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What's in a name?


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Jun 17, 2004
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I ran across the meaning of my all time fav, and decided to look up some of my other favourites. Rebeka definately "ensnared" me. A couple of the names are not appropriate at all...

The girl's name Rebekah \r(e)-be-kah\ is a variant of Rebecca (Hebrew), and the meaning of Rebekah is "to bind" or "ensnare".

The girl's name Elle \e(l)-le\ is a variant of Elaine (Greek), Eleanor (Greek), Elizabeth (Hebrew), Ella (Old German) and Helen (Greek), and the meaning of Elle is "sun ray, shining light; God's promise; God is my oath; other, foreign".

The girl's name Lily \l(i)-ly\ is pronounced LIL-ee. It is of Latin origin. Flower name: the lily is a symbol of innocence and purity as well as beauty. Lilia is popular in Russia.

The girl's name Natalie \n(a)-ta-lie\ is pronounced NAT-a-lee. It is of Latin origin, and its meaning is "birthday". Refers to the birthday of Christ, or Christmas. There was a fourth-century Saint Natalia. The "h" is silent in the French form Nathalie; some American variants (like Nathalee) are phonetically spelled to retain the "h" sound.

The girl's name Francesca \f-rances-ca, fr(a)-nce-sca\ is pronounced fran-CHESS-kah. It is of Italian origin. Variant of Frances.
The girl's name Frances \f-ran-ces, fr(a)-nces\ is pronounced FRAN-siss. It is of Latin origin, and its meaning is "from France". Feminine spelling of Francis. Franziska is the German form.

The girl's name Giselle \gi-selle, gis(el)-le\ is pronounced je-ZELL. It is of French and Old German origin, and its meaning is "pledge; hostage". Name of a famous 19th-century ballet whose heroine is a peasant girl. Model Gisele Bundchen.
The girl's name Gia \gia\ is a variant of Gianna (Italian). See for meaning of Gia.
The girl's name Gianna \gi(an)-na\ is pronounced jee-AHN-ah. It is of Italian origin. Feminine form of Gianni and Jane, from John.

The girl's name Frederique \f-rederi-que, fr(e)-de-rique\ is a variant of Frederica (Old German), and the meaning of Frederique is "peaceful ruler".
The girl's name Frederica \f-rederi-ca, fr(e)-de-rica\ is pronounced fred-er-EE-kah. It is of Old German origin, and its meaning is "peaceful ruler". Feminine form of Frederick. Fredrikke is the name of a queen of Norway.

The girl's name Camille \c(a)-mille, cam(il)-le\ is a variant of Camilla (Latin). See for meaning of Camille. See also Camellia and Kamilah.
The girl's name Camilla \c(a)-milla, cam(il)-la\ is pronounced ka-MEEL-ah. It is of Latin origin. Feminine form of the old Roman family name Camillus, of obscure origin. May possibly be traced back to the young girls who assisted at pagan religious ceremonies. According to tradition, recorded by the Roman poet Virgil, Camilla was the name of a warrior maiden, Queen of the Volscians, who fought in the army of Aeneas. The heroine of Alexandre Dumas's famous play "Camille" was actually named Marguerite (see Camellia). Literary: in Virgil's "Aeneid", Camilla was a swift-running warrior maiden.

The girl's name Coralie \c(o)-ra-lie\ is of English origin. Elaboration of Cora or Coral, similar to names such as Rosalie.
The girl's name Coral \c(o)-ral\ is pronounced KOR-ul. It is of Latin origin. Late 19th-century coinage. Nature name: a semiprecious natural sea growth, often deep pink to red in color.

The girl's name Delphine \d(e)-lphi-ne, del-phine\ is of Greek origin, and its meaning is "dolphin". French form of a name which refers to the Greek town of Delphi, home of a famous oracle. The Greeks believed that Delphi was the earth's womb; the dolphin's shapre resembles that of a pregnant woman. Also a flower name: the larkspur flower, whose center resembles a dolphin, is also known as delphinium.
The girl's name Ophelie \o-phe-lie\ is a variant of Ophelia (Greek), and the meaning of Ophelie is "help".

The girl's name Kiki \k(i)-ki\ is pronounced KEE-kee. It is of Spanish origin. Pet form of Enriquetta, from Henrietta.

The girl's name Sarah \s(a)-rah\ is pronounced SARE-ah. It is of Hebrew origin, and its meaning is "princess". Biblical: originally called Sarai, Sarah shared an adventurous nomadic life with her husband Abraham. She is described as being exceptionally beautiful even into her older years. The name became popular in the 16th century. Both Sara (popular in Germany) and Sarah are used in blended and compound names. See also Sahara.

The girl's name Dominique \d(o)-mini-que, dom(i)-nique\, also used as boy's name Dominique, is pronounced dom-ih-NEEK. It is of French and Latin origin, and its meaning is "lord". Feminine form of Dominic. Appropriate for a girl born on Sunday, "the Lord's day".

The girl's name Rachel \r(a)-chel\ is pronounced RAY-chel. It is of Hebrew origin, and its meaning is "ewe, female sheep". Biblical: Jacob's wife, described as being "beautiful in form and countenance". Jennifer Aniston's character in the popular TV series "Friends" was named Rachel. Rachelle (ra-SHELL) is a variant pronunciation; Raquel is popular in Spain. See also Richelle and Rochelle.

The girl's name Beatrice \be(a)-tri-ce, beat-rice\ is pronounced BEE-a-triss. It is of Latin origin, and its meaning is "voyager (through life); blessed". Italian and French form of Beatrix, from Viatrix, the original form in Latin and feminine form of Viator. Beatrix was a saint martyred in Rome, together with Saints Faustinus and Simplicius, in the early fourth century. Beatrice was occasionally used in England in the Middle Ages, and revived in the 19th century. Queen Victoria named one of her daughters Beatrice. Literary: beloved heroine of Dante's "Divine Comedy" and of Shakespeare's "Much Ado About Nothing". Beatriz is a Spanish form; Bea and Bee are short forms; Beatie and Beattie are pet forms.


New Member
Nov 9, 2003
Which web site did you get these meanings from? I am sure I am not the only one who would like to check out some other names (in my case I would like to check out my own and a few others ;) )



New Member
Nov 9, 2003
Thanks for replying Big.

The girl's name Ronnie \r(on)-nie\, also used as boy's name Ronnie, is a variant of Roanna, Ronni (Old English) and Veronica (Latin), and the meaning of Ronnie is "strong counsel; true image".
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