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What is a 5? What is a 3? Or the need for a common rating scale


Cunning Linguist
Sep 29, 2003
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I just read a review where a member gave an informative account of a date, specifying the SP`s restrictions, menu and extras, and then proceeded to give her very good marks that, in my book, were not proportional to the services received or the attitude encountered. I don`t want to pick on this particular case but it made me notice that we don`t have a common rating scale that all members can refer to.

Some posters use the 5-level scale as in the spreadsheet, other use the 10-level system and still other use a hydrid of the two. And fundamentally, when is a five warranted for service -- the most objective of the three variables?

A common scale is important because some of us select SPs out of the spreadsheet using the search function.

The issue of a common rating scale has already been discussed in summer 2003, leading up to the EBS scoring system.

However, on account of the churn in membership since then, I think it would be useful to revisit this issue and come up with a standard 5-level scale compatible with the spreadsheet. Anyone want to table a proposal?


Cunning Linguist
Sep 29, 2003
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Appearance is subjective. But for attitude and especially service, I think it`s possible to arrive at a common understanding of a ``five`` or a ``three``. So here goes:

Service (assuming a one-hour session)

5 - Superior: , DATY allowed, DFK, MSOG, plus at least one other less common service such as ()TC or greek or rim-job, etc

4 - Above average: , DATY allowed, LFK, 2FS

3 - Average : CBJ and 2FS, LFK

2 - Below average: CBJ and 1FS, no-kissing

1 - Poor: Anything less than level 2

``Attitude`` is really a composite of several factors:

5: SP makes you feel unique, demonstrates passion about her work, extends session beyond contracted time, sustains eye-contact, makes you feel like you have a special rapport with her

4: SPs makes you feel she likes her job, offers pleasant chit-chat, seeks to learn how to please client, sustains eye-contact

3: SP delivers the goods fair and square, no more no less: minimal eye-contact

2: Business-like attitude, no eye-contact, minimal conversation

1: SP shows she hates her job, prematurely ends session

Of course, most individuals won`t fit squarely into a single category. An SP may have a majority of attributes of level 3, say, and one attribute of level 4. That would still make her a 3 for attitude.

Anyone care to refine the model?


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I like the 10 point system where there are deductions for not provding essential services, suchs as SBS GFE services. I believe TER uses such a system so as to downgrade the performance scores, if necessary, from what the member reviewer has posted. I think some reviewers have incorporated this system, which injects the objective SBS scale into the performance equation.

I think this has been discussed in other threads although not recently.


New Member
Dec 15, 2003
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A form would probably be welcome! To keep reviewers with the essential!
With room for comments (at teh bottom of the form)!
It would provide Members with an easier way to assess sps in a more objective way.
Nothing we can do with newbies though! or agency operators (we leave this to Members and to Mods)!


Cunning Linguist
Sep 29, 2003
Visit site

Surely there are richer rating systems in use elsewhere. The thing is, we have the Montreal spreadsheet with a whole legacy of ratings using the five-level scale. So I think we are bound to it. The best we can do is arrive at a common understanding of the meaning of each level.
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