Indy Companion
Montreal Escorts

What would you have done??


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
I scouted a prospective independent early this morning (I know she is real), and went to meet her at the Chablis (around 10 am). I have been there so many times without any problems. This morning I parked on Louis-Veuillot near Sherbrooke as I always do (dont want to park in the parking lot), that way I can enter the parking lot on foot through the back alley from Louis-Veuillot.

Got the room number from the sp so I headed towards the hotel. Only as I entered the parking lot (on foot) I saw there was a police car with 2 cops stopped right in the middle of the lot just idling there. I basically walked right in front of the car. I was supposed to go across the lot to the door that leads to the rooms but as I got to that door I sort of panicked and just kept walking out the exit on Lacordaire. Talk about suspicious behavior in front of police...luckily nothing came of it. I texted the sp to let her know that i could not get to her because of the presence of police and her first reaction was to accuse me of being a fake caller. But I insisted she look outside, which she did and said 'OK I understand'. I was in my car on Louis Veuillot while texting and another police car pulled into the lot. I did not hang around and drove off. Told her I would come back at luch time. She said fine. But when I returned a couple of hours later, she never responded to my texts and has since pulled her ads. Her last text to me was ''J'espère qu'ils sont pas la pour moi! hahahhahhdhhahahlhahahahkahahkhjahahhahahahhaha'. Which i thought was really weird, but maybe not.

I feel I missed out on a really cute sp (there were face picts) because I panicked...what would you have done? when walking across the parking lot in front of the police car, would you have casually proceeded with the encounter?

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I would had turn around as well at the mere sight of the police cars...


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Would have done exactly has you have done. I had a similar experience about 2 years ago and did the same, walked by and left.

And This is why now I do not go to motel anymore (except to see a few girl I know quite well).



A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
There is only one really bad thing that could have happened to you in this scenario, i.e. that the cops had set up a sting. If the girl was part of the sting then she would be a police officer and you could have been arrested. This kind of sting happens frequently in the U.S. and occasionally in other parts of Canada.

However, as far as I know, the police in Montreal have never conducted general prostitution stings like this. I think they have conducted a few stings using a nonexistent underage girl as bait. Guys responding to an ad were informed that the girl was underage and when they showed up anyway they were arrested. But I don't know of any cases of police stings in Montreal using a fake sex worker who is advertised as an adult.

Also, if it were a sting, the police would have been more hidden. They wouldn't draw attention to themselves by openly parking in the parking lot of the motel.

So the cops were there taking a break and "showing the flag" in an area that is a known location for prostitution and problems that are caused by the illegal nature of prostitution.

Assuming that the girl was legit, you would have been relatively safe to go ahead with the appointment. Though seeing the cop cars would have made me uncomfortable enough to walk away too.

How much did you know about the girl? Does she have reviews on MERB? Is she part of Indy Companions? Or is she just a Backpage/Annonces Intimes type girl? If she has a sketchy background the cops might have been called there in relation to some problem other than just an escort meeting a client such as drugs, some kind of disturbance, etc. So if the girl did not already have a good reputation and you saw the cop cars, then you were wise to leave. But if the girl had a good reputation, then you probably could have gone ahead with the appointment. But I don't blame you for walking. I would have too.

Having said all that, I think the day will come in Montreal when the political authorities will allow the cops to set up prostitution stings like those that have happened elsewhere. The law allowing them to do that (C-36) is on the books and the prostitution abolitionists (feminists and religious conservatives) would love to see it put to use.


Active Member
Sep 10, 2016
.......... But when I returned a couple of hours later, she never responded to my texts and has since pulled her ads...................

I feel I missed out on a really cute sp ...........

Maybe you missed out on a police trap too, who knows.

The fact that you could not reach her later and that her ad was pulled sounds fishy!


Active Member
Apr 16, 2017
You did the right thing, imo. Trust your gut in these types of situations.


Phrygian Nymph
Jul 25, 2003
Mount Ida
Depends on the situation. If it was a first time meet up like yours, I would have bailed as well not knowing the girl. However if it was someone I'd seen a few times before, I'd probably gone thru with it. In any case, always trust your gut instinct and go with it.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
I would have done the same thing as you did. I would have cancelled appointments even though I know that SP for a long time. Reason- she could be working with police now to evade some charges. To avoid this situations I have never went to a hotel for hobbying. I stick with the agency only. But, problem is, sometimes even I see police cars around agency incall location. I feel little hesitant to enter the building in those situations. But, I guess it will always be like that. All incall locations are in downtown and downtown is full of police cars. I am living in Montreal for only 1 year and in my opinion the Montreal downtown has too many police cars compared to other cities. Specially Friday night I always feel that something bad might have happened in downtown and thats why there is so many police presence.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
For those who meet regulars at motels and are concerned about LE, one option would be to somehow pre-pay prior to the session and not to bring any cash inside the motel.

That's what I do with one regular. I schedule to be first. We meet in the parking lot. I wait while she book the room. I join in empty ended. We bing bam boum. I leave with a big smile :)



Active Member
May 27, 2004
Boston, MA USA
You should always trust your gut and no one should criticize you for leaving, however there is almost no chance that this was a sting. Even in the usa where stings targeting johns are common, police would never ever post uniformed cops nearby where they can be seen. Everything is unmarked and out of site because they aren't trying to prevent anything - they are trying to catch you.

Mr. Oxmix

New Member
Aug 4, 2010
If you see LE while hobbying, get away as quick as you can. you never know what is about to go down.
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