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Why do people take Merb so seriously?

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
chef said:
May I respectfully suggest that the two of you take another look at the title of this thread ?

Good point...OUCH!:D



Dec 14, 2004
Why do people take MERB so seriously?

The only answer seems to be... because we have nothing better to do !

The irony of this question is in the person asking it. Somehow I think GG should be the 'in house' expert to answer it.

I don't want to be disrespectful GG, but I always got the impression you were one of the people taking this toooooo seriously. Always fighting to the last word trying to protect the SP you fell in love with. ( Clarification: I'm using 'fell in love with' in a lighty manner jokingly refering to one of you threads )


New Member
Dec 12, 2005
The original question

Why do people take MERB so seriously? Because their sense of humor is probably atrophied and they can't laugh at themselves. Lighten up, it's just sex.


Mr. Big
Jan 2, 2004
Visit site
9 posts today GG...and the day isnt even half over. Dude, you dont have to reply to every post...look at Orallover. He's weened himself down from 5 per day to a nice post count of maybe one per week. And even that on occasion is a tad too much...;)

Maybe its time for one of those AA type intervention for GG. SK and me will bring plenty of beer, someone bring a bag of chips:cool: Ohhh, and maybe some more beer to chase down that bag of chips.

reason for edit...wrote confrontation but meant intervention. would have changed it right away but my beer was empty. priority first :)
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Fred est de retour!
Apr 11, 2005
OK give GG a break. We all have our low moments in life. At least he admits that we're a bunch of pathetic idiots. I think he has point, WGAFF about Merbites opinion on subjects non related directly or indirectly to the hobby. To be honest even on the latter I find some of the comments sometimes irrelevent.

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Hear hear for WGAFF

I kind of like that acronym - WGAFF (who gives a flying f_ck!) - and I plan on sticking to it while I am on Merb.

>>Maxima, I read all your posts too, except for the Hezbollah thread where I read most but not all that is there.

>>Roland, I have not forgotten the power of laughter but I am still one horny pig - you should have seen my tongue sticking out today while I ate lunch outside near my work. :p

>>Dyfre437, we all act like pathetic idiots on this board, including yours truly. Also, you're right to point out that most of the reviews really are irrelevant because in the end, all that matters is how you clicked with the lady. I might find someone beautiful, warm, intelligent, passionate but it doesn't mean that this guarantees a great session for the next guy that tries her. On this last point, I will admit that not everyone is looking for what I am looking for in an encounter. I love the build-up, teasing and passion. I love conversing too, especially with the right SP.

Finally, I am definetely not into the hobby as much. I have only been with two SPs in the last three months but they were fantastic (Michelle and Miss Samantha). This is typical of my character - I get bored of everything after a while no matter how good it feels.

But I am also very cognizant that these encounters are not romantic love affairs but artificial relationships with clear boundaries. There is nothing like a true relationship where you share everything in your life with a special person. In that sense, I am lucky and no matter how difficult it gets at times, I just remind myself of that every single day.

In life, don't take anything for granted.

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Lay Expert

Aug 4, 2006
General Gonad said:
so why do people take Merb so seriously?

Obviously you didn't get the memo. Please read below

From: Tony
To: Merbites
Subject: Seriously

Dear Merbites.

GG invented sex. Then I introduced it to women. Sorry, he was doing great by himself :(



Fred est de retour!
Apr 11, 2005
Dee, I said idiots, not sinners. Funny you brought this up. Once an MP told me that a one of her clients was loudly asking Jesus forgiveness right before the finish...


New Member
Jul 30, 2006
Dee said:
Interesting new branch on the admission tree - the "collective admission"... no longer do we each have to admit our shortcomings; someone will kindly do it for us. If we could now develop the "collective confession" ("Father we have all sinned") waiting times at confessionals will be greatly reduced.

Excellent! Like Dee, I don`t appreciate having someone else call me an idiot. I can competently come to that conclusion if my action sufficiently justifies such a moniker.

Invariably, people just can`t enjoy a good thing and call it a good thing. It`s like Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Someone must always think that there`s something better out there. Trust me. There isn`t. This hobby is fun as long as you keep your head. Yeah, there is the occassional what-am-I-doing-this-for moment. Then again, I sometimes have that feeling while jogging at the speed of a turtle, hanging out a bar trying to score with women, or just working on a work assignment I don`t believe in, but I find something else to do without having to call every else around me losers and idiots.

The theme that is being displayed in this thread isn`t anything new. Check out this thread for an all time high on MERBites calling each other losers for being in this hobby:

It`s especially funny seeing someone who flew thousands of miles from Silicon Valley to do escorts in Montreal calling others emotional cripples and losers. I wonder what made him such a winner?
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General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
n00b said:
Invariably, people just can't enjoy a good thing and call it a good thing. It's like Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Someone must always think that there's something better out there. Trust me. There isn't. This hobby is fun as long as you keep your head. Yeah, there is the occassional what-am-I-doing-this-for moment. Then again, I sometimes have that feeling while jogging at the speed of a turtle, hanging out a bar trying to score with women, or just working on a work assignment I don't believe in, but I find something else to do without having to call every else around me losers and idiots.


This thread isn't about calling each other losers and idiots, although we are all guilty of stupidity once in a while. This thread is just about saying to my fellow posters, let's lighten up a little and stop taking Merb so goddamn seriously.

I have witnessed a transformation in my attitude towards the hobby - a serious transformation. I think this happens to most hobbyists, some sooner than later. It's not that I am more cynical; it's just that I think a lot more before making the call to book an encounter and ask myself some basic questions: Is it worth it? Do I really feel like doing this? If the answer is no, I just don't do it. In the past, I would roll the dice and often act on impulse, which was stupid on my part. I am also getting bored of the hobby scene but interested in a few ladies.

But I agree with what you wrote above, as well as with what Dee and Dyfre437 mention (LOL...Jesus, I have found the light!:D).

>> BDC, I am glad you're able to interact with the ladies in Montreal despite the language barriers. And yes, Merb is repetitive and I am looking for some fresh reviews of all these new ladies to spice things up.


P.S. I wish you all a great weekend. It's hot and beautiful out there and I plan on enjoying it.:)
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