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Mike 4U a t'il perdu le contrôle ? Après Brooke c'est Mykaela qui s'affiche ailleurs

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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Never dealt with GG or Mike but as a rule of thumb there's rarely smoke without a fire. As a business owner myself, one customer complaint is understandable but when the same subject complaints begin to pile up, I start looking at my business.
Absolutely. And where there are three complaints, there are thirty more that are not aired. Where there are six, there are another sixty in the closet.

This guys's business may be doing well, but it's not doing half as well as it might be doing if he had his anger problems under control. Mike and I have mutual friends and I'm told that if you're in his inner circle, he's a great guy. Unfortunately, he's also a tinder box just waiting to erupt in flames. When I attempted to do business with him last summer, I was shocked when I got an email from him with all sorts of bizarre accusations in return.

I'd caution anyone contacting him to do so with extreme caution, but from some of the posts in the other thread, and from his response to me, it's very clear that it doesn't matter how you approach him, it's more a case of when you approach him and whether or not you catch him in one of his moods.


Nov 18, 2011
In light of rumples last post, I'm inclined to advise Mike to maybe look into MYDOL .. I really didnt know males could have PMS symptoms... ;)

(Actually never delt with Mike but have seen one of his ex employees and she did say he had mood swings buit was nice in general)


New Member
Sep 23, 2009
This Mike bashing is getting a little ridiculous. If you have a problem with Mike, deal with it or get over it, no use dwelling on it.

The most important to me are three things: 1) the service given by the girls, 2) the punctuality and ease of booking, and finally 3) the way the girls are treated. Goodgirls has amazing girls, reliable and ease of booking and the girls enjoy working for him. Thats all that matters to me.

Mike my not be perfect and protective sometimes but I'm not spending my money to spend time with him (oh no I got that image in my mind !!!) but with the girls from his agency. As long as the girls will offer great service and Mike continues to respect them and offer a safe place for them to work I'll continue using his agency. This is what should be the most important to everyone.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
I guess i would rather be a 7th grader than a preschooler whining because i dont get to play with the best toys at school. Your continual bashing of Mike every chance you get is pathetic and shows just how much it bothers you that you are missing out on seeing some of montreals hottest sp's. And you call me childish? :lol:

Get over it and let the man run his agency the way he wants to, he seems pretty darn successful with the business model he has chose.

PS. it is more like "na na na na na naaaaaa" ;)
This is a beautiful statement, given how much it says about its author. This comment could only have come from one of two sources: a seventh grade girl the night before a party in Mommy and Daddy's basement letting everyone know who is cool and who is not...or you, iggy.You did, however, leave out one important part. You left out, "nya, nya, nya, nya, nya."


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
I guess i would rather be a 7th grader than a preschooler whining because i dont get to play with the best toys at school.
Actually, iggy, I'm having more than enough fun with quite a few of the sweetest women in Montreal. I'd hardly call them toys, though; you might considering them things, iggy, but they're people to me and I treat them with courtesy and respect.

Your continual bashing of Mike every chance you get is pathetic and shows just how much it bothers you that you are missing out on seeing some of montreals hottest sp's.
This is a review board, iggy, and we review both the girls and the agencies that work for them. When an agency operator is routinely rude and disrespectful to those not in his inner circle, it is incumbent on us to protect our fellow board members. I've mostly kept quiet about Mike up until this thread, but now that it's been revealed that his bizarre behavior toward me is quite "normal" for him, I thought it time to say my piece. Frankly, his behavior and mood swings, as recounted by many but especially as suggested by one of his former employees as recounted spacecadet above, make me wonder if he might not be bi-polar.

Get over it and let the man run his agency the way he wants to, he seems pretty darn successful with the business model he has chose.
He's more than welcome to run it any way he chooses. I suspect, given what's been said about him the past few days, that he'll run it into the ground in about, say, two years. He's well on his way.

it is more like "na na na na na naaaaaa" ;)
Yes, probably so. You would know better than me. You're quite experienced at this kind of thing.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I have dealt with Mike a few times and never a complaint even after my not too stellar review of Tanya. With the reviews of his girls it looks like he will be here for a long time and if you do not like his business do not go. But I can see your point of view, if any business owner gave me any kind of unwarranted grief it would be the last time I went to that business. And the customer is not always right. Too many dicks out there to believe that one.

Special K

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May 3, 2003
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He does have his little fan club.

He's definitely got his fans, no doubt, but it's the same game as when Chris and Devilish/GOF was in the top spot and all the whiners were upset that he wasn't nice on the phone or his bookers were mean to them. Get the fuck over it!!

All??? Has he made that many enemies? No surprise.

Two threads in the past 2 weeks, that's all I'm aware of.

I agree with Iggy on one thing here. You're not making yourself look any better. As a banned client, piling on at every little opportunity you have is pretty weak, especially when you're making untrained psychiatric diagnosis'! Very weak.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008

Like i said, you need to let it go, it is eating you alive. So what, you cant see 20-30 girls in Montreal, was it not you who said that half of every pretty girl in Mtl was a sex worker? (lol) then that means you have thousands upon 1000's to call, yet you let the 20-30 you CANT see, bother you so much. Dude, life is way to quick for this.

Mike is probably sitting back laughing his a** off reading some of this thread, in fact i know he is. ;) I have seen the master at work on the phones and if you know what you want, then great, if you wanna ask a million questions that his website already answers, then NO GIRLS 4U! (hahaha just kidding, kinda) Actually everytime i have seen him working he has been very polite....

And btw, the word "toys" was used so you could relate to what i was talking about. The ladies i have seen are always treated extremely well and with respect and if they dont want to dfk, (or do anything else, even if their profile says they do) i dont cry about it on a public sex board, ring a bell?


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
You're not making yourself look any better.
The PMs I've received suggest something quite different.

As a banned client...
Actually, I'm not a banned client. I've never been a client of his, nor have I ever had any business relations with him. I have been subjected to some rather slanderous accusations from him.


Feb 22, 2004
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I think this topic somehow reflect a decision that the Supreme Court Of Canada is working on.
I hope they will read fews post in this thread and figure out what Mike is doing... the way he treat his girls and customers... and put this in the balance of Truth. They will probably realize what a harsh world these girls have to go through everyday when you have John's going barzurk. Having a Pimp/Agency that filter all the bad customers IS a GOOD thing after all.

We will see in a year what the Supreme Court Of Canada will really do to this industry. Will they unleash the LAMBs to the wolves, as it is right now, or will they put regulations that will make these LAMBS work in a safer environments. I guess Mike is trying to help the cause in a sense... at what prize?

I propose that LEANDRE break a fuse and put some major threats in wording... maybe it<s already done, so he can help the cause we are all in. Maybe we will have a happy ending for the girls and for the Johns.

A little reflexion...


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I read this thread and and I believe there is only one thing to do: Have the Godfather throw a GT! TOGA! TOGA! TOGA!

Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008
Never had a problem dealing with Mike but I've only used his agency 5-10 times.

I do think that the guys that go to his GT's should disclose that fact when reviewing his girls. I always take reviews of his girls with a grain of salt because of that...


Active Member
Aug 10, 2012
I do think that the guys that go to his GT's should disclose that fact when reviewing his girls. I always take reviews of his girls with a grain of salt because of that...

It may help Mike's reputation if he invited a couple of newbies to his GTs. It would certainly provide him with an opportunity to show his good side and promote his agency with a fresh outlook as well as increase the credibility of his reviews.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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Never had a problem dealing with Mike but I've only used his agency 5-10 times.

I do think that the guys that go to his GT's should disclose that fact when reviewing his girls. I always take reviews of his girls with a grain of salt because of that...

Full disclosure, I have gone to his GT and also have written negative reviews of his girls to go along with the good ones.


Active Member
Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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Full disclosure, I have gone to his GT and also have written negative reviews of his girls to go along with the good ones.

Same here. Mike never complained about the couple bad reviews that I posted because I have had more good experiences than bad with his girls.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello Boyz,

I'm just catching up here. I won't take sides, but I will give the facts of my limited experience.

1. I had a meeting and it was handled just as well as any other with respect and promptness.

2. I planned another meeting that was scheduled. The circumstances changed and I had to cancel, which was done well before the appointment. Mike handled the situation just fine.

( she was well treated here, even gave her a little souvenir from the islands, as I did to many others till they lasted .. ask her you are her boss,...

Just an observation. You treated her well, yet she was the one who suggested you be banned according to what has been written in this thread? If that is accurate then one of you is misunderstanding or misrepresenting the other or yourself. The contradiction does not speak well of your relationship with the escort. In such a case wouldn't putting distance between you two be a good and the least complicated answer?

Bonne chance,



Oct 7, 2009
hope i'm sending this properly(reply to thread.
first of all we mostly call upon the same sp's so saying that someone has few posts as not reliable is ridiculous
as for mike remembering being a newbie a few years back,he was patient taking 3-4 minutes even shooting the breeze with me(talking)
and beleive me i ain't no lècheux de cul for nobody.
i wasn't there when your shit happened,so i'm just talking about my experiences,and if something went so so phoned mike and told him and has for dogs and lambs god knows i'm extremely difficult with looks mike"s girls are gourgeous, amy kate melye kelly anyway my point of view on this for what it's worth


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Alyssa, this is a review board. Anything that has to do with customer service, whether good or bad, is open to public discussion.
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