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Would you participate in a gangbang?


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Aug 29, 2003
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Update : I have contacted Chloecoeur.

I will post one update in this thread to let all of you know if it is a go or not, and will then post an official event in the events section if it is happening, with details, so you can choose to participate or not.

One thing is CERTAIN, is that respect of eachother’s boundaries and ESPECIALLY of SP’s agreed upon boundaries are a must, as will be cleanliness and all around good manners.

As a show of interest, you could also PM me your interest on a scale of 1-10 (10 being very interested), so I can have an idea of who and how much interest this is generating.

You could also write if you have a special request and I could see if it could happen.

I am not planning on becoming a regular organizer. I have a fairly busy life and this will be a one time only thing for me . But somehow the idea of organizing this once is kind of exciting.
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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
For all those thinking of going, limp dick is a common syndrome at GBs, as many active swingers can tell you. Understandable, if you think about it.
Strange but it hasn’t been my experience. From what i could see first hand at the ones i attended no one seemed to have performance issues & personally i found the whole thing extremely stimulating. However nerves & alcohol are always a big contributor to ED so it’s always possible. I think the only time it happened to me was during a 3-some many years ago & it was due to me taking ectasy before the date. Later talking to an sp about it i learned that ectasy & erections are usually not compatible. She said that from experience with some of her boyfriends they would also have to take viagra if they wanted to get a boner if they took ectasy. I never took ectasy again prior to sex. Lol


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2022
Strange but it hasn’t been my experience. From what i could see first hand at the ones i attended no one seemed to have performance issues & personally i found the whole thing extremely stimulating. However nerves & alcohol are always a big contributor to ED so it’s always possible. I think the only time it happened to me was during a 3-some many years ago & it was due to me taking ectasy before the date. Later talking to an sp about it i learned that ectasy & erections are usually not compatible. She said that from experience with some of her boyfriends they would also have to take viagra if they wanted to get a boner if they took ectasy. I never took ectasy again prior to sex. Lol
This is where fluffers come in handy


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2024
For all those thinking of going, limp dick is a common syndrome at GBs, as many active swingers can tell you. Understandable, if you think about it.
I've seen and been with people having these types of issues at swinger's clubs or parties, but my experience with GBs is that most people who are into that sort of thing, are enough into that sort of thing that there are few problems. What's the difference between a GB and a sex party? The ratios are different. Lots of single people vying for a few...uh.. receptive people. vs mostly couples stepping outside of their routine and alllll the complications that come with that.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
This is where fluffers come in handy
No need for fluffers now that we have viagra, cialis & levitra.

By the way i’ve never seen fluffers at events i attended. Nor was there a need for them. The way i see it if a guy needs a fluffer to get him going then he probably doesn’t really belong there. This kind of scenery isn’t for everyone. The only reason i ever attended these types of events is because i’m a curious person by nature & very sexually open-minded who has always believed that i might as well try whatever is on my bucket list when it’s available to me & i have always preferred trying out something before i pass judgement on it. Not everyone shares my views nor my personality & that’s quite alright. The reasons i just listed are also the reasons why i ever decided to see an escort. I was curious.
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