Montreal Escorts

Which Merb-centered agencies do you trust/not trust?


New Member
May 10, 2005
The Good..
Asservissante, Delight, MTLGFE, Satin Dreamz, Montreal Sexx City

The not so good..Yes, all these agencies deliver, but...
MAE - I agree their pics aren't representative of the actual girls.
Eleganza - A sell, sell, sell attitude without really getting to know what I like as a client...
Devilish - Yes, I've had many girls show up late.

The Bad...
Escorts-Express - An agency that scammed me recently


New Member
May 31, 2011
anywhere and everywhere
Plaisirs Rebels, I trust

The reason why I trust Plaisirs Rebels. I had lots of good memories there, even though there are great girls who came and left but still, I build some great memories.

My highlights were Laila, Kelly (aka Lea Lavaleuse), Debbie (Now Kassandra), Noémie, Sasha, 2 Vanessa's, Nikita, Leah, one Jade in particular (I believe she was the third one, half cuban half indian (from india) I think), and Thiffany (damn I enjoyed making her squirt all over the place) Cassie and now I just met Valerie, I am about to publish the review, one more reason I trust this agency..

My not so good moments are: Maleeka, Melodie, Shanelle.

Laila seems to know what rubs me the right way!


A monk on the loose ;p
Jan 10, 2006
I'd trust any agency that does not run as a private club. That one is easy to spot: just identify a star sp at an agency, a very popular one, and try to book her just for 1 hour.
Yes, 1 hour. That is the perfect test. Then tell us how it went. All I can tell you is that up to now, in my experience, there are very few agencies that have passed the test: XXXtase/Delights, MtlGfe, Mike4U being among them. Eleganza being the worst. Even one of my favourite, Martin at Asservissante was not up to the challenge.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Nadya's VIP... Strikes 3...

Well considering my totally infortunate misadventure with them, i think they don't want me as a client, i never used them, i always talked politly to the booker, i even let go the text to go to phoning them so they can SPEAK to me since its more personal. I was even willing to go 2 hours to see that girl wich i never did EVER, especially would not do on a first meeting. But i had my 3nd cancellation with them this morning. So let me start by the beginning.

2 months ago... In a town not that far away... I tried to book SHERYL, she was looking smoking hot, she was supose to meet me at my hotel on saturday early afternoon, she was supose to be my main event of the week end... I texted friday night to ask if she could arrive earlier, like 30 mins earlier cause the hotel agreed to let me the room til 2 pm, for late checkout. They said yes... no problem. I text back the next morning to make sure everything is fine, to be tell she would not be there... Ok shit happen... i let go, they offer Fiona, she look nice and all, why not... but i had another booking planned for later(when i heard Sheryl had cancel, they texted me back 25 mins later to tell me about the replacement) so in the end they want to offer me that deal for 2 hours and all, im relucting cause why 2 hours... she was not even my main choice... i mean she is pretty sure, but not my first choice. In the end they text me back and forth saying no sorry finally it won't work cause its too short(when i had agreed to an hour booking before my other apointment) and blabla, it was so confuse i just let it go and said next time.

Last month... Want to book SHERYL again... but im being told sorry we won't get out of incall for 1 hour... ok ok ill have to go 2 hours, but can't right now... i let it pass...

This month, want to book NAOMIE the Girl coming from prague, but seem like she was supose to arrive in june, never did, the guy tell me she would arrive finally in the night of thursday to friday, call back friday, i do, he says he have no clue when(probably if would be more accurate) she would show up... ok fine, then can i book Sheryl then... want to see her for a long time... ill even take 2 hours to get her outcall. Guy on the phone(btw never speaked to Nadya herself, only to Carrol Cash i guess) tell me ok but if she go outside of the incall then she won't go back in so its better i see her after diner... OK cool, np, book her for 2 hours(that 500$ there) after diner... The guy is very polit btw... nothing rude at all, but its the BS im tired... I text him in the night monday to tell him my usual hotel was full, so ill be elsewhere, still downtown, a better and classier hotel... (???) said no prob... cool

Text me when im the bus to tell me she would not be there... HA...HA...HA ok yeah right. I answer is outcall the problem, if i have to, ill see her incall them... prefer out but oh well.... if i want to see her i have to incall then fine... Nop she is sick he answer me... yeah so she is always sick when i want to see her... never got on merb modifying the add saying she would be sick. Not even offered a replacement. So either they just don't want me as a customer(even tough 75% of my reviews are positive and i never really made a totally negative one) or i always get bump by another customer( a regular i supose that take 3-4 hours.

What piss me off is that they even mention at the beginning of the week incall/outcall... hell Goodgirls(wich is the most reliable agency i ever saw) do in/out and they have no freaking problem balancing the 2... especially when you want to see the girl DOWNTOWN... whats up with just leaving your room to cross the street and enter another hotel? You can go back after that and do incall agains... Seriously if GG can do it , why can't Nadya? Do i have to book her for freaking 5 hours to be able to see her? Anyway so after they tell me no incall either, she is sick... i decided i was done with the agency. A shame cause they got excellent looking girls, list services and all, i always wanted to book some of there girl but never made a move because they seem to favor incall obviously. But Sheryl was just so my type, i had to try, and now 500$ if not enough to see her...?

So well my night turned well, called Mike, sended me Brooke(wich i will review) wich was REALLY GOOD, and then later Eleganza and there you go, nights was saved.

Thing is, even if i would not had been in the bus already, my room was booked, especially this week... its full everywhere, had trouble finding a room, so i could not cancel, i would had lost the money of the room for the night... so i had to come...

So well too bad Nadya's VIP, maybe one day Sheryl will switch agency and ill be able to see her(to think she used to be eleganza... damn why i missed her there)

So thanks for reading my rant, im sorry but booking an escort should not be a damn rolling the dice. I know shit happens sometimes... but im sure she was not sick today, that was just BS excuse plain and simple. I would call to see her tomorow they would find another excuse again.... Anyway ill stop there... Well its very simple, they don't want my business... ok fine, ill go elsewhere, but i think people should know this.


Active Member
Apr 17, 2011
I just want to say that I agree with Haloween Mike 110% , I tried several times to book Nadya VIP , only because I thought it was a class act and like their web site. Got tired on Girls not showing up , change of gilrs at last minute , anyway they are not the only place in town to call. Even sent an e-mail to Nadya herself - her answer was , in my car , will respond to to you shortly , it has been several weeks , I guess we don't have the same definition of shortly
The girls I did manage to see where great however .....................2 of them , the rest where no show.
While on the subject of Nadya , she has like 16 girls on the menu , but only 3-4 girls the same very week , not including herself ..........strange


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
I gave Wild Time a try last night for the first and, by no means, the last time last night. I spoke with Alex and booked their new superstar, Amelie, for 10:15. They had seven girls on last night, more than ever before in their short span, and I had little hope that she'd be on time. I set 11:00 as my cancel time. Amelie rang my bell at 10:19. I was impressed. I was even more impressed a bit over an hour and a half later when she said it was time to shower.

What we know about Wild Time at the outset. 1. They deliver on time. 2. They're good on their promise of a full hour before the shower. 3. They have a rapidly growing roster. 4. They have an attractive website and their merb posts are visually appealing.

Keep up the good work, Jimmy and Alex.


Jul 28, 2006
MTLGFE, almost exclusively
my last 3 visits to montreal , I used them over 8different nights, ladies were always, and I repeat always on time, some of them were a bit early 10 -15 minutes, and the ladies are always the same as the pictures


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
I recently came for the weekend... I started tracking my girl choices 6 weeks ago, to see if I could see a pattern of who worked when

Let's start with who didn't work

Asservissante- Spoke with Martin 2 weeks ago about Joelle..she only worked GP weekend, I was hoping, but it didn't work out . As in the past, Martin was the easiest person to talk to. If he could only pull Marie- Eve out of the time machine to offer as compensation:nod:

MTL GFE- sent a PM on MERB to them weeks before , asking about the availability of Tiffany. I never heard a word from them. And wouldn't you know it, Tiffany was working from Noon-6 the Saturday I arrived

Delight- I was looking for Stacey, and she showed up on the schedule the last day I was there ( and I already had an appointment booked with MSC )

XXXtase- I was looking for Marika, Maylisa, Milana, and Kerry. None of them were there, though Maylisa worked the last night ( which I had a conflict )

I have used both Delight/ XXXTase before, and have no problem with's just the schedule didn't align with mine this time..

Wildtime- I prebooked Misty for 90 minutes on the afternoon of Monday July1 ( Canada Day ) . I knew not many girls were going to work that day. I texted them about a week ago, and was very impressed with the dialogue on the phone, and the ease of booking. I even took a gamble, and asked to also see her for an hour on Tuesday ( based on her reviews ). On June 30th, I txted to see if we were set up for Tuesday. That's when they told me she was sick, and probably wouldn't work on Monday. I asked them to get back to me ASAP, so I could make other arrangements. They said they would get back to me as soon as they heard from her. And this is where, I was not happy. Rather than getting back to me, I had to txt them to follow up. They said maybe she will work tomorrow, and they never bothered to get back to me... Not even, would you like someone else from our roster ?( as I saw they had new girls starting )..Good luck to them, I will pass next time

The girls I saw:

Eleganza-booked Daryn for Sunday July 30th @ 4PM. I booked it on Tuesday June 25 by phone. Easy as usual. She was 10 minutes late on the South Shore. No problem

MSC- first time for me using Jessy.
I booked Allyson. Txting Jessy was easy, and they were very pleasant by phone and txt. I will use them again

Best Regards


Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I just want to say that I agree with Haloween Mike 110% , I tried several times to book Nadya VIP , only because I thought it was a class act and like their web site. Got tired on Girls not showing up , change of gilrs at last minute , anyway they are not the only place in town to call.

Yeah, the biggest problem is that its suposely hight class(i mean yes there website is pretty nice, there girls are smoking hot) but the only way you can see the one you want to see seem to be by more or less calling everyday and going to the incall location and crossing your finger you will be able to see her. I guess some people may do that, i can't... Its a whole lot of preparation meeting an escort for me, its planning a trip, i know its just mtl, but im a towny guy, so going to mtl is a trip by itself. I reserve my room, can't afford to loose it and when i go to mtl i usually have my cash ready from savings and i can't afford to book one girl one night, and try again the other day. I usually even book 2 in the same night to save an hotel room, 130$ may not be a lot of money for some, but it is for me.

I know i mention good girls a lot, but i love how there service is top notch, if they are not sure the girl will be there, they tell you, they don't BS you, and when the girl is on schedule, she is. I never had more than 20min late arrival too, and 85% of the time it was in the 5 min range only !!! XXXtase seem to be pretty reliable too on those factor, and i contacted a couple agencies i never use when i was in mtl and the feeling they gave me in general was good. They didn't bullshit me, they where very honest and even if i didn't book anybody in the end, they gave me a positive feeling.

So well, i guess Nadya's will keep getting good business because they got a good looking roster, and i supose girls like that they are so loosy on schedules and all cause FOR THEM its a good thing, they can do whatever they want. But for us the customers... not so good. Anyway...
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