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Why bashing ,humilié,insulté quelqu'un semble etre si gratifiant???

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Jul 16, 2004
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sorry but i am soooooooooooooo mad...i think i better wrote in french on this one...but french and english comment are welcome...<

je comprend pu notre société d’ dois admettre que ça commence vraiment a m'irrité suis sur plusieurs ces toujours la même routine qui recommence...ça dirais qu’on es dans une garderie...ohhhhhhh il ma pris ma suce...ohhh il ma pris mon jouet...shit que ça m'irrite....

Moi dans mon temps...ok ok je suis pas si vieux...mais si on avait un problème...ça se disait...apres l’école ...dans la bang s'était fini...on réglé ça mano to mano....
(maintenant ces plus le cas...ça arrive avec des guns...des j'en passe...alors la bataille ça marche pu.)
..MAIS le bashing via l'Internet es rendu si gros que ça deviens pas contrôlable...les suicides de jeune fille ou de garç trouve ça triste même....

Je comprends pas que si ta UN PROBLEME ..Avec sois une fille...une agence...une mp...une danseuse...un client....un autre membre d'un forum ou tu es...etc...réglé donc ça de manière civilisé...ou du moins en pm...des fois ça marche et ça résous..Et parfois ça se résout pas!!! Mais l'affaire qui m'enrage le plus es qu'a place de l'ignoré=VOUS SAVEZ QUE VOUS AVEZ LA FONCTION DE LE FAIRE!!!=très facilement d'ailleurs..Ca va se plaindre au mod et braillé..:confused:..Encore la a tu besoin d'une suce ou d'un biberon..!!!! etk

Il y a des personnes ici que J'AIME qu'il m'aime pas...Ces good :thumb:...on plait pas a touttttttttttttt le monde....mais le respect es de mise selon un peu de logique....

Si je vois qu'une personne publie sur un thread..Ou répond etc..J’irai pas la ou le confronté pour rien=meme si je l'aime pas...A MOINS QU'IL OU QU'ELLE M'ATTAQUE...!!!!

J'apprend aussi que des filles...des danseuses....ce font tu me donne pas un meilleur tu m'offre pas un plus bas tu monte ton vais pas te donné un bon review...WTF!!! common guys are you serious on that one…wow.. :eek:

Désolé MAIS TOUTES LES FILLES...que j'ai côtoyé je leur ai JAMAIS FAIT de faveur!!! me rappelle même qu'une m'avait dit me fais descendre sur le thread via tel et tel commentaire...peut tu me booster et me dire qu'on s'est revue etc...WTF!!! euhhhhhhh t'ai pas revue ….ou on s'est vu assez ..ou autres !!! et j’ai pas d’affaire a allé mentir car ces contre ma nature de le tais vue a un moment dans la vie...ça donné ça...ça va resté ça....y a des filles=(ou une fille).... ici que j'aimerai bien allé effacé mes revues car depuis le temps..Ca clique pu entre nous car elle ma joué solide...etc....mais j'irai pas effacé mon post...le pourquoi es fort simple...ces contre ma je trouve ça enfantin elle a été en mode performance pour m'avoir dans le temps...good pour elle...elle a eu un bon review et ces tout....mais les review d'après fait leur preuve et ça donne le résultat RÉEL...comme on dit karma is a bitch lolll...

Bon revenons au sujet...le résultat est fort simple....tu as un trouble avec quelqu'un...discute en pm=ou appelle ça marche pas...met tout ça dans IGNORE si tu te sens offusqué et ton orgueil en prend un brailler au mod=et peut être il agirons selon leur j'ai vécu une injustice que j’ai encore le mauvais goût dans la bouche...mais ça ces une autre histoire...

Alors arrêté de manqué de respect a tous et a connais du bon monde aussi je connais du mauvais monde ici...mais ces ça la réalité ...donc le bashing devrais être interdit..désolé pour l'Anglais...mais la il es 5h45 am et ma allé me coucher quelqu'un veut me l'autorise volontiers...mais ces fort simple....stop harrasing people here...stop insulting...stop bashing...just ignore it or pm the person=but be carefull in pm cause some are more crying then other=AND YOU CAN GET BAN for nothing!!....

peace out...PEACE..!!!


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Jul 16, 2004
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please sp,merb member, are welcome to comment....hope that is a thread that is gonna be view and post a lot..:amen:


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Jul 16, 2004
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damn not able to sleep lolll...hi tina...thanks for the comment...

yes i agree..and no i dont on your opinion...i gonna speak for MYSELF on that note...that if i read a comment that i think was offensive directed to me..i sure hell gonna go in pm or else to find out the meaning of it..

and yes it did happen that i supposedly interpreted the sentence wrong...but sometimes i i agree and i dont on your comment..:smile: but i think that portion is more 30 pourcent ....and the other 70 pourcent is from mean people for just bashing and want to for me the pourcentage is the opposite of you...probably because since i am here i saw that manyyy times happen..

but i think you got the right and perfect answer.....CHOSE YOUR BATTLES. :amen:.. but it still piss me off...


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Bonjours a tous
A chaque lecteur d'exercer son discernement, ceci est un site adulte avec adulte avec conversation adulte !
Pour ceux qui défende le culte du meilleur et désolé de mettre défendu en disant la vérité aussi tranchante elle peut-être !!!
Hello all
To each reader to exrcise is judgment ,this is a adult sitea with adult converstions!
For does defending the cult of the best ,sorry to have defended myself saying the thuth as radical it may be !!
Et oui Merlot je suis d'accord repetition inutile !!!!
And Merlot I agree with you pointless repition !!!!!
Rien n'est hors limite pour les disciples les attaques a l'intégrité de l'individu
Nothing is off limits for the disciples, the attacks at personal integrity !!!!
Chance egale a tous
Equal chance to all
Bon hobbying cela inclu les disciples
Good hobbying to all including the disciples


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Jul 16, 2004
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bookerL..tu me niaise tu sérieux la....mauvais thread....tu parle de merlot=ya pas de merlot sur ce thread la des disciples...sérieux sais pas comment te le dire devient hagacant et meme harassement point of view...mod could you do something

Bonjours a tous
A chaque lecteur d`exercer son discernement, ceci est un site adulte avec adulte avec conversation adulte !
Pour ceux qui défende le culte du meilleur et désolé de mettre défendu en disant la vérité aussi tranchante elle peut-être !!!
Hello all
To each reader to exrcise is judgment ,this is a adult sitea with adult converstions!
For does defending the cult of the best ,sorry to have defended myself saying the thuth as radical it may be !!
Et oui Merlot je suis d`accord repetition inutile !!!!
And Merlot I agree with you pointless repition !!!!!
Rien n`est hors limite pour les disciples les attaques a l`intégrité de l`individu
Nothing is off limits for the disciples, the attacks at personal integrity !!!!
Chance egale a tous
Equal chance to all
Bon hobbying cela inclu les disciples
Good hobbying to all including the disciples

ne serait ce pas un encore plus général contre plusieurs...mod???


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2004
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I must admit that I sometimes get carried away being pissed at someone and have to catch myself on a regular basis,I was raised to live by the golden rule, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you !" and in the case of postings here or on other web sites, if you have nothing good to say to or about someone it is probably best unsaid. I am not talking about a negative review of a provider, that is fair. I am in business and rely on positive reviews from my clients as a referral to new clients, knowing this I strive to be the best I can be with every client or prospective client to control the comments. If a provider is not being the best she can be a negative review is deserved. That being said, to bash someone because they wouldn't give you a deal or provide a service they wouldn't for anyone else is un human. I think a lot of us need to look in the mirror before we bash a provider.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
And Merlot I agree with you pointless repition !!!!!


Hello all,

Booker, I believe you mean you agree that the cycle of posts in the other thread had become very repetitive. I erased my last post in the other thread because Mod20 wanted us all back on topic, and because the posts that motivated my response were erased. But let me say there were two main points. Your right to post about a troubling event according to your experience had gone too far and was becoming excessive. Your critics were right about your excessiveness but they were trampling on your right to report a troubling event.

About the new thread by Panthere and bashing on the boards, if on one side the reporter had handled the original issue in the proper channel with all due process but restrained control, and on the other side respect for the right to report was given, and handling the later excessiveness had been done through proper channels, a cycle of bashing should not have developed. Both sides perpetuated the problem. Neither side is clean...IMHO.

Yes panthere, there has been a habit, often by the same people, of bashing for the sake of bashing. Sometimes that is because of keyboard cowardice and knowing they won't be accountable to the people they attack. Other times it's about protecting a clique buddy or gaining favors with an agency regardless of facts and sometimes making a deliberate choice to be dishonest.

Regarding using the PM function to settle differences, in two cases it was worthless. Once, I offered to settle things down and the other person basically said personal attacks were the right thing to do, at least in sports threads. The same person has used the PM for certain leverage to coerce others. In the other case there was no response at all. If it's not within a person to be decent to people, for whatever reason, the PM function is worthless.

Lastly, You're a good man panthere, but I think making this thread is only going to continue the problem that motivated it's beginning. I see that's true already.

Good luck,



Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Hi all
H Merlot
I will not Quote all your posting but I agree with it !
What you say is wise and reasonable very respectful and unbiased
Witch unfortunately as pointed out not same for all !
Great hobbying all


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Jul 16, 2004
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This is funny post coming from you panthere. You went off in my review thread for no reason really because we never met but you were mad that I was busy. Then you started a new thread accusing me (not openly) of calling you at all hours of the morning after giving me your number. (which I didn't because I never have my phone on). Then you proceeded to send me harassing emails accusing me of having you banned, which I didn't.

Reminds me of this thread I read when I was off - that 99% of SPs are liars.
Honestly - the basis of this <industry> is sort of based on lies and fantasies on both sides. I rarely know when I am talking to someone who is a merb member (except the period of october to when I stopped) so it's uncomfortable for me when I get guys wanting to meet because I don't know if they are someone that hates me on here yet wants to meet for some twisted reason.

I've been suggested to keep out of the forum and interacting with people because there will always be people hating you whether it's members, girls, agencies etc. That advice - I've come to realize is 100% right. T'implique pas dans les affaires. Sucks in a way because I liked the interaction but I think the male members like to keep it an all male club

mitsou tu a un sérieux probleme avec la vérité en disant encore les fausseté qui mon faite bannir ... que je vais laissé les mod ou fred réglé jen ai sérieusement assez de tes fausses accusation et tes attaques envers moi....mais le pire si ta eu si peur..que tu a senti que je tu reviens a la charge et encore avec ces fausseter..faite en vos conclusions merbistes..lollll

p.s. merlot i agree..i gonna wait for mod or fred to resolve this...and gonna close that thread...cause it is gonna start something again..grrr


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2012
Sucks in a way because I liked the interaction but I think the male members like to keep it an all male club

I hope you don't believe this of all the members here, because I for one, do enjoy reading the opinions of female members here as well. Speaking solely on my own behalf, of course...

Lily from Montreal

I've never had the feeling a female input was unwelcome on merb? Some thread subject are less attractive for me ,too graphic comments or descriptions are not my cup of tea so I do not comment on those but I sure hope nobody minds my comments because it is very entertaining on my side...addictive and great distractions when I do not feel like openings my books,like today.. lol


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Jul 16, 2004
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I've never had the feeling a female input was unwelcome on merb? Some thread subject are less attractive for me ,too graphic comments or descriptions are not my cup of tea so I do not comment on those but I sure hope nobody minds my comments because it is very entertaining on my side...addictive and great distractions when I do not feel like openings my books,like today.. lol

lily for sure YOU ARE A CLASSY LADY...who is always welcome to put your input.x


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2004
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I've never had the feeling a female input was unwelcome on merb? Some thread subject are less attractive for me ,too graphic comments or descriptions are not my cup of tea so I do not comment on those but I sure hope nobody minds my comments because it is very entertaining on my side...addictive and great distractions when I do not feel like openings my books,like today.. lol

I for one love to hear the opinion of the SP members of the board and wish there were more comments. I find that yes it is like a boys club here but sometimes a different perspective is required to enable us to see past our own stupidity. I am as guilty as the next guy for thinking with the small head more often than the big one and enjoy the perspective that only a woman can bring to the table. The differences between women and men are what makes this world so interesting. Ladies, keep bringing your opinions to the forum, I for one WELCOME them with open arms.


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Jan 28, 2004
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:confused:I've been suggested to keep out of the forum and interacting with people because there will always be people hating you whether it's members, girls, agencies etc. That advice - I've come to realize is 100% right. T'implique pas dans les affaires. Sucks in a way because I liked the interaction but I think the male members like to keep it an all male club

I hope that your problem with one or two members does not keep you from posting your comments where ever you like, I for one enjoy your perspective and look forward to your comments ;)


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Jul 16, 2004
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Then you proceeded to send me harassing emails accusing me of having you banned, which I didn't.

I sent the emails you sent to me with those accusations and sent then to Fred long time ago.

finally some truth lollll..thank you.

p.s. i know mitsou you are trying to get me ban i guess again because you know if you accuse me of something...that is not true ...i gonna defend myself...
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