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Sometimes SP comments make you feel good


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Jun 21, 2003
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Now we all know that SP comments are to be taken like a grain of salt. Oh you're too good looking to be calling SPs, oh I love the way your penis looks, oh no one ever made me cum like that....

But sometimes what they say actually makes you feel good. Whether they mean it or not? Well only the SP will know that.

In the end it's all about how the SP makes you feel, right?

For sure if she does her job right you will feel good physically, but when they make nice comments that seem sincere it always adds for better experience.

I try not to get too caught up with their comments but it does make me wonder.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Well, it is her job to make you feel special, isn't it? Therefore should it even be surprising that she would make some statements designed to make you feel good? I kind of take everything I hear in stride. Nobody should be surprised when someone does the job that they are being paid to do.

Are some better at it than others? Yes.......

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
The best comment I ever heard was from a FS stripper and it was " you paid $20.00 too much ".


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
Even friends and collegues will sometimes say nice things with ulterior motives. With an escorts it's easier to just enjoy the nice words without having to wonder about their motives.

Some nice things I heard from SP:

While we were talking and the time was up:
''You can stay a bit longer, you're not in a hurry?''

While I was reaching for one of her condoms:
''Don't take this one; it's too small for you.''
(it must have been a very small size)

There's a little MP I go sometimes and they always act so welcoming and say how much they missed me. I hadn't been there for about a year and they still remembered my name and stuff we talked about the last time. Even if you're just a customer, it's nice to feel like a valued customer.


Aug 13, 2010
well , the best i ever got was a discount! she told me she enjoyed my company so much that she took 20$ off the actual agency rate, i insisted that she take it, but she refused... that must've been a genuine compliment ha.


May 3, 2004
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Les cinq plus belles phrases que j'ai entendu depuis que je suis dans ce hobby:

1) Lors d'une rencontre avec une escorte de Québec (indy) qui est devenue une des meilleures, sinon la meilleure, à Montréal. Quinze minutes après son arrivée, la chimie était déjà au rendez-vous, voyant que je regardais l'heure, elle m'a dit: "Je suis libre pour la soirée, ne te stresse pas avec l'heure." La rencontre d'une heure s'est terminée 4 heures plus tard...

2) Une indy très connue maintenant à la retraite, lors de notre première rencontre, alors qu'elle débutait dans le métier: "Quand j'aurai plus d'argent, tu ne paieras jamais plus pour me voir." Et elle a tenu parole...

3) Une indy nouvellement retraitée: Je recevais régulièrement des messages textes et environ une fois par mois, elle m'écrivait: "On vas-tu déjeuner dimanche matin? je m'ennuie de toi!!"

4) Une escorte depuis longtemps à la retraite. Elle commencait à recevoir chez elle. Après la première rencontre, je lui ai dit que j'allais à Québec la semaine suivante. Elle m'a dit: "ma soeur habite Québec, est-ce que je peux y aller avec toi? Et bien sûr, je vais coucher avec toi à l'hôtel".

5) Une danseuse du motel St-Pierre m'a texté le jour de ma fête alors que j'étais à Québec. Elle m'a écrit: "J'ai décidé de venir danser au Lady Marian pour ta fête. Est-ce que je peux passer à ta chambre avant pour te donner ton cadeau?"

Malheureusement, en vieillissant, je suis moins actif et je crois que ces moments privilégiés font partie de mon passé. Mais à ceux qui pensent que toutes les SP n'ont jamais de sentiments envers leurs clients, vous êtes dans l'erreur. Car j'aurais pu relater d'autres expériences comme sûrement quelques merbites pourraient le faire...



Nov 5, 2009
I've learned to ignore any references to "size" (I am well aware of my short-comings in this area).

Best compliment I've ever received (years ago when I was young and "energetic"): "I wish my boyfriend could make me come like you do!"

Most believable compliment, after a very satisfying session for both parties: "You know, you fuck well." Is was said so pragmatically and off-hand in the 'after-glow', I found it completely believable.

Worst thing ever said to me (after a very short encounter): "Is that it?" That one cut deep and still shakes my confidence in bed to this very day.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
lovelegs you are pretty lucky then.

Personally i try to just take it as it pass, if she say compliments to me, cool, but then bah... i don't mind if she don't and i never really give too much attention to it.


New Member
Oct 29, 2008
After waiting an hour for a now retired Sp at Chablis east, she called and asked where i was. She got mixed up and was waiting at Chablis west. with traffic and lack of time we reschedue for the next day. When we met she was still sorry for her mix up. We went well over the hour and I knew she had another appointment . She asked if she could just cuddle and enjoy the moment. When came time to settle $$, she said no this one is on me, I left her a good tip wich took some convincing to accept . What a lady .Saw her a few times after that and service was just as good..Sure do miss her...


I'm proud of my color
May 3, 2013
J'ai rencontré ma sp reguliere il y a 5 mois on a 5 ans de difference au debut elle me disait que si j'aurais eu 10 ans de plus elle m'aurait garder pour la vie mais que la j'etait trop jeune lol..Mais pour faire une histoire courte un jour elle me dit l'age c'est juste un chiffre et que l'amour a pas d'age on a commencer a ce texter tout les jours et a se voir a l'exterieur du contexte de son travail et nous avons developper une super belle compliciter et une belle relation des fois faut croire a notre destin car on c'est rencontrer par hasard..Il ne faut jamais mettre en jugement les compliments d'une personne on sait jamais ou cela peut nous mener.
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