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Windows Vista Out Tomorrow


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
It's amazing how cheap people are. They download most of their software for free or they take a copy of Office from work but they won't spend $200 bucks on an OS that they will probably run for 5 years. They won't buy the companies' products and then they bitch when they move support to other countries to get people who are really interested in doing the work and to save money!

Read some of the stories in the link I provided above and tell me how many of these people could ever get Linux to work! These are the average home computer user, not those of us who actually have the knowledge and understanding to configure and run Linux. Imagine marketing a car that you had to build and maintain yourself. Not too many people would be driving it.

All the Vista reviews I've seen so far concentrate on the end user interface. Very few of them actually delve into what is under the surface and that is where most of the changes have taken place. Granted, most of these changes will never be seen by the average end user. But the result of these changes will make for a more stable and secure system.

The majority of people who criticize Vista for not being a big enough change would be the same ones to complain if it had changed too much. It's impossible to please everyone, some people will always find a reason to complain. Unless you give it away for free of course, and even then there would still be some.

mtl.male, no matter how well you can eventually get Linux to run, you will find that you don't even have the ability to run even .5% of the programs that are available for windows systems. Why should I limit what I can do when I don't have to?

I originally posted in this thread to help people with questions about Vista. I didn't do so to cause a discussion between Microsoft and other operating systems. There are people who just hate Microsoft no matter what they do. They always write it with a $ in the name. Whether that's a sign of envy directed towards a level of success they can never hope to attain, or just ignorance, I'll never figure out. But to call Bill Gates greedy, when he is giving his entire fortune to charitable causes, has to signify something. What it is, I will never be able to figure out.

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