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What makes it a memorable encounter?


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
...memorable encounter....when she left i want to see her again and again....thinking of her every the one i saw very recently....


Active Member
Apr 12, 2015
What makes it a memorable encounter?

laugh and fun. Good conversation too
and the obvious, of course


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
A memorable encounter is amazing to the point that the encounters afterwards can’t compare during the same trip. Yet you don’t want to repeat with her as the second time may not be memorable because it was that amazing. It is fleeting greatness as it only happens once and if you ever try to chase it you will likely be disappointed. I have only ran into this kind of encounter twice. In 2010 when I met Naomie of SD and Emanuelle of MGF in 2011.

What was so great about these two encounters? The genuine eagerness to reciprocate on her part.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Yes the legend Naomie and the "bed breaker" Emanuelle were memorable in 2011, but I could name at least 6 in 2019 . Among the best are 3 girls from Vog,


May 11, 2010
When the lady takes the awkwardness and nervousness out of the event, especially when it is the first time.


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2016
Her: Same here. Best sex I ever had! Please come back!

After leaving the door:

Me to myself...: She was all right. I might come back.
Her to herself...: What a moron!


Or after leaving the door:
The girl to herself: "Come back hun, Yes come back and let me deplenish your wallet Moron ! "


Oct 4, 2018
When I first started seeing escorts I subscribed to the notion of "connecting" as being memorable. In fact, I'd say it was what I enjoyed most and why I would see someone again. Nowadays I know the truth and know better. What makes it memorable is if the sensation is very good. Looks, personality, and that other stuff gets you to book, but pure physical sensation (and the attitude prior to it) is the only thing worth remembering in this callous industry of human dismissal, appeasement, lies, and lust.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
At my age, every time a gorgeous young woman treats me with kindness and tries to please me.
Luckily there are many in Montreal that fit that criteria and one in particular that is just out of this world amazing and I have forgotten how many times I have seen her.


Feb 27, 2019
Every encounter is memorable in the sense that I will remember how it went, or at least how it made me feel.

What we're really discussing here is what makes it an encounter that can be remembered fondly. For me, I'd echo much of what has been said already. The best experiences are those where I am made to feel welcome, appreciated, respected, and like we mutually enjoy each other's company. I'm able to let loose and have fun when I feel reassured that the SP is at least comfortable with me if not truly enjoying being with me. The best experiences are those where the SP at least seems to be happy and having a good time, and she's at least seems intent on making sure I have fun, too.

Conversely, the disappointing experiences are those where I feel I'm just being "serviced," like I'm merely being tolerated and allowed to use her, or worse, like I'm unwelcome or unwanted in any way. My bad experiences have been with ladies who showed little-to-no interest in making anything like a personal connection with me, who seemed to want to get me off ASAP just so they could say they did their job, or who I could tell just wished they were somewhere else.

That's really about it. As long as she's healthy-looking and has decent hygiene (including being a non-smoker), It doesn't make a whole lot of difference to me what she looks like. I'd much rather have a fun time with a woman I find moderately attractive than get treated like a chore by a woman I think is DDG.

I have no interest in things like CIM, COF, COB, Greek, or digits. It matters very little to me which positions we do, or even whether it's CBJ vs. BBBJ or LFK vs. DFK. I just want to have a playful, exciting, erotic experience that feels mutually pleasurable. That's why DATY is important to me. I want to feel wanted and to be with someone who is able and willing to help me escape from stress and feel better about myself, and to use sex as just one mean toward that end, understanding that even sexual pleasure involves the mind just as much, if not more, than the body. I'd rather have a HJ from a woman who will smile and flirt with me than FS from a woman who will barely look me in the eye.

Aside from that, the most memorable experiences are those that feel new and unique in some way; that stand out. I doubt I'll ever repeat with the same provider because a big part of the thrill of seeing an escort is to have the opportunity to experience sex in a way that's new and different. Hopefully it's "good different" and not "bad different." If I ever rendezvous with the same SP more than once, I would hope it plays out differently somehow, for better or worse.


North Winds Wizard
May 26, 2003
Visit site

As I have gotten older, I have been with enough ladies to know when they are into you physically or not.

I find the best encounters are the ones where the lady is actually attracted to me. or at least not disgusted enough to fake it really well lol. But that is tough. Living in New York and not being wealthy, you quickly learn the difference between actual attraction and fake.


Active Member
Mar 1, 2012
What makes great chemistry happen?

(Yes, there are other important factors...I want to focus on this one for now.)

I think we can learn by discussing.

So, if you can get the girl to laugh, that is huge. Needs to be a real laugh.
Be cool. Be relaxed. Talk with a deep voice.
Act friendly. Same something a bit smart.
Show you are interested in her and listening to what she is saying.
Compliments. Tell her (be honest) nice things. She has beautiful teeth. (Compliment something a little less obvious than her tits or her ass.... or if you compliment those early, you need to do it in an original way.) Something a bit original, that she has not heard 500 times today.
Flirt with your eyes.

Play with her. Not in a mean way, but in a fun way.

Women often like men who are well dressed. Like a suit or a jacket. That can help.
I heard that some women do not like men who are trying to dress as though youthful. A dress shirt or a jacket, mature but stylish...some women feel that makes you look younger. Than trying to seem younger than you are.

Enjoy life.

Enjoy her perfume.
Respect her, but enter, gently, her private space.
Tease her some. Don't go for the kill so fast. Tease her slowly as she raises in attention. Touch her hand. Notice her voice.
Look in her eyes.

Find different things you like about her. Her hands, her earrings, the shape of her face, her eyes, her smile, her hair, her dress, her shows, her style, her toes, the grace of her many possibilities... There are so many things about a woman to enjoy. Don't talk bullshit. But if you enjoy something, maybe something she took some time her nails....say so. Show that you notice. Tell her you appreciate.

As you touch her gently, you can give her goose bumps. But do not take it too far. Watch if you tickle her too much.

Go back and forth. Get close. And then slowly separate. Walk away a bit, as if reluctantly. Wait a bit. Then some closer again. And get just by her side. You are kind of teasing her for her own good. For her fun (and yours).

Give her a firm hug. Firm, but not crushing. Maybe tease first with a light hug. Then come back with a firmer hug, like you want her. Maybe brief. It always feels good to be wanted. Usually, if you want the other person, they think you must be brilliant to be so smart as to want them. Unless they really do not like you. (Then "get away pest" ... but it was not going far nothing lost.)

Leave some suspense. Talk slowly. Make her guess a little.
Look in her eyes. (Yes, I mention it twice.)

“At the end of the day people won't remember what you said or did, they will remember how you made them feel.” Maya Angelou. (Not a big fan, but this quote is well known, and true of most women, I think. You might even ask her how she feels about this quote.)

When you talk to her, remember that the sound of your voice is more important than what you say. Speak confidently. It will make her feel better. In deeper tones, a bit low, so she must try to hear. And, if you can, breathe almost into her ear. Lightly. Not annoyingly. Lightly.

Do something like a gentleman. Take her coat, open the wine bottle, fix her a drink, ask about her day, hold her chair. Something that says you are paying attention.

Fuss over her some. Then ask her some questions. Let the woman speak. Be quiet so she can entertain you. Listen carefully. Imitate her body postures.
Look at her in silence. Smile, well, a half-smile, like you know a little secret she would like to hear.
Hold her while she speaks. (A good trick if you can get to holding her this way quickly. It is intimate.)

OK....Give me some more ideas.... please.

Whenever the chemistry is good, it's just more fun.

Bbw hunter

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2018
Actually Harwell I am not sure what to add since your advice is pretty spot on. Dress nice, shower beforehand and turn on the charm. No woman has ever complained about being called beautiful or cos a guy was being too attentive as she spoke. Do not push boundaries, be respectful and make her feel appreciated and attractive. Its not a perfect science but this can all help in increasing mileage. There is no sure way to "make chemistry happen" as it can be an elusive sonofabitch but at least you can try to stack the deck in your favor.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
I like posts 32 and 33.
Many factors may come into play to make an encounter memorable. A combination of lust, emotion and even spirituality.
When I wake up and the first thing that pops into my mind is the memory of the amazing time I had the day before and I feel good all over.
If I can`t wait to see the lady again ….then its for sure a memorable encounter.

Sometimes when you are having sex it actually feels like you are making love. All you want is to please and be pleased. There are tender moments interlaced with fierce passion. Ass slapping hair pulling and choking followed up by tender kisses , laughter and giggles.

When her back gets sweaty … me it means that she is committed to having genuine enjoyment. When the interaction feels real and genuine and she doesn`t want to stop......then its going to be memorable

Please excuse my disjointed rambling words but right now I`m high on the memory of my most recent adventure with a girl that I can`t stop thinking about.

Bbw hunter

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2018
I know exactly how you feel Cloudy. I am still smiling from this weekend. In the afterglow of a great intense encounter your words are not disjointed but make sense. And ya a woman's sweaty back is pretty sexy I agree haha.


Active Member
Mar 1, 2012
Well said Cloudy.

And later tell me who she is. She must be awesome. (I think a bit of Elie.) She probably has a selfie. (smile)

But right does one get the chemistry started, when first meeting her?
What have you done, what do you think or feel would help? At that beginning stage.


Active Member
Mar 1, 2012
Can anyone really lie with their clothes off?
I suppose they can. But I think most do not.

Women are kind. They say the nice things. They tend not to overstate. For example, they do not want to be the one who says "I love you" first.
Their kindness is sincere. Sometimes we hear their small compliment as bigger than she meant it. It was a compliment, not a lie. But not always a huge compliment.

Often you can tell if she had a lot of fun. Not always, but often.

Women tend to be realistic. This is a short-term business. So, they do not "fall in love" much.
Do not read that attitude as unfriendly or reserved reserve as always lack of care. They are holding back so that their heart is not hurt again.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
She probably has a selfie. (smile)

But right does one get the chemistry started, when first meeting her?


Yes she has a recent selfie and a very recent review thread.
She is not overtly complicated …..and I know you like complicated …
She has a certain charm, a sweetness and maturity that sets her apart from any woman that I`ve ever met.
I can guarantee that she would make your top 3 ATF. Hell forget top 3....I`ll go on a limb and say number 1 ATF.

As far as chemistry goes....the ingredients have to be there in both people and the right ingredients with the right catalysts will ignite with the first kiss. Or even before ….with the first eye contact.

BTW don`t try to analyze her....she has multiple layers of personnality.....lots of sugar and spice.


Active Member
Mar 1, 2012
Hi Cloudy. Thanks!

I must say that your one recommendation that I followed up on (Elie) and the one person we discussed (Lola)!
So, yes, I will follow up on this one as well. For sure!! (And some others!)
Thanks again!! Pour toutes!

My interest right now is not to understand the moment (which I agree is hard and needs a poet). And I agree it is of course a combination of both people.

My interest now is to do what I can to make the moment happen. Or increase the chances of it happening.... And still stay in the natural rhythm of Tao, of the yin and the yang. And I think there are things we can stay, maybe new, maybe more reminders, that, when done regularly, will lead to more "better times". Not a guarantee, but it would help....

I made some suggestions earlier (not to you particularly...rather the reverse...but as ideas for others and reminders to me....well, some I have not done or at least not done well...). I think a nice Zen goal is to follow the suggestions (those or others) without thinking of them.
I worry that I suggested things that could be done falsely (almost a lie) or at least done awkwardly...and it might hurt more than help. But so does it go in the beginning steps of any learning. We learn via mistakes. Then we become better later.

A few comments. Maybe useful to someone...
Again, I am very grateful for your suggestions.
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