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You’re SP never calls you by you’re Name!

Enjoying life

Dec 2, 2024
Lol... it isn't personal.
Even before getting into this line of work, I could go weeks or months not able to remember a friend's name. I just can't retain names. In most cases someone tells me their name, and 2 minutes later I have forgotten. Not that they aren't important or because they don't matter, they do. It just isn't how my brain works. The content of someone and who they are matters more to me. In school it was a win if by June I finally remembered everyone's name in a class of 30 people.

This.^^^^ I give people I see nicknames that remind me who they are. Some even get to know their nickname. And often approve of it, for those i am willing to share it with. They know me and understand that I can't retain names to save my life, and often are flattered when I feel close enough to them to let them see the name I give them. They get that for me my nicknames are more personal than having 10 David's, 20 Jason's, 25 Mohammed's, and the countless names I couldn't even pronounce if I tried. It personalizes them, as a single person, to me, often highlighting a positive thing about them or how i see them. Negative names are not repeated, it means I didn't like them.

And why not? Some men are looking for just that. Someone who can make them feel cared for when they are with them, as opposed to just carnal pleasures. The world is harsh and crule, and everyone likes a soft place to not have to be guarded for a change. My definition of GFE. Not a list of acronyms, but an atmosphere in personalities.
Well she is involved thats for starters! lol
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