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Mike 4U a t'il perdu le contrôle ? Après Brooke c'est Mykaela qui s'affiche ailleurs

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Alexandre Le Grand

New Member
Dec 25, 2008
Les preuves

et en plus ta le culot de dire que je suis faussaire. ALEX je trouve ca un peu
n importe quoi sans preuve .

Mes preuves ? Je ne fait que suivre le fil des événements. Posting, publications etc. Se sont mes preuves . Je ne te dois rien.
Et je suis toujours d'une courtoisie exemplaire .

Mike Ally t'a claqué la porte de nouveau. Croyais tu sincèrement que tes histoires allait fonctionner dans le marcher de Toronto ???
JAMAIS. Avec un site bati sur un feuille excel et ta réputation de vantard sans égale; contre des agences aussi réputé que Mirage ???

Mike j'ai fait affaire avec toi à tois reprises. Une fois c'a été super. Les deux autres fois, les filles ont fait un bon travail , mais toi que non .
"" Oui Oui elle a de gros seins oui oui oui "" La demoiselle a fait son job. Respectueuse et tout. Mais pas toi. Toi tu m'as induit en erreur.

Pourquoi alors aurai-je écrit une revue négative contre la pauvre fille qui n'a aucune idée de se que l'autre raconte au bout du téléphone ?
Et je ne suis pas le seul. C'est bien écrit ailleurs. De plus cela n'est pas arrivé seulement qu'une fois mais deux. C'est pour cela je ne te respecte pas.

Je n'ai rien contre ton groupe d'employé.

Voilà .


Jul 31, 2011
it's curious why it pisses you off so much when I write FULLY BOOKED next to a girl who IS FULLY BOOKED.
How does it affect your life? Are you jealous? Are you an agency owner disguised as a member?


With all due respect, you seem to be misunderstanding some of the criticism here.

Guys are complaining about you not because they don't want to deal with you ... but because they do want to deal with you.

You have a great roster of girls. You post schedules regularly. They come more or less on time. The service is not bad. And while I have complained about you a lot... all of your girls that I have met (and I have met a lot) have backed you up.


When you deal with an Internet board, if you lie to clients, use bad descriptions, or play games like list girls who are not working as "fully booked," if you are insulting to clients.... you will get called out.

My suggestion?

Frankly, most hobbyists are ready to forgive and forget and turn the page.


But to do that, you have to start playing it a bit straight.

1. Keep the descriptions reasonable. Don't add more than a year to the younger girls ages (18-21). Some guys can't tell. But guys who like debutantes know right away, and it is a big deal to them.

2. Don't add more than two or three years to the older girls. Once a girls hits 22 or 23, she starts to soften up a bit, and frankly, age matters a lot less at that point.

3. When a girl is "new" to the agency, describe her as "new"... and when she is new to the industry describe her as a "debutante."

4. We all know you have to be tough on the phone lines, because there are a lot of idiots that call. But try to figure out whether the guy is a board member before you treat him like an idiot.

Don't forget, you have been posting a lot of false stuff, so naturally guys are going to ask you a lot of questions before they start trusting you again.


Take a cue from Satin Dreamz. They were called out on the other board for doing all of the things that you are accused of: they lied about the description, passed an unfresh girl to the client, got the delivery time wrong with three of four delays. A total disaster call.

But the booker responded right away on boards .... he did not argue ... he just apologized....and asked the poster to call him up.

It was over in five minutes ... and then six or seven guys posted to say what a great agency Satin Dreamz was.

Satin Dreamz also did the same thing with one of their girls' weights... Natacha was listed as 135 lbs, but a poster noted she was more like 160-165 lbs.

They change the weight right away to 150 lbs. It is still not exactly right... but 10 or 15 lbs is not that big a deal.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Guys are complaining about you not because they don't want to deal with you ... but because they do want to deal with you.
Speak for yourself, Sam! Personally, I have no interest whatsoever in dealing with Mike.

Here's a funny story. I was "banned" by Mike about a year ago, primarily, I can only assume, because Mike is one very gullible human being. Well, a couple of weeks back, I get a PM from the head of the GG Fan Club and Captain of the Inner Circle and Private GT Host, telling me how much I'd like this girl from GG and that girl from GG. I can only assume that Mike is aware of a) how valued a client I am at most major agencies in our fair city and b) how much lucre I spread among said agencies and that Mike realizing that he might have made a costly error in "banning" me, sent his errand boy my way.

Well, the PM exchange went back and forth and in the end, the head of the GG fan club and captain of the GG social circle and official GT organizer realized that not only was I "banned" at GG, but that GG was also "banned" by my wallet and that while Mike might be interested in "unbanning" me, I have no interest in "unbanning" him.

Well, it's 4:49 on the East Coast now. I expect that predicable Mike will be back to deny all of the above within an hour or two. I do happen to have saved all the PMs between me and Mike's BFF and GT organizer. I doubt that the latter will respond as that will only out him, though, really, is there anyone among us who doesn't know to whom I'm referring?


Jul 31, 2011
OK point taken. Maybe we don't all want to deal with GG.

But in general hobbyists are whores too .... many will deal with any agency, no matter how low, mean, or disreputable, as long as they have the girls.

I remember the late "John" at Eleganza, who I dealt with for maybe ten years, and saw like 50 of his girls, likely a lot more, who never even once asked "How ya doin?"

I could not have cared less. While he had the tail, we were best friends.


I assume you are talking about Surfer Boy.

BTW, I never heard of any GG GTs ... did we miss something?


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
But in general hobbyists are whores too .... many will deal with any agency, no matter how low, mean, or disreputable, as long as they have the girls.
True, but only to a point. There are more than enough agencies in our fair city that there is really no need to deal with one that one deems a creep. Personally, as a serial repeater, I'm currently seeing about 4-5 girls in rotation, have several more on a TDL that I don't really have the time or revenue to meet at the moment. I have no need to expand the field.

I assume you are talking about Surfer Boy.
I'm afraid I don't get the reference.

BTW, I never heard of any GG GTs ... did we miss something?
Depends on what you mean by "miss something." :whoo:


ebonylover retired...
Mar 26, 2010
Bon bon ... à quoi sert ce thread ? Je comprends pas bien ? Allô y-a-t-il quelqu'un qui peut m'expliquer ?
What is the purpose of this thread ? I really don't get it ? Someone care to explain ?
tsk tsk Are we back on the playground of an elementary school?
Hey Rumple Let's talk about the real reasons behind? June, for example? ring a bell?


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Bon bon ... à quoi sert ce thread ? Je comprends pas bien ? Allô y-a-t-il quelqu'un qui peut m'expliquer ?
What is the purpose of this thread ? I really don't get it ? Someone care to explain ?
tsk tsk Are we back on the playground of an elementary school?
Hey Rumple Let's talk about the real reasons behind? June, for example? ring a bell?
English translation: Speaking just for myself, when I don't know what I'm talking about, I try to keep my mouth shut.

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Hello everyone,

I think this thread has gone far enough. If you do not wish to deal with any particular agency, the answer is simple. Do not call them. If you have had problems with an agency, the answer is equally simple, write a review about it.

Thread closed.

Mod 8
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