like a good will ambassador, handing out US aid in exchange for a service. I have had good experiences for as little as 1500 Baht (50 USD) and 70 Reais (42 USD), 50 Euros (65USD) and I have also been ripped off for much much more. Believe me, 160-200$ USD is well worth it for the quality of service, reliability, and security that you find in Montreal.

My point is prices may have gone up but Montreal is still a good deal.


Active Member
Feb 9, 2004
NY State
Visit site
I concluded SPs, MPs and agencies have 2 rates, lower rates for locals and higher rates for Americans.
Rates for locals often are flat rates, tourist (including americans) will pay flat rates but girls will ask more for "extras" once in the room and the control is switch to the smaller brain...

I've never been charged more than the advertised rate on the website or the ad in the Montreal Journal. As long as I have stuck with well known and advertised agencies on Merb, I have never been upsold on services except for one time when the girl told me upfront that she charged extras for what I wanted, and I told her au revoir. Unless you as a native Canadian get a discount, then I have never experienced what you say.


New Member
May 23, 2005
CS, my friend, right on. Legalize pot and tax it. Legalize prostitution and tax it. Problem solved.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
CS, my friend, right on. Legalize pot and tax it. Legalize prostitution and tax it. Problem solved.
Can we either ban or tax religion at the same time?


Nov 21, 2010
CS, my friend, right on. Legalize pot and tax it. Legalize prostitution and tax it. Problem solved.

The problem that you would created by taxing prostitution would be twofold.
1- it would be more difficult to attract beautiful women to the profession (many are also collecting EI/welfare/alimony and are motivated by making extra dollars on the side as well as women without work permits )
2- The rates would have to increase from $180 to over $300 plus GST @ QST to equal the tax free advantage of today.


Nov 21, 2010
What tells you the rates would increase? agencies are legally registered and file income tax declarations. Rates also includes GST and PST. Girls also are filing their income tax reports, and deducting all busines related expenses.

Canada and USA are 2 different countries and what applies in one country does not necessary apply to the second. Would you think LE would let all these agencies, strip clubs, massage parlours open if they were not legal? c'mon!

Roger your at it again trying to put words in my mouth. WHERE did I mention that it was not legal ? Did you have a bad weekend and looking for an arguement? Try to be civil.

You have not met or spoken to the same women as I have otherwise you wouldn't be so misinformed. FYI yes they file tax returns because they are intelligent but they report what they choose to report. Cash business eh!


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
2- The rates would have to increase from $180 to over $300 plus GST @ QST to equal the tax free advantage of today.

Taxing prostitution (GST/QST) would increase the price by 14%, not 60%. Income tax is a personal matter that should not be taken into consideration.

We have to be realistic when considering the fiscal and pricing impact of an eventual total legalization (including in-call) of prostitution in Canada.

1 Prostitution is a cash business and like in all cash businesses tax evasion (not paying at all or in part) is very important.

2 Even if prostitution was totally legalised, a large part of it will stay underground just like every country where it is legal.

3 Of the 3 most comparable countries where prostitution is totally legal (Netherland, Germany and New Zealand), none have derived significant fiscal revenues from prostitution. Recent national efforts to collect more tax in Netherlands are probably done in response to the mayor of Amsterdam who grew some support in his crusade against prostitution. I doubt very much it will bring significant revenue to the state. The most efficient taxation measures are probably those taken by some cities in Germany: a flat daily/weekly/monthly tax rate for every sex worker. The city it is inspired from, Cologne, gets less than a 1 million Euros/year from it. Not a big deal. Sex workers organisations often say that legalisation will increase tax revenues. IMHO, it is a way to sell legalisation to the public, but it is unsubstantiated.

I think that legalisation of in-call in Canada may have a significant positive impact only for municipalities in the form of increased business taxes. I don’t think that such taxes would translate in a significant price increase. Legalisation of in-call may have an impact on prices otherwise: a subsequent increase in demand, particularly from American hobbyists.


New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Tax Revenues and Pricing

Taxing prostitution (GST/QST) would increase the price by 14%, not 60%. Income tax is a personal matter that should not be taken into consideration.

We have to be realistic when considering the fiscal and pricing impact of an eventual total legalization (including in-call) of prostitution in Canada.

1 Prostitution is a cash business and like in all cash businesses tax evasion (not paying at all or in part) is very important.

2 Even if prostitution was totally legalised, a large part of it will stay underground just like every country where it is legal.

3 Of the 3 most comparable countries where prostitution is totally legal (Netherland, Germany and New Zealand), none have derived significant fiscal revenues from prostitution. Recent national efforts to collect more tax in Netherlands are probably done in response to the mayor of Amsterdam who grew some support in his crusade against prostitution. I doubt very much it will bring significant revenue to the state. The most efficient taxation measures are probably those taken by some cities in Germany: a flat daily/weekly/monthly tax rate for every sex worker. The city it is inspired from, Cologne, gets less than a 1 million Euros/year from it. Not a big deal. Sex workers organisations often say that legalisation will increase tax revenues. IMHO, it is a way to sell legalisation to the public, but it is unsubstantiated.

I think that legalisation of in-call in Canada may have a significant positive impact only for municipalities in the form of increased business taxes. I don’t think that such taxes would translate in a significant price increase. Legalisation of in-call may have an impact on prices otherwise: a subsequent increase in demand, particularly from American hobbyists.

1.) McDonald's is basically a cash business generating incredible tax revenies for each jurisdiction - from municipal to federal,where they are located. Same is true for for various retail outlets.

2.) County - not country tax revenues generate worthwhile revenues in Nevada:

The relationship to cost is rather variable, comparing FKK pricing in Germany to brothel pricing in Nevada counties does not show a correlation between prices and legalisation. Throw in Canada and Brazil and the relationship between pricing and legalisation is all over the board without a definitive answer.


Nov 21, 2010
Anybody (driver, receptionist, agency...) who derives revenue from a person who sells sex is not on the right side of the law.

A valid point.
Lets keep the government out of our bedrooms and allow the amazing beauties in Montreal to continue to do what they know how to do best there way.
You won't find $180 escorts in Nevada unless they are very scarey looking.

JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
1.) The relationship to cost is rather variable, comparing FKK pricing in Germany to brothel pricing in Nevada counties does not show a correlation between prices and legalisation. Throw in Canada and Brazil and the relationship between pricing and legalisation is all over the board without a definitive answer.

Which brings it back to my point : The exchange rate
The eal difference.

And here's where it comes from :

Since then Tar sands became profitable, the CAD went up and bingo.
The root ? Bad judgement and decisions specially since 2001.

Anyone who still thinks Bush and his clique did well for America is either blind, deaf and stupid or... living on another planet as well.

But hey ? WC... since then my business is with China and I get the same 'privilege' than you guys when you used to brag on how many SPs you'd see in one night :)

Only now... I get to fly my own stuff instead of just drivin' it !

So if you guys think you're livin' in the same kinda world than before 2001... well good for you ! :)

It will be my pleasure to send you one of these :

Cheers !
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