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what a way for a chick to die, using sex toy while watching porn solo


New Member
Oct 30, 2009
Interesting story, but why on earth would the intimate details of her probable cause of death be revealed to the public by the coroner's office? If officials had to release something, they could have simply said that her death was not suspicious and that she died from exercise induced arrythmia, or they could have released the story (with the name of the porn video that was apparently too hot to handle) but omitted the woman's name. The public has no compelling need to know the particulars of a given person's death. A person's medical problems are protected from disclosure when she's alive, but when she dies, her problems are revealed? That's twisted. Her poor family now has to deal with her loss amidst the amusement of millions who think that the circumstances of her death are funny.

I did a quick google search of the decedant's name, and I was unable to find an obituary. Looks like she's simply destined to be remembered as the woman who vibrated herself to death. Sad. I'm sure there was more to this woman than her penchant for masturbation. That the manner of her death was publicized is enough to make me seriously reconsider playing with myself. The media coverage of this will have the effect of portraying this woman as some sort of freak for having the misfortune of dying while doing something that we've all done.

In all seriousness, this woman would probably still be alive if she had simply stuck to the real thing. Her death is probably the reason why penises were not designed to be battery operated. She was an attractive woman, so I'm sure the real McCoy wasn't hard for her to come by.


Jun 7, 2010
It happens more often than you think, ask an emergency room nurse. Any hotel manager can tell you stories of business men checking in with a hottie and checking out in a body bag.

JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
It happens more often than you think, ask an emergency room nurse. Any hotel manager can tell you stories of business men checking in with a hottie and checking out in a body bag.

Woups ! Looks like Java is trying to say somethin' about the up-coming festivities on Saturday ?? :)
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