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Yeah....GG4U revival

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Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Isn't this thread supposed to be about GG4U/Elite Companions and not incalls, bookers, etc? :confused:

Yes, sorry got sidetracked by people who do not understand a question... Simple form: Yes I knew that a booker schedules the transportation and can make a recommendation.. IT IS PART OF HIS JOB TITLE. Same as a cab dispatcher, do you think that after your call he does nothing..... part of his job title to get the cab to you. From my question in page 4..... What else does he do........? We all know what he is supposed to do as to Bookers statement " Bookers do more than you think". My statement of " A booker just takes the appointment " stands, do you really think I believe that by magic the SP arrives at my door, when I ask for a recommendation if my choice is gone do you really think that I believe that he pulls a name out of his ass? So....... What do they do more than I think? Simple enough? Dealing with a professional agency I should not be talking to some half wit who knows nothing and I have never experienced a poor booker at a good agency.

Back to GG/EW, I have never seen such childish behaviour from a group of supposedly grown men, something happened to GG yes, is it any of our business no. People are speculation about various things and rumors are flying, the man children are ecstatic with glee that the company they do not like is not in full swing. I have read rumors that Mike is gone and James is starting a new company, do not know and do not care if it is true. The people who are saying this have their beef with Mike ( from what I am reading ) and nothing with James..... So why the fuck do you still pound EC when you think Mike is gone..... Again, childish behaviour. Some people stated that some SP's are the ones talking, you are claimed business men do you not know that when an employee leaves for whatever reason stories are embellished and it is never the fault of the employee when they leave ( not all cases but some ).
Rejoice in your thought of a victory, go on a hill top and beat your chest, simple minds find pleasure in such a primitive way. Easy to tell that some of you live in a fantasy world and believe whatever someone tells you or what their claim is.... there is no reality, keep the dream alive.
For myself I am a south shore escort seeker and when I have extra time I seek downtown agencies, I picked GG awhile back and never had a bad experience with Mike or James and only had 1 SP whose service I thought was unsatisfactory ( reviewed ), Mike and James were always courteous and helpful.

A PT Barnum quote: There is a sucker born every minute, I found a large community.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Well definitely the best revival yet !No others compare ?
Many great announcements
Many name changes
Many Website changes
Many telephone numbers changes

In a very short span !Aren't they all records?:confused:

After all stability in business isn't vital ?

"Best Revival ";)



Alexandre Le Grand

New Member
Dec 25, 2008


But what about what the so called experts said??? (be careful what you wish for boyzzz) This CANT be tue, the newsboys cannot be wrong AGAIN? can they :confused: oh well, it is hump-day :lol: and April 1 (but me thinks this is No Joke!) I even heard a recent Star among Stars might be back VERY SOON (make that a few) ;)

Tes amis sa va tellement bien que dans leur post du 14 avril sur un board gratuit Mike et James utilisent encore des photos de Ginger et Kaila ! Deux filles qui ont quitté la semaine passé pour ceux qui ne le savent pas. Sa va la Terre loll
Oui le master plan loll. Ca fait pitié.

Faite une recherche Google avec leur numéro de téléphone.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Salut a tous

Tes amis sa va tellement bien que dans leur post du 14 avril sur un board gratuit Mike et James utilisent encore des photos de Ginger et Kaila !
What? C'est la bonne question ,mes pas d'appel d'urgence en entrant a la maison ?
Long day and just got home and seen this thread so decided to call EC to see whats up.
Ça doit pas être important ?
Deux filles qui ont quitté la semaine passé pour ceux qui ne le savent pas. Sa va la Terre loll
Oui le master plan loll. Ca fait pitié.

Faite une recherche Google avec leur numéro de téléphone.

Hummmmmm! J'ai oublier le nom ,comment cela s'appelle des agences qui affiche des filles qu'ils n'ont pas ?
Decidemment !
"Greatest Revival "
This CANT be tue, the newsboys cannot be wrong AGAIN? can they :confused:

Oh well:confused:;)

All time




It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Originally Posted by lgna69xxx

This CANT be tue, the newsboys cannot be wrong AGAIN? can they
Dunno, but the newsboys are saying that Mojo will be adding a couple more in the coming days.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

So much hate from a bunch of people who love their any anonymity.

You mean like those who keep a list of those they hate and push it around behind the scenes.

What is the hate about asking what is going on? It's you who just said "they are down". How does an agency that has seemed to run so hot for so long get "down"? Shouldn't faithful clients be reassured by those who work at the agency not some fan clients? It's my understanding that there were two mistakes in some very basic function details that helped lead to some ladies deciding to go elsewhere. Even if not true, the shrinking list of ladies deserves some kind of reassurance. This "hate" label is a poor dodge for what even you indicate is a downturn.


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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Igna might have the fault of over promoting.
Bingo. Many of the other advertisers are furious that he's allowed to get away with it. Guess now that the operation has collapsed, it's no longer a problem and merb can be a more even handed place, with no poster spending half of his life endlessly promoting one agency. And that, sir, is a good thing for all involved.

Fair is fair and for one advertiser to have a hobbyist operating as an almost full-time promoter just isn't fair. That an agency had to collapse for it to (sort of) end might be unfortunate, but as they say, "what goes around, comes around."

Alexandre Le Grand

New Member
Dec 25, 2008
Bingo. Many of the other advertisers are furious that he's allowed to get away with it. Guess now that the operation has collapsed, it's no longer a problem and merb can be a more even handed place, with no poster spending half of his life endlessly promoting one agency. And that, sir, is a good thing for all involved.

Fair is fair and for one advertiser to have a hobbyist operating as an almost full-time promoter just isn't fair. That an agency had to collapse for it to (sort of) end might be unfortunate, but as they say, "what goes around, comes around."

Excellents commentaires Rumps tu es dead on. Et c'est domage car c'est maintenant le prix a payé de cet over exposer qui n'étaient pas cohérente avec la réalité. Les fumistes sont maintenant exposé à toute la communauté.
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