Sweet Angle Smile
Montreal Escorts

What's your favorite 2 steamies and a frite place?


Jun 24, 2010
Man how can anyone forget Dic Ann's!

For me this is the best of all! Hot Dogs, Cheeseburgers, Poutine and not to mention their spicy sauce!!!

Hmmmm.....i'm hungry just thinking about it.


Jun 7, 2010
I like those Costco kosher dogs too! But those dogs are in a different category than the steamie types.

The Costco hot dogs are superior to the steamies, a quarter pound dog with drink at $2 is a bargain. One Costco dog is bigger than 2 steamies.

Marlin Perkins

New Member
Sep 1, 2010
I'll bet you can't supply a reference for this.

From Wikipedia:

An American Institute for Cancer Research report found that consuming one 50-gram serving of processed meat — about one hot dog — every day increases risk of colorectal cancer by 20 percent.[21][22] The Cancer Project group filed a class-action lawsuit demanding warning labels on packages and at sporting events.[23] Hot dogs are high in fat and salt and have preservatives sodium nitrate and nitrite, believed to cause cancer.[24] According to the AICR, the average risk of colorectal cancer is 5.8 percent, but 7 percent when a hot dog is consumed daily over years.[24]


Sorry, can not find original article.

Gordon Ramsay

New Member
Sep 8, 2010
I had a Costco hotdog for lunch. At $2 drink included it is a good deal. Get your slaw and onions in a little paper cup because there is no place in the bun the sausage is so big.

Ricky bonds

the last of the mohicans
Feb 28, 2010
montreal or costa rica baby
I'm about to go to chez Ma tente....
Decarie hot dog has average dogs... But on the 2 occasions I went.. poutine tasted like soap.
I still like chien chaud chez victoire .. Or victor ? On beaver hall.. Close to the bell building with the swastikas on it..!
There was a place on mc gill in old Montreal.. ThAt was great ( mcgill hot dog) but it's now a fish and chip place..
They will be re-opening across the street as '4 guys hot dogs' or something in that nature..
I used to like the steamies at serveuses sexy chez rosi on labelle in Ste-rose.. Laval.

Ricky bonds

the last of the mohicans
Feb 28, 2010
montreal or costa rica baby
I can't believe I forgot!!!!
In west fabreville.. Close to the corner of Ste-rose, and 7th avenue...
That place between the video store, and the cleaners.
That was the king of grease,fat, and all that is bad for your health..!


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Slaw Dog!, i wasnt sure anyone else would know what that is on a board based out of Montreal, Slaw Dogs are really popular in the southern US.
I had a Costco hotdog for lunch. At $2 drink included it is a good deal. Get your slaw and onions in a little paper cup because there is no place in the bun the sausage is so big.

Ricky bonds

the last of the mohicans
Feb 28, 2010
montreal or costa rica baby
For real

It's permitted to hang swastikas on buildings in Montreal? Since when?

I've been asking that for years....
They are engraved all across the building, but technically they aren't official swastikas, because instead of being on an angle... They are upright.. And they never stop( they continue into each other..)


Jun 7, 2010
I can only guess that it is an old building, before WW II the swastika was a popular symbol. The Nazis made it unpopular. Other things that fell out of favour are Hitler style moustaches and people naming their kids Adolph.


Active Member
Jan 13, 2004
The Da of the Dasein
Visit site
Good observation Aspen_de.

People are accostumed to perceive things only from one angle while in reality there are many facets to an object, especially when that object is symbolic.

Morocco Mole

New Member
Nov 27, 2009
I had the Costco slaw dog this week, it was pretty good. They did not have diet root beet at the drink fountain, if you want diet root beer, mix 1/3 root beer with 2/3 diet Coke. It is just as good.

Mike Mercury

Sep 10, 2005
Monsieur Patate:
A favourite place now is at the upper end of the Lachine Canal. Monsieur Patate on the corner of Chemin du Canal and Chemin de Lasalle. The approximate addresse is 300 Chemin du Canal, Lachine.

A little bit of history about La Belle Province:
The original La Belle Province was a lonely little hut of a place, not much more than a plywood covered shack located on the NE corner of Hymus and Sources. Not far from La Source du Sexe. A lot of things changed there. A Lafleurs followed by a Wendy's.
From Wikipedia:

An American Institute for Cancer Research report found that consuming one 50-gram serving of processed meat — about one hot dog — every day increases risk of colorectal cancer by 20 percent.[21][22] The Cancer Project group filed a class-action lawsuit demanding warning labels on packages and at sporting events.[23] Hot dogs are high in fat and salt and have preservatives sodium nitrate and nitrite, believed to cause cancer.[24] According to the AICR, the average risk of colorectal cancer is 5.8 percent, but 7 percent when a hot dog is consumed daily over years.[24]


Sorry, can not find original article.

I think we're in agreement that this isn't a reference at all. It's a Wikipedia article that quotes a magazine article paraphrasing an AICR "Expert Report" that purports to summarize available research. There is no reference possible, since there's no original research or published journal article. Here's a link to the actual AICR statement: http://www.aicr.org/site/News2?page=NewsArticle&id=15642&news_iv_ctrl=0&abbr=pr_

A 21% increase is not "4 times higher" (that would be a 400% increase) and there is nothing in what you quoted to support your assertion that this had anything to do with "poor families." The link you supply does not back up your statement.

Note that the statement also recommends limiting consumption of (unprocessed, uncured) red meat to 18 ounces per week due to cancer risk.

They also say "to put that increased risk in context: A regular smoker has a risk of lung cancer that is between 10 and 20 times that of a nonsmoker. In contrast, a person who eats one hot dog every day has a 21 percent higher risk of colorectal cancer – not even two times the risk of someone who never eats hot dogs."


New Member
Nov 8, 2010
Restaurant Roi D'Ontario.

But that's for my preferred toastie dogs (all-dressed). Though only the buns toasted, not the dog. They use a good amount of finely cut slaw, which was very unique for me when I first tried one. Fries are good too but not so consistent. A very local joint. Love it.
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