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Why have you every Book or Try an Black SP ?

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Registered Loser
Sep 5, 2006
Corleone said:
Reason #1: armpit smell (one I remember I was close to throwing up).
Read carefully. I've never written that all black girls have bad armpit smell. I wrote that it is the reason why I don't see black SPs. If I had no other choice, I would. But since there are hundred of white girls available, why would I take the risk? I am not educated, and I don't want to be.

If you ask a wine drinker why he doesn't buy wines from Chile, and he answers that it's because they smell like vinegar. You have the right to think or write that he is an uneducated idiot. But on the other hand, he has the right to spend HIS MONEY as he wishes, because even if it is politically incorrect, he earned it, not you.

Also works both ways. Some white SPs don't see black client because they stink, which can't be true obviously because it's not politically correct.

It's true that in today's Quebec, you can't even say you don't like pizza without being called racist or Nazi. So, they're not insults anymore. Just words having lost their original meaning.


Registered Loser
Sep 5, 2006
Tracy, I see that you know this business very well.

Tracy said:
of the black guys that I have met, their trip is to have the interracial... They want the white girl....
So true. Is it politically correct to say they discriminate against black girls too or does it only apply to white men?:rolleyes:

Tracy said:
It is the younger girls, (sorry mostly white, who like the "bad boy") that end up getting pimped.
I agree 100% with you. Only thing you forgot to say that the white bad guys don't drive Harleys anymore: they are in their sixties, living either in Dom. Rep. or behind bars.
The new bad guys are black, like it or not.


Recreational User
Nov 5, 2006
In a house, on a street, duh.
Corleone said:
Read carefully. I've never written that all black girls have bad armpit smell. I wrote that it is the reason why I don't see black SPs. If I had no other choice, I would. But since there are hundred of white girls available, why would I take the risk? I am not educated, and I don't want to be.

Learn to write carefully. What you are saying is prejudiced, and encouraging prejudice. Look up the word, since you clearly don't know what it means. That's why I included a link. Your statement implies that all black girls have bad armpit smell, which is clearly wrong.

Corleone said:
Also works both ways. Some white SPs don't see black client because they stink, which can't be true obviously because it's not politically correct.

Right. try to diminish your own prejudice with an accusation of 'political correctness'. Love that. So lame.

Corleone said:
It's true that in today's Quebec, you can't even say you don't like pizza without being called racist or Nazi. So, they're not insults anymore. Just words having lost their original meaning.

No they haven't, which is why i choose mine carefully. I didn't call you racist, I said the comment was prejudiced.


Jun 25, 2008
i thing you miss out the point

Maybe you missed the post where someone generalized about the reason he doesn't sleep with black girls is because 'they have bad armpit smell' then.[/QUOTE]

not all have bad armpit...Most black girls from North America are generally clean. He maybe using this as a reason ..that i found it is very poor judgement. Look at all them Starr in America??

YouVantOption : Now you see what Im saying sometime what people write have a big inpact on some readers that come trough here!

I personaly require and ask a woman to take shower . someone made a comment about black African slave prostition ect ect...!!!

Come on now !!! That was in the deep Jungle of Africa 1...and we is a little to deep here. As far what Maria said is true most black girl are Born and Raise in North America...Nuthin to do witht the New World Order... So who said it was because the African esclave or Aids issue that also was a preejudice comment
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Jun 25, 2008
Corleone Also works both ways. Some white SPs don't see black client because they stink said:
You so right my friend so right. Belive it or not. most SP that are datting a black guy ....Some of us are calling them pimp but any way...

Said because of the way a white guy smell and atttidude...Yes indeed Honestly true...We here In Quebec are bite racism and take alot of things out of proportion ...about any race !!!

As far as bad smell I have been t alot of strip clubs...and most white or black girls have an incroyable perfum habite nothin to do with race... As far as prefference of SP is just that we as people make alot of judgement on little thing ...What it cause we trowing things out of proportion EXAMPLE: The comment you make about bad arm pitt smell...See how it when off !!!

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
I would like to avoid a race war on MERB if you do not mind. With the goal of
avoiding anyone saying something they cannot take back, this thread will soon be closed. If anyone has any final points to make, you have until 8 PM to do so.

Mod 8


Jun 25, 2008
Corleone said:
So true. Is it politically correct to say they discriminate against black girls too or does it only apply to white men?:rolleyes:

I agree 100% with you. Only thing you forgot to say that the white bad guys don't drive Harleys anymore: they are in their sixties, living either in Dom. Rep. or behind bars.
The new bad guys are black, like it or not.

:D hahaha we also have white ...White man are not visible as before now...They more corporate bad guy ! Black guy are more visible on the street level ...Some do make it but not to say all black aree bad guy...Television make it seen that way:cool:
Apr 16, 2005
Is it significant?

Interesting topic, this business of scent. It may have to do with adaptation to environment over thousands of years. Africa was the only continent which completely escaped that last ice age. Our black brothers and sisters may have developed some interesting adaptations. For example, it is a fact that melanin is a natural sunscreen. As for the Apocrine glands found in the armpits some studies have been done. Note: for Week 10.htm
Just to save wading through the entire lecture, a few salient points:
There are fewer apocrine glands in Orientals and Native American Indians than in Blacks and Whites. Apocrine glands excrete fat and protein along with water (Poirier et al p 567)
Apocrine glands function to produce a characteristic odor. They develope close to the hair follicles.
Apocrine glands respond to stress and sexual stimulation. In humans, the apocrine and eccrine glands work synergistically with bacteria to produce what you call body odor
The amount of chloride excreted by sweat glands varies by race: Blacks have more chloride in sweat than do whites.
The number of active sweat glands seems to be greater in persons exposed as youth to high heat loads. Sweat glands seem to be more active in darkly pigmented people. Sweat glands are under control of the autonomic nervous system. (Poirier et al p 566)
So can one generalize here? Somewhat but I think I would tend to put more emphasis on one's personal hygiene habits and diet than the variations between the races.
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Recreational User
Nov 5, 2006
In a house, on a street, duh.
Merlot said:
Prejudice, bigotry, and racism do not come exclusively from any one race or ethnic group.

No they don't. Nor do I think that anyone who hasn't experienced racism first-hand can truly appreciate how disgusting and hurtful comments such as "I wouldn't have sex with a black girl unless there were no white girls available' can be. I've been on the receiving end of racism many times. I know how it feels, and personally how destructive it can be. So anyone who wants to call my stance politically correct can shove it.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
YouVantOption said:
No they don't. Nor do I think that anyone who hasn't experienced racism first-hand can truly appreciate how disgusting and hurtful comments such as "I wouldn't have sex with a black girl unless there were no white girls available' can be. I've been on the receiving end of racism many times. I know how it feels, and personally how destructive it can be. So anyone who wants to call my stance politically correct can shove it.

Hello YVO,

I keep changing my mind about whether to participate here. As I said: prejudice, bigotry, and racism do not come exclusively from any one race or ethnic group. All human varieties have an equal share of virtues and vices, and being part of a oppressed minority does not enhance or eliminate either.

But there are many forms of oppression. Some are painfully obvious. Others are most subtly insidious and mostly unrecognized at all. Because of an event in my life before the age of one I have endured the latter all of my life. Discrimination has many, many forms. No person's burden is any worse than anyone else's. The most obvious prejudices and no more painful than the most subtle; and the latter is just as destructive.



Maria Divina

Adorable libertine
Apr 10, 2007
Around Montréal...
I did too...

YouVantOption said:
No they don't. Nor do I think that anyone who hasn't experienced racism first-hand can truly appreciate how disgusting and hurtful comments such as "I wouldn't have sex with a black girl unless there were no white girls available' can be. I've been on the receiving end of racism many times. I know how it feels, and personally how destructive it can be. So anyone who wants to call my stance politically correct can shove it.

I did have live racism against me when I was younger because, I have a name who is coming from elsewhere, and I did receive all the kidz could possibly find and say to someone who is different of the majority... and I am white, but just having a different origin... I really understand what it could be to be misjudged for bad reasons.

After, I life a kind of sexism because I wanted to learn at school, something that was only men who were studying... I was alone of woman in a class of 40... I did have to make my place, gently, but surely.....hahaha..... (There comes my high appreciation about the men, I study with some...)...
That was not easy at the beginning... :)

And now, I am an escort, this time, I prefer to play it really low profile... but I still have my opinions and my capacities, but I just try to not begin any war, and try to make understand to people to be more tolerant, but I know for sure that I can't change the world... Sometimes, people are just too much nasty to each other, what can I say... I don't understand the ultimate goals of that kind of actions...It is over my capacities to understand it.
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