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Why have you every Book or Try an Black SP ?

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Jun 25, 2008
bensonnobalia said:
Hey Booty,

You got the Green and the Blue Boards mixed up and are responding to a post that I first made on the other board.

I'll re-post here so that others can follow:

Five reasons people don't book black SPs:

1. Cultural differences. Hobbyists like girls who have many of the same interests as they do. Many, if not most hobbyists are in their 40s and 50s, and we did not have as many black girls around when we were growing up as there are around today, so we are not as familiar with black girls as the younger generation is.

2. Worries that many black girls come with gang affiliations.

3. Worries regarding recent black immigrants who worked as SPs in the third world countries, particularly Haiti, regarding STDs, particularly AIDS.

4. Performance issues. Black girls tend to scream too much and they often excessively get into it (many white men prefer a more subtle experience).

5. Outright racism

Five reasons to book black SPs.

1. Really nice asses.

2. Lower wealth status has moved some dynamite girls in to the SP world (Foxy at MG and Victoria at CLD.

3. Mulatto girls from Cuba are among the best looking in the world.

4. There are a lot of them around.

5. Many black girls are really fine, but have been overlooked because of tough competition. Quebec girls are just too damn good!

Yes you right....The reason Im posting here also is because someone made a comment and I honestly wanted to prove to them I wasnt here to promo anny thing but learn and also educate alot of people about black SP in general....

Im far to be racist in I wish alot of us take the step to Educate and learn from each other experiance and how we can fix and learn from each other....


New Member
Jan 6, 2008
Hi "Booty" (interesting name there?)

Anyways, I will vouch that he is most likely not shilling, as I know him (personally as a friend), he has been a member of the other board for a while, is interested in getting advertiser rights as soon as things get up and going. I have spoken with him and have forwarded all info from Fred - Zed...

In answer to your question S. I had problems too with the salon, I think I told you about it... My issue was that with the clients, the girls would put on attitude. They wanted all for nothing... You just have to be picky with the ones that you do hire and take time talking to them first... If you want, when you hire new ones, I can talk to them for you, to find out what they are expecting... Then once a girl gets a client and is well mannered, it should roll from there...

I think the problem on the clients point of view would be mainly associated towards the attitude of the SP, and black girls do not always have a good rep (although, I have met equally as many white girls that are as bad.)

When you take pics, try and do softer pics rather than anything hard core, so that the client can see that the girl does have a softer side.

Other than that... I would think that white clients may not be interested sexually in non-whites (although asians are "in" right now) and of the black guys that I have met, their trip is to have the interracial... They want the white girl....


Jun 25, 2008
Tracy said:
Hi "Booty" (interesting name there?)

Anyways, I will vouch that he is most likely not shilling, as I know him (personally as a friend), he has been a member of the other board for a while, is interested in getting advertiser rights as soon as things get up and going. I have spoken with him and have forwarded all info from Fred - Zed...

In answer to your question S. I had problems too with the salon, I think I told you about it... My issue was that with the clients, the girls would put on attitude. They wanted all for nothing... You just have to be picky with the ones that you do hire and take time talking to them first... If you want, when you hire new ones, I can talk to them for you, to find out what they are expecting... Then once a girl gets a client and is well mannered, it should roll from there...

I think the problem on the clients point of view would be mainly associated towards the attitude of the SP, and black girls do not always have a good rep (although, I have met equally as many white girls that are as bad.)

When you take pics, try and do softer pics rather than anything hard core, so that the client can see that the girl does have a softer side.

Other than that... I would think that white clients may not be interested sexually in non-whites (although asians are "in" right now) and of the black guys that I have met, their trip is to have the interracial... They want the white girl....
Thank you always a Queen in my eyes...

maybe my question wasnt ask properly ;-) Im happy to see you ...

Indeed you right 200% however I have to learn the market more and people need to be educate on alot of point...

black girl are indeed are strong personality caracter...Sadly not all.... however alot of hobbiest because of some bad experiance comment some hobbiest made wants to put all in the same basket... That is not good !

Tracy remenber Nata... Just for an example and we both know alot of girl are generally like her ...But as Far as an SP... Hobbiest in Quebec in General need to know that its alot of Good SP in all Nation and need to stop make Harsh comment on some minority .... Be open and willing to try something new with out by comment they have read or running to an bad able.... Educatiton is NEEDED also both SP and hobbiest have good mutual bussines going !!!

Has far as the site ...tracy thank you my queen , and this is why Im asking working and learning this market so people do understand we are here to advance not to return and cave man world. PROGRESSING isnt what we all here for PROGRESS??


New Member
Jan 6, 2008
booty123 said:
Thank you always a Queen in my eyes...

maybe my question wasnt ask properly ;-) Im happy to see you ...

Indeed you right 200% however I have to learn the market more and people need to be educate on alot of point...

black girl are indeed are strong personality caracter...Sadly not all.... however alot of hobbiest because of some bad experiance comment some hobbiest made wants to put all in the same basket... That is not good !

Tracy remenber Nata... Just for an example and we both know alot of girl are generally like her ...But as Far as an SP... Hobbiest in Quebec in General need to know that its alot of Good SP in all Nation and need to stop make Harsh comment on some minority .... Be open and willing to try something new with out by comment they have read or running to an bad able.... Educatiton is NEEDED also both SP and hobbiest have good mutual bussines going !!!

Has far as the site ...tracy thank you my queen , and this is why Im asking working and learning this market so people do understand we are here to advance not to return and cave man world. PROGRESSING isnt what we all here for PROGRESS??

My remark on as many white girls can have the same bad attitude that black girls have been stereotyped with... Nat cut the cake.... This is why, there should be open mids in this biz.

S, you are right. Black girls (in general... they are known for this and Chris Rock has fun with this on his shows... lol) are majority of the time mentally stronger than most girls who end up in this industry... People need to understand, it is very hard to pimp a mentally strong girl... It is the younger girls, (sorry mostly white, who like the "bad boy") that end up getting pimped.

But maybe the mental strongness, is what the men sub-conciously do not want??? who knows....


Jun 25, 2008
Tracy said:
My remark on as many white girls can have the same bad attitude that black girls have been stereotyped with... Nat cut the cake.... This is why, there should be open mids in this biz.

S, you are right. Black girls (in general... they are known for this and Chris Rock has fun with this on his shows... lol) are majority of the time mentally stronger than most girls who end up in this industry... People need to understand, it is very hard to pimp a mentally strong girl... It is the younger girls, (sorry mostly white, who like the "bad boy") that end up getting pimped.

But maybe the mental strongness, is what the men sub-conciously do not want??? who knows....
That and also because white girls are always the one that is been book (bring in bussines) at the time...$$$ meaning opportunity for alot of Pimp's white or black.

They dont remenber What I use to say....alot of SP in general couldnt possibly be independent because of lock of stability and mental balance...However alot of selfish hobbiest usually take advantage and call it good bussines ! Those that are can possibly all tell me that they actuelly making it or made it... As far as hobbiest not booking or not trying black SP

That was an Open tread because I read alot Of comment in board that in my eyes made no sense....affliation,hygen,pimp, ect... People need to ask them self this Question....??? Why would a Pimp or any gang Organisation would take a Girl that aint no way proffitable to them ??

As far is Hygen ...Its an Education term that both Black or White that need SP and hobbiest need to bring on the table...Showever before Before seen aan hobbiest and after doing and hobbiest 1.... Not demigrate somone on here...So more healty and clean relationship bettwen SP and Hobbiest is conduct in 2009 in years future....


Jun 25, 2008
mazingerz said:
Pourquoi les Québécois ne bookent pas davantage de noirs alors que les américains le font?

1°- Car nous sommes Québécois et les Québécois ne sont pas des américains. Ce n'est pas parce que les américains font telle chose qu'on doit automatiquement faire la même affaire

2°- Regardez le ratio de noir au canada même au canada-anglais. Il n'y en a pas beaucoup. Aux Etats-Unis, c'est plein. Il y a même plein d'Etats où ils sont majoritaires

Donc, en gros, c'est juste une question que les Etats-Unis sont plus habitué de cotoyer des noirs que nous autres
merci pour ton commenntaire avec respect...

Et oui nous sommes pas des

La raison du tread ...C est parce que il y a beaucoup de nous qui Utilise les mauvaises raison et je voulait etres sur de la raison...

Encore Merci mazingerZ


Recreational User
Nov 5, 2006
In a house, on a street, duh.
S, you are right. Black girls (in general... they are known for this and Chris Rock has fun with this on his shows... lol) are majority of the time mentally stronger than most girls who end up in this industry... People need to understand, it is very hard to pimp a mentally strong girl... It is the younger girls, (sorry mostly white, who like the "bad boy") that end up getting pimped.

But maybe the mental strongness, is what the men sub-conciously do not want??? who knows....

The prejudice in this thread is amazing.

'Armpit smell', 'mentally stronger'? really? All black girls? OK then. Happy Martin Luther King Day/Obama Inauguration, I guess.

Personally, I like black (mulatta/latino) girls because the ones I've been with have been able to move their hips while riding me (and even in mish) in a way I've never experienced with white girls.

That said, I like white girls, I like Chinese girls. I like eastern European girls, I like French girls, I like English girls. As Iggy Pop once sang 'I love girls. They're all over this world'.


Jul 22, 2004
Visit site
Corleone said:
Since 1984, over hundreds of SPs, I've met about 5 black SPs (less than 10 for sure).

Reason #1: armpit smell (one I remember I was close to throwing up).

Not sure you want to hear reasons #2 and #3.
Je confesse être un affreux raciste mais j'ai à peu près eu les mêmes expériences que Corleone, incluant les #2 et #3

Il y a aussi le fait que le grain de la peau des femmes noires est très différent de celui très soyeux, très doux et très voluptueux de nos chères femmes québécoises ou de mes mignonnes petites asiatiques chéries. Caresser la peau d'une femme noire c'est comme caresser mon dessous de pied...

En plus, la plupart de celles que j'ai rencontrées étaient bêtes, n'avaient aucun sens de l'humour, elles riaient pour des niaiseries et elles n'écoutaient que de la musique de noirs... :rolleyes: Difficile d'avoir une conversation avec ces filles-là. De vraies nanas, dans le pur sens du terme.,

Faire l'amour en écoutant 50 Cents.... :rolleyes: On ne peut pas descendre plus bas.

Tout ça ne pourrait qu'être, à la limite, anecdotique. Il y a aussi ceci que vous devez savoir:
"...cCumulative incidence of AIDS in black and Hispanic women was more than 10 times that for white women."
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, U.S.A
"Epidemiologic Notes and Reports Antibody to Human Immunodeficiency Virus in Female Prostitutes", March 27, 1987
/ 36(11);157-6.

Allez donc dire à votre toubib que vous avez eu des relations sexuelles avec une haïtienne, une africaine ou une afro-américaine, vous verrez bien sa réaction...


Recreational User
Nov 5, 2006
In a house, on a street, duh.
Elvis said:
Je confesse être un affreux raciste ... Caresser la peau d'une femme noire c'est comme caresser mon dessous de pied...

Yeah, I'd agree, that is racist. We are all allowed to have our personal preferences, but generalizing like this is beyond stupid and offensive. I was with a black girl (mulatta) a week ago, and her skin was as soft as I've ever felt, beyond being superb in every possible way. But hey, you aren't into it, more for me.

"...Cumulative incidence of AIDS in black and Hispanic women was more than 10 times that for white women."
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, U.S.A
"Epidemiologic Notes and Reports Antibody to Human Immunodeficiency Virus in Female Prostitutes", March 27, 1987 / 36(11);157-6.

That study is almost 22 years old. I can't imagine anything has changed since then, can you?


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
This is another repeat subject. Sometimes I think I'm watching network television.:rolleyes:

It's called personal preference. This has been discussed many times in the SC part of the board as to why strip clubs don't have more black dancers and why black dancers are less popular than other girls. For example, I prefer a certain physical type when it comes to women in general. Very few black women meet this profile. It has nothing to do with the colour of their skin, simply their body type and facial features. The big bubble butt body type for instance, doesn't attract me, whether it is on Beyonce or Kim Kardasian. On the other hand I would not be attracted to a women who has a totally flat rear with no curve to it at all, like Lindsay Lohan. I also don't like tattoos, fake breasts or piercings no matter the race or skin colour. If I was hiring an escort I would look for someone with the look and style that I find attractive. Expecting anyone to spend their money on someone that doesn't turn them on makes no sense.

Everyone has their own preferences, whether it is in women or food or anything else. No more, no less.


Maria Divina

Adorable libertine
Apr 10, 2007
Around Montréal...
YouVantOption said:
That study is almost 22 years old. I can't imagine anything has changed since then, can you?

and, plus, it was for the Atlanta area, in the USA...

et, en plus, l'étude était pour la région d'Atlanta, aux E-U....

Démographiquement parlant, c'est dans quelques pays d'Afrique que l'on retrouve la plus grande concentration par capita de gens étant séro-positifs, et ce, en partie à cause de certains gouvernement qui pensent plus à s'emplir les poches qu'à sa population.... Certaines aides humanitaires sont monopoliser par le gouvernement qui les revendent au lieu des distribuer à leur population... enfin.. Il y a beaucoup de choses inacceptables et injustes dans la vie...

There is in some Africa's countries that exist the biggest concentration of sero-positif people, per capita..., and this because of some gouvernement who are reaching to have more money than to help their own population: the humanitarian help are sell instead of give to the population... anyway..There a lots of thing in life who is not acceptable and fair...

Ton étude n'apporte pas un point valide dans la discussion. Il faudrait que ce soit une étude au Québec, récente. et là, cela appuirait ton argument. De dire que les femmes noires escortes du Québec sont plus infectées de maladies que les autres, ne repose que sur ton jugement raciste.. Je ne pense pas que ce soit une attitude que Merb va approuver.

Your study is not valid for this discussion. It must be a Quebec study, made recently to be taken seriously. To say that the black women escort in Québec are more infected that others, are just the reflectio of you racist judgement... I don't think that Merb will approve your attitude.
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Maria Divina

Adorable libertine
Apr 10, 2007
Around Montréal...
Techman said:
This is another repeat subject. Sometimes I think I'm watching network television.:rolleyes:

It's called personal preference. This has been discussed many times in the SC part of the board as to why strip clubs don't have more black dancers and why black dancers are less popular than other girls. For example, I prefer a certain physical type when it comes to women in general. Very few black women meet this profile. It has nothing to do with the colour of their skin, simply their body type and facial features. The big bubble butt body type for instance, doesn't attract me, whether it is on Beyonce or Kim Kardasian. On the other hand I would not be attracted to a women who has a totally flat rear with no curve to it at all, like Lindsay Lohan. I also don't like tattoos, fake breasts or piercings no matter the race or skin colour. If I was hiring an escort I would look for someone with the look and style that I find attractive. Expecting anyone to spend their money on someone that doesn't turn them on makes no sense.

Everyone has their own preferences, whether it is in women or food or anything else. No more, no less.


I am thinking exactly the same as you on that point. ( except for the part about loving some type of women :p ...)


Recreational User
Nov 5, 2006
In a house, on a street, duh.
Techman said:
This is another repeat subject. Sometimes I think I'm watching network television.:rolleyes:

It's called personal preference. This has been discussed many times in the SC part of the board as to why strip clubs don't have more black dancers and why black dancers are less popular than other girls. For example, I prefer a certain physical type when it comes to women in general. Very few black women meet this profile. It has nothing to do with the colour of their skin, simply their body type and facial features.

Sure, agreed, that is personal preference. Notice how you didn't say 'all black girls are mentally stronger than white girls so less likely to be pimped' or 'all black girls have a bad smell emanating from their armpits, and their skin feels like the sole of my foot'.

Techman said:
Everyone has their own preferences, whether it is in women or food or anything else. No more, no less.

Absolutely. But some of that subset, when advocating for their personal preference generalize to the point of prejudice, or fall into flat-out racism when expressing inanities such as we have seen in this thread.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
YouVantOption said:
That study is almost 22 years old. I can't imagine anything has changed since then, can you?

Just out of curiosity I did a quick search for something more recent. This is from a 2001 report :

* Racial/ethnic disparities among people with HIV and AIDS continue to increase. Among men with a recent AIDS diagnosis, 62 percent were black or Hispanic; among women, 81 percent were black or Hispanic. Among men in California receiving an AIDS diagnosis in 1998, 51 percent were black or Hispanic; among women, 67 percent were black or Hispanic.

From another report:

The 2000 US census allowed reporting of more than one race per person, but the HIV/AIDS surveillance system only records one race. For this reason, current AIDS incidence rates by race were not developed for this report. However, other reports have been developed by the Department of Health using census estimates (Annual Communicable Disease Report, 2000 and the Washington State HIV/AIDS Epidemiologic Profile, 1998 and updates).These reports demonstrate higher disease rates in racial and ethnic minorities, particularly in women.Among men diagnosed with AIDS from 1998-2000, 72% were white, 13% were black, and 11% were Hispanic. Among women diagnosed in the same period, 44% of cases were white, 35% were black, and 11% were Hispanic.

From what I can tell by a quick check of the two reports is that the percentages will vary greatly depending on what geographical area the study is taken in. I'm pretty certain that the percentage of black or Hispanic aids patients in a location such as Herouxville would be zero while it would be considerably higher in Los Angeles or New York city. Like many things, statistics can be manipulated to fit your arguement when they're taken out of their original context.

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Recreational User
Nov 5, 2006
In a house, on a street, duh.
Techman said:
Just out of curiosity I did a quick search for something more recent. From what I can tell by a quick check of the two reports is that the percentages will vary greatly depending on what geographical area the study is taken in. I'm pretty certain that the percentage of black or Hispanic aids patients in a location such as Herouxville would be zero while it would be considerably higher in Los Angeles or New York city. Like many things, statistics can be manipulated to fit your arguement when they're taken out of their original context.

Indeed. for example, using those statistics, it is more likely that Obama supporters are HIV positive and voted against prop 8.

And were there to be 1 black HIV+ SP in Herouxville, we might see a definitive, but incorrect statement drawing a conclusion as to the actual percentage in other geographical areas.

As was said elsewhere in this thread, there is a disproportionate problem in Africa, not only due to humanitarian aid being misdirected, but due to cultural issues with AIDS medication and condom use. Even the Catholic church has made grudging allowances for condom use (as voiced by a couple of married (!) Bishops on that continent) between married partners, one of whom is HIV+.

Disproportionality is also encountered in places traditionally associated with sex tourism, Thailand, Cuba, Brazil, probably due to men who offer a seemingly huge bonus for going bareback.

Maria Divina

Adorable libertine
Apr 10, 2007
Around Montréal...
YouVantOption said:
As was said elsewhere in this thread, there is a disproportionate problem in Africa, not only due to humanitarian aid being misdirected, but due to cultural issues with AIDS medication and condom use. Even the Catholic church has made grudging allowances for condom use (as voiced by a couple of married (!) Bishops on that continent) between married partners, one of whom is HIV+.

Disproportionality is also encountered in places traditionally associated with sex tourism, Thailand, Cuba, Brazil, probably due to men who offer a seemingly huge bonus for going bareback.

I did, just few years ago, in my ancient occupation, assist to a special meeting who were invited any kind of specialists who are working to fight the HIV transmission and support HIV infected people.(to name a few: doctors, nurses, social workers, pharmacists... That was in the new idea to match all the competences to be more efficient...)... and the problem with the AIDS in Africa, is much more complex that gouvernement corruption and cultural... I said only one of the most chocking one... and did not talk about how some African still beleive in magic and try to cure themselves by making love to a virgin?? Some, to be really sure to have a virgin "between their hands", are taking babies, still wearing diapers... Anyway, I think it is not a good subject for a sunday morning, but that's a reality that when you are missing of good knowledges, are conduct by "blind rules" of moral or religion, having a bad gouvernement who don't care about you at all... Your chances in life are really thin if you are badlucked to be sick.

What you had about the fact that, when you are on your own, or sell by your family to someone who is abusing of you, selling you to make his businees well, and there is too much competition and the only way to finish to do some money to be able to eat, is to go bareback, that is too is really sad...

All those atrocities that I am talking are living in others countries, and might not interfer with the fact to meet or not, a black women here...and, guess what?? I am sure that the majority of the black women here are born and raise here, and totally not in bad conditions of street gang surrenderings( at least, not more than others ladies with others origins...)..

Here, the gentlemen are just less attracted by black women...and that is nothing at all a link with something else for the majority.. Some may be racist, but I really think that gentlemen have the right to choose the lady who fit more their tastes...


Recreational User
Nov 5, 2006
In a house, on a street, duh.
Maria Divina said:
I said only one of the most chocking one... and did not talk about how some African still beleive in magic and try to cure themselves by making love to a virgin??

No less imaginary that a virgin birth, a place to go after death, and so on, of course, but I get your point.

Maria Divina said:
Here, the gentlemen are just less attracted by black women...and that is nothing at all a link with something else for the majority..

Maybe you missed the post where someone generalized about the reason he doesn't sleep with black girls is because 'they have bad armpit smell' then.
Apr 16, 2005
Simply preferences!

Here, the gentlemen are just less attracted by black women...and that is nothing at all a link with something else for the majority.. Some may be racist, but I really think that gentlemen have the right to choose the lady who fit more their tastes...
Yes Maria, I do believe that it is probably just a question of aesthetics. Back in university I dated a black girl briefly – nice girl, with class and well-educated but just didn't do it for me aesthetically. Never slept with her and wasn't in the market to get hitched so we parted company as friends.

Just to get a bit shallow here for a moment, I would guess that a lot of guys are simply turned on by the sensuality of soft silken hair, fine features, subtle scent and fair skin tones, all qualities mostly found in the white, asiatic or aboriginal races, so these are the escorts they choose. Some guys even narrow it down to blonds. The black girls bring a different set of qualities to an encounter which may be more to the liking of other guys. After all clients are not looking for the personal qualities which go into making a great wife (well maybe some qualities:) ). It is all about preferences and when it comes to the escort scene it can get pretty shallow. It has nothing to do with how they regard the worth of anybody.

Maria Divina

Adorable libertine
Apr 10, 2007
Around Montréal...
YouVantOption said:
Maybe you missed the post where someone generalized about the reason he doesn't sleep with black girls is because 'they have bad armpit smell' then.

I see that, but what I know about the fact that the skin may smell differently, is more about what "we are eating" factor, than the color of the skin... But, I am not a specialist of the question... The only thing I could say about that is when I am meeting someone who have a different origin but is living like the majority is living in the country, I don't smell something different from him... and if he is eating like his "originate country", yes, I can smell something... but this is not unpleasant... Oriental, European, American, Canadian, Quebecois have all differents skin odors too, I can assure you of that... Every differents origins have their odors... ( yes, canadian from outside Quebec are not smelling the same... :) ...) So, someone could say he doesn't like some corporel odors, but to say, that all the people with the same ascendant are smelling the same, it is not that simple... All depend what they are eating.


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
Some of my worst experiences have been with black ladies, some of my best too! Notice I say "some"? It's not that all experiences I had with black girls were bad and all the ones with white girls were good or vice-versa.

Personally, as long as I'm attracted to a woman, I have no preference or dislike on race: a woman of any ethnic background can be attractive to me, or totally repulse me. It's all about attitude and about the "aura" she project.

Skin smoothness? Anybody dare saying Janet from MSC doesn't have smooth skin? Bad odors? Same with this lady: none! What about Sasha at Cléo? Nothing bad in the skin/smell departments either. These 2 aren't exceptions either.

Maybe two or three of the 30+ black SP (dancers and escorts) I ever met had some odors I would defines as unpleasent or too strong. One was definetly a cleanliness issue: pee smells like pee, black, white, yellow or whatever color girl... I had the same from white girls too.

Maria is absolutely right: what we eat affect how we smell and also how we taste! It's true for men and women too.
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