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Do agencies ever refuse anyone?


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
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A couple of weeks ago, I booked an SP with an agency which is a regular merb advertiser. Her description was that of early twenties, of average height and only 115 - slim, I thought.

The woman who arrived had the least attractive face of any SP I have ever seen - frankly, she looked like a model for Picasso. She was wearing a loose top so I couldn't tell if the description of her physique was accurate. She was pleasant and I thought to myself that I will turn out the lights and try not to stare or think about her face.

She went to the bathroom to freshen up and came out naked. Pot belly and worse - loose leathery skin which I am told afflicts those who have lost a lot of weight rapidly. I paid her in full, but declined any service.

I suppose that agencies don't ask employment candidates to strip, but her facial features were off-putting.

I would imagine that I am not the only one who will no longer call that agency. I think that they are foolish to have her represent them.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Hi all

Obviously agencies refuse to hire girls ,I did when she did not meet the criteria of beauty and services that my clients where use too .When you encounter a strange situation speak to the main booker while the lady is present with you ,how he reacts will say a lot
But beauty is in the eye of the beholder a cute girl for one does not make it for the other .
In my career has a booker I have received many strange request ,a 400 lbs escort was ask a few times ,big hanging tits ,a bushy pussy ,unshaven all over ,their is strange request .

All taste are in nature has strange has it can be some clients where asking for the nicest not the prettiest so I had different level of agencies and different prices also

Good luck to all


Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Did you review her, if you did please give the links here, if you didn't please do, this would be usefull to members.

Personally i know for a fact that some agencies are indeed picky, and for exemple i can't say that every Goodgirls have the Wow factor to me(as in my type), but i do recognize there ALL very attractive young gals and will be someone else type. I use GG again because i was able to see most of there girls live in person in parties. I don't book girls that does not visually hook me up with pictures, obviously. But sometimes i do am surprise. Some girls do not seem to be my type in picture, but in person there just WOW and i have to see them lol.

Some agencies specialize in more mature ladies. For exemple if there a girl in her 30s at GG, she hide it well, but MTL Sex City are being very honest about some of there girls being in there 30s and such. Some guys do prefer more mature ladies.

All and all, yes there is usually standards, but it all depend of the agency you use. Some agencies have 8-9 girls a night, nearly all fully booked, they can afford to be very picky. Other agencies are really lookin for girls, so they will take some that are maybe a bit less attractive, but i would be surprise a owner would hire a girl he find literaly ugly himself.

Personally over the years i had girls showing up with not the most attractive face i ever saw, but a killer body, or a very pretty face, big boobs, but some belly fat or whatever. In any case they all interested me enough so i didn't turned them around. I never refused a girl, i never had a girl at door that i was thinking "no she does not do it for me at all" . Of course in my early years i was less selective, since i was new, didn't saw many and such. And also the latest years i do am used more to quality standards but i remain with those agencies.. so well... lol

She went to the bathroom to freshen up and came out naked. Pot belly and worse loose leathery skin which I am told afflicts those who have lost a lot of weight rapidly. I paid her in full, but declined any service.

When i see this, it really piss me off... ok not piss off, but disapoint me i would say. I mean, she is not at all what you are expecting, you decide to not even do anything with her, and you pay her in full !!! :crazy: Wow so the girl wich is not pretty enough to be an SP (by your words) just made 200$ out of not doing anything... LG... life is GOOD indeed. For a 2004 subcribed veteran, man cmon... Maybe you have the money to throw away 200$... it may be nothing for you, but encouraging bad business practices like that is what keep them to still happen...


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
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When i see this, it really piss me off... ok not piss off, but disapoint me i would say. I mean, she is not at all what you are expecting, you decide to not even do anything with her, and you pay her in full !!! :crazy: Wow so the girl wich is not pretty enough to be an SP (by your words) just made 200$ out of not doing anything... LG... life is GOOD indeed. For a 2004 subcribed veteran, man cmon... Maybe you have the money to throw away 200$... it may be nothing for you, but encouraging bad business practices like that is what keep them to still happen...

I believe that she weighed more and was older than listed, but most agencies don't provide accurate statistics. (For example, I doubt if one in a hundred women have 24" inch waists, although virtually all SP's waists if described at all, are so listed.)

I paid in full because:
1) She was pleasant.
2) I have no reason to suppose that she was unclean.
3) She didn't refuse any promised service.
4) She spent about 20 minutes with me and presumably some time in transit.
5) There was no bait and switch. She was not described as beautiful and her face was not displayed in her advertisement.
6) Walk into any trendy restaurant or bar in Montreal. Virtually every waitress has a perfect body and a prettier face than 90% of escorts. After 10 years of hobbying, I don't expect perfection from SPs.
7) She was truly grotesque and I felt sorry for her.
8) I, at least partially, blame myself. I normally pass unless a woman's torso is clearly displayed and I can see some hint of her ab muscles. That wasn't the case here and I violated my own rule in calling for her anyway.
9) I already felt disgusted when she came out of the bathroom. I didn't want to prolong the evening with an argument with her or her agency.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
5) There was no bait and switch. She was not described as beautiful and her face was not displayed in her advertisement.

Well booking an escort, you expect her to be pretty... :rolleyes: You even go as far as saying she was "grotesque" so thats not a "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" too much there.

6) Walk into any trendy restaurant or bar in Montreal. Virtually every waitress has a perfect body and a prettier face than 90% of escorts. After 10 years of hobbying, I don't expect perfection from escorts.

Hum not sure where you hobby but personally in my 5+ years of hobbying most of the escorts i met can easily compare to waitress in restaurants or bar. Very often did i opened the door and was like ":faint:" as WOW she is HOT !!. Maybe i do my homework better than you, or play just more in the safe

7) She was truly grotesque and I felt sorry for her.

Thats noble on one side... but she should understand escorting ain't for her, the soonest the better.

I believe that she weighed more and was older than listed, but most agencies don't provide accurate statistics.

No but on merb the agency usually don't add more than 2-3 years, and they don't dismish too much years either. They have a business to keep. And what really disapoint me is you go vocal about her here in this thread, made by you but where it does matter, you don't do anything, you do not review her..

Review in this case would be SOOO usefull and personally i want to know who it is, so i don't book her myself, even tough im very selective when it comes to pictures, so i doubt it would happen but well) , just for the principle of it.

Its not to be mean to her, or make fun of her or anything. Its informative, and i think, we the customers, should know what to expect when we book a girl. In 2009-10 i saw lots of thread describing the girls both facially, body wise, or there attitude....

You can enumerate the positive in your review, that she was very friendly and such... jut be honest


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Souvent nous nous devons d'essayer les demoiselles meme si elle ne sont pas top model... parfois nous avons de belles surprises comme vous le savez, vanessa, tasha, et certaines autres ne ressemblais pas a grand chose avant un relooking, mais leur service etait d'enfer...

Cependant il y a toujours des limites à ne pas franchir...

Moi ce que je me demande, c'est comment savoir que les filles ne seront pas fiables, voleuse, droguée ou alcoolique... car avant de les voir de les connaître et parfois meme de les prendre sur le fait, on peut ne pas s'en rendre compte avant longtemps...

Car pour monter une bonne équipe, nous devons passer au travers une multitudes de déception..

Salut Laila
Ton experience parle .
J'ai vecu les mêmes expériences ,embauché de nouvelles filles n'est pas de tout repos car la beauté n'est pas l'unique critère comme tu le souligne .

Aux Plaisirs


Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Je pense que le standard est a etablir on the spot. Bon ces sur toute les agences ne peuvent pas se permettre d'etre aussi selective que d'autre, mais generalement tu peut voir deja comment la demoiselle se presente, en lui parlant dans un rdv avant de l"embaucher. Moi ce que je ferais serais de lui donner rendez vous quelque part, ensuite voir deja elle est a l'heure ou pas. Ensuite elle est habiller comment, comment elle se presente. Le temps et l'effort qu'elle mettra sur se premier rdv peut en dire non.

Apres bien sur sa depend commen elle fait en $ et tout. Je veut dire une fille de goodgirls qui est engagé pour sa bauté et tout, qui se rend compte que direct la premiere semaine elle fait la grosse $$$ bin elle sera moin encrin a etre "sloppy" dans son service, sa punctuality etc.
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