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Mike 4U a t'il perdu le contrôle ? Après Brooke c'est Mykaela qui s'affiche ailleurs

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Alexandre Le Grand

New Member
Dec 25, 2008
Depuis ma rencontre avec Makaela je n'ai jamais cru en sa sincérité et le fait qu'elle soit associé avec cette agence de faussaires veut tout dire. Et Mike a t'il perdu le contrôle de son agence; je le crois .
Brooke qui s'affiche comme indépendante et Mykaela qui lui fait faut bon aussi . Mais oui Mike elles sont tous fULLY BOOKED . Ta balloune va bientôt éclater Mike. Et dis moi est ce que Makaela t'aime aussi ?
Ton arrogance te rend aveugle Mike.
Vous pouvez tous voir Mikaela ici chez cette agence de faussaires Extremecompanionship

La fille Angelina est la porrnstar Lela Star

Les photos de la fille Eve sont prise dans un site de modèle

Moi je ne crois pas qu'il y est de hasard ici. Brooke c'était affiché comme indépendante et voilà Mykaela qui est la deuxième à faire la même chose, cela dans l'espace de quelques jours.
Et que Mykaela se joigne à une bande de faussaire ne m'étonne pas .


New Member
Jul 29, 2011
À mon avis Mike n'a jamais eu tout à fait le contrôle... De son arrogante attitude et de son mauvais caractère, en tout cas!! ;0) Il n'a jamais compris que le client a toujours raison. On semble être plusieurs ici à ne pas voir une très bonne opinion de cette agence.

Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
Ce qui est curieux est que presque tous ceux qui parlent contre Mike ont presque tous en-dessous de 50 posts a leur fiche. Y en a meme qui sont enregistres depuis quelques annees et qui n'ont meme pas 10 posts a leur nom. Tres, tres curieux.

What is strange is that it seems most of the ones bashing Mike have less than 50 posts under their handle. There are even some who registered their handle a few years ago and don't even have 10 posts under their name. Very, very strange.


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
Wow, le bordel est progné! :)

Es-tu bien sûr que c`était vraiment Brooke qui s`annonçait comme indy? ça serait pas la première fois qu`une annonce de B&S utilise des photos d`une autre...
As-tu communiqué et rencontré Brooke en tant qu`Indy avant de lancer tes accusations? Pcq ça prend des preuves là.

Je n`ai pas vu d`annonce de Mykaela en tant qu`Indy. Mais je vois ses annonces réguilèrement chez deux agences soit GG et ECM.
Ça je dois admettre que je ne comprend pas trop...
Serait-il possible qu`elle a tellement de carisme qu`elle a réussi à hypnotiser les deux et les a convaincu de la booker ensemble?
Selon les annonces de GG et ECM, elle travaille pour les deux agences Lundi... Chu tout mêlé... Mais je m`en fou car je ne la bookerai jamais mais c`est louche.

Ou bien yen a un des deux qui ment... Serait-ce une tite guéguerre entre les deux agences? En tout cas cette Mykaela, elle fait de l`effet, pas à dire.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Doc, there seems to be a pattern here and, yes, it seems that many that have experienced his raging temper are coming out of the woodwork. You think all these guys are making this up? I've got quite a tale to tell myself, and though I won't post in here, my experience with him confirms everything I've read here and in the other thread...absolutely.

Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
Rumples, i wasn't defending Mike. I simply stated that it's very odd that the majority of the attackers have been members for a few years and the majority of them have posted anywhere from 1 to 40 posts during their 'career'. Is it a coincidence??

On another note, i've also been pissed off at my share of agency operators over the years. However, instead of wasting everyone's time on an internet board & sounding like a little whiny vindictive bitch, i got over it & moved on......there are hundreds of agencies (supposedly) in Montreal and thousands of escorts (supposedly), so no need to be fixated on a particular agency operator or escort who may have pissed me off. As the Eagles once wrote: "Get over it."

There, i've said my piece! ;)


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Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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I have dealt with Mike since his days at Tempted to touch, like 5 years ago or more.

Mike, for the most part, has been pleasant to deal with. He has had really nice, gorgeous girls who have given me great service. He's had some girls who have had trouble, but in this business every agency has had girls with some problems. Girls are human and humans are not perfect.

I would not say that Mike has been arrogant with me. He has been somewhat pushy on occasions, meaning he has tried to sell me a girl I was not interested in. Sometimes I have taken his advice, and he was right, the girl was great and a couple of occasions I wish I did not listen.

But he has never gotten nasty with me if I didn't follow his cue. I think gino may be right. His girls like him. I have never heard a complaint about him from his girls, unlike some other well known agencies. And because of his good treatment of them, he probably gets friends of the girls as referrals to his agency. Hot girls hang with hot girls.


New Member
Jun 29, 2010
I happen to have had easily much over 100- 150 experiences with different agencies and girls....some of which I rotate regularly.....
So I do not have in ALl of my experience ever, EVER , been referred to as a "HARD TO DO CLIENT "..YOU ARE cunningly running away from reality TO PROTECT yourself on my my back.... you are a LIAR false godfather.....Your attempt to lower my standing by having me BARRED FROM
YOUR AGENCY to protect your lambs is OUTRAGEOUS..... and all this based one girl's viewpont ---SECRET--- YOU..took her advice to prevent me for seeing all of your girls------are you serious ? do you have a brain to evaluate by yourself ( she was well treated here, even gave her a little souvenir from the islands, as I did to many others till they lasted .. ask her you are her boss, she should not have any SECRET FOR YOU ? ) I WAS HARD ? FIND OUT DUDE ! YOU BETTER GIVE THE REAL ANSWER).....This I cannot tolerate! come out and put it on the table for everybody to see....I have NO FEAR .....
tell the TRUTH... you have opened a can of worms ....DEAL with it NOW !!!! you must suffer from a bi-polar disorder which would explain your shifts from nice guy to a raging bull.... About 1 year ago or more I asked you (and you remembered who i was) to see a certain girl of my taste, and you tried to hardsell me on one of your "dogs "of the time ; so even here we see a trend like the above post says.
Your cover up "cloudsurf" referring to my PM's as "Pathetic "is a poor reporter, a brownoser who needs to shower at least twice a day
otherwise he stincks.....or give him a job to put an end to his sniffing

Dude from T.O.

New Member
Jun 16, 2009
I've been using his agency during most of my visits to montreal for the last two years. Can't say I've experienced any negative issues in my dealings with Mike thus far.


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
Relax LEANDRE...

The fact he barred you cause one of his girls adviced him to do, is a good point for him. Everybody here would have taken the same obvious decision...

Moreover, the way you harass him here and can't stay in control make me think I wouldn't let you see one of my girls if I was an agency owner.

Take a break, you have been barred from one of the 30 escorts agencies... So what ? Book a girl and forget all this story...


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
I think another GoodGirls private GT is in order... I know a few who wont be on the guest list, however. ;)


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
But whatever happened between you & Mike is none of my business & i was hoping you two would have one day settled your issues, whatever they were.
Actually, Doc nothing happened between me and Mike. What happened was between Mike and his vivid imagination. I've never had any dealings with him whatsoever. And I have no interest in a public airing of the insults and slanders he threw my way other than to say that I've never come across one so rude in my 15 years in the "hobby."

My only reason for posting was to attest that I believe every word of those who have come forth to speak of Mike's wild rage. I've seen it first hand and up close. Their testimonies are entirely in accord with Mike's MO. And for the 5-6 who have posted their experiences here, I'm sure there are ten times that many who don't post or read the board.

Yes, some of those who have been maligned by Mike haven't posted here much. That's no surprise. There are those who will keep quiet, who don't write reviews, and who only speak up when they've been pushed over the edge. However, I've looked a Leandre's posting history and he seems to be quite an active reviewer. And you can bet your bottom dollar, if he were a problem client, Jessy wouldn't be sending him girls on a regular basis. Uncle Bob has over 600 posts. Alexendre Le Grand has been a member of this board for over four years and, like many others, only posts sporadically. He does seem to have a number of reviews in his history.

As for my getting over it, there's nothing to get over. There are plenty of agencies and indys in our fair city who are quite happy to have my business.

And finally, I am aware that you Rumples have had somewhat of a misunderstanding with Mike over the past year or so. I do not know the full details, nor is it my business. One thing that i'll say is that i've known you for nearly 8 years and i've always known you to be a very respectful 'hobbyist' with the sps you've seen over the years. I was even aware that some of the agencies considered you to be a favorite client and never hesitated to introduce to you their less experienced girls on some occasions. Personally, if i ran an agency, i'd look for clients like you, whom i'm quite aware has also been very giving & generous with a few ladies you've met.
Thanks for your kind words, Doc. Much appreciated coming from one for whom I have as much respect as I do for you.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
LEANDRE anyone who reads your recent posts will quickly realize how delusional and irrational your rants and raves are.
Unfortunately for you, there is no cure for mad cow disease.
Mike did his girls ( who you insultingly call lambs ) a favour in banning you.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
I think another GoodGirls private GT is in order... I know a few who wont be on the guest list, however. ;)
This is a beautiful statement, given how much it says about its author. This comment could only have come from one of two sources: a seventh grade girl the night before a party in Mommy and Daddy's basement letting everyone know who is cool and who is not...or you, iggy.

You did, however, leave out one important part. You left out, "nya, nya, nya, nya, nya."


New Member
Sep 5, 2011
Moi je ne crois pas qu'il y est de hasard ici. Brooke c'était affiché comme indépendante et voilà Mykaela qui est la deuxième à faire la même chose, cela dans l'espace de quelques jours.
Et que Mykaela se joigne à une bande de faussaire ne m'étonne pas .


Je crois que tu démontres une mauvaise foi évidente. Tu décris l'agence extreme... comme étant des faussaires mais tu attaques Mike pcq les photos de Mykaela sont sur ce site. Mike affiche des photos très précises et il n'appose même pas de "watermark" sur ses photos. Qu'est-ce qui empêche une autre agence de lui voler ses photos et prétendre que Mykaela travaille pour lui?

Mike a des sautes d'humeur, nous avons pu en lire ici et ailleurs. Il semble que cela fait partie de son caractère. Malgré tout il faut garder en tête que GoodGirls est une des rares agences à offrir un incall de qualité.

Je suis toujours surpris lorsque je lis "Mike devra réalises que le client est roi". Oui le client est roi mais le vendeur n'est pas un esclave non plus. Un client est roi dans la mesure qu'il a le droit d'aller ailleurs.

Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
This will be my final post in this "let's bash Mike of GG" thread.....

I'm certain Mike isn't perfect & has his faults, like we all do. I'm also quite certain that he also has his bad days, like we all do occasionally. I'm also quite sure that there are some people who haven't had a good relationship with the said party, which is actually normal in this business. You can't please everyone, and misunderstandings happen. That's human nature.

As i've mentionned previously, i've only done business with Mike on several occasions, the main reason being that i've cut down drastically on my hobbying & trips to Mtl over the past couple of years. But i have been in contact with Mike several times over the past year or so, and not once has he given me reason to dislike him or want to take my business somewhere else if i chose to. If i'm polite & treat someone with respect, i expect to be treated the same way, and i obviously have been treated the same way by the gentleman since i wouldn't bother posting here if it wasn't so. Contacts of mine who've met him in person haven't had a bad word to say about him. In other words, i haven't been given a reason to say anything negative about him.

Considering some of the things other male agency operators have supposedly done to their girls and/or requested of them over the years, in my books Mike is a good boss, and the feedback i've been getting from some of the girls & other clients of theirs is that Mike runs a good ship & working conditions are more than acceptable over there. Sure, as mentionned Mike isn't perfect & has his faults, but we're the same way. Mike seems to care for the well-being of his employees and this is what i'd want as a boss.

Several years ago, a client roughed up/disrespected a girl working at one of the more popular agencies. Did the agency operator ban him? No. He simply had a talk with him (via phone) and kept on sending girls to him. I lost quite a bit of respect for that particular agency operator. I doubt Mike would ever keep on sending girls to someone he suspects assaulted or disrespected one of his girls. I also doubt Mike would ever pressure his girls into sleeping with him (like many male agency operators are reported to do), nor have i ever heard anything about it. This is why i will not hesitate to contact Mike's agency whenever i happen to be in town, or refer his agency to friends.


New Member
Jun 29, 2010
What strikes me cloudsurf Is that you had sent me PM 's saying how you liked my reviews...and now they become "delusional and irrational". Mad cow ? I'm only reflecting your image..... Why are you contradicting yourself ?
You always come out as a duo with Mike.
For your information Mike,I have been hobbling for over 8 years..... ...averaging a minimum of 2 SP's weekly..we are talking
A min. Total of 650 SP's ......As a pharmaceutical marketing ,and training professional ....I had no time to write reviews.....also I joined MERB/MERC only in the last few years.
I have no problem to give my business to the many other Agencies as usual.
I WAS patient waiting 4 months .....and it's really only when ManApart joined that I was spurred to post and hoped to get an explanation....I WAS NOT ABLE TO COMMUNICATE WITH YOU in any way....but I Understand MA ..and it's perfectly ok.
I definitely will not LOOSE ANY FURTHER TIME ON THIS TOPIC. ..I HAVE MADE MY POINT CLEAR .I expect no one to agree or disagree whith me.
I exposed my reasoning BASED ON FACTS... Disguised THREATS can only be detected and recognized by someone who


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.


Active Member
Aug 10, 2012
Never dealt with GG or Mike but as a rule of thumb there's rarely smoke without a fire. As a business owner myself, one customer complaint is understandable but when the same subject complaints begin to pile up, I start looking at my business.

In any case good luck Mike as you seem to treat your girls right, which to me is truly commendable.

Hope I get to try the GG experience myself at some point and draw my own conclusions.
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