Montreal Escorts

A bloody summer at Blvd. St. Laurent/Ave. des Pins


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
The corner of Blvd. St. Laurent and Ave. des Pins (Blvd. St. Laurent and Ave. des Pins on Google maps) has been the scene this summer of two deadly late-night fights that resulted in murders. There are a several well-known nightclubs near that corner and and several others a couple blocks south near Rue Prince Arthur (including the Kamasutra strip club). This area is very safe most of the time, but I don't think I will wander around there at 3AM.

Man stabbed in a fight off the main dies

A fight after closing time ended with the death of a 26 year old man, and 2 others injured with a sharp object.
According to Montreal police spokesperson Jean-Pierre Brabant, two groups got in to an altercation after they left a bar on St. Laurent Blvd. and continued to the intersection of Clark and des Pins Ave.
During the melee three men were stabbed.
One man suffered minor injuries and was treated at the scene.
A second victim was taken to hospital to be treated for a stab wound to his leg.
Police spokesperson Annie Lemieux, says the third man, who was stabbed in the chest, passed away a few hours later Wednesday morning...

Two arrested after deadly bar brawl on Saint-Laurent
June 24, 2015

Two men are injured and one man has died after a huge bar fight broke out just after 3 a.m. on Saint-Laurent Street near des Pins Street.“A conflict between many people degenerated into a fight,” said Anie Lemieux with the Montreal police.
“They carried it outside to des Pins and Clark where there were three victims.”
One man in his 20’s suffered minor injuries, but was not sent to hospital.
Two other men, 25 and 26, were rushed to hospital.
The 26-year-old has since died.
Two suspects, both 20-years-old, were arrested on site by police...

St-Laurent Blvd. post-bar fight leaves 4 injured
3 men in critical condition after shooting, stabbing on St-Laurent Blvd. near Des Pins Ave.
CBC News
Posted: Aug 02, 2015

Four men are in hospital, with three fighting for their lives, following an altercation at the corner of St-Laurent Boulevard and Des Pins Avenue early Sunday morning.
According to Const. Manuel Couture of Montreal police, two officers found injured men on the sidewalk while out patrolling the busy nightlife area at closing time.
Couture said the men were in different spots but all relatively close to each other.
Two men appear to have been shot while two others were stabbed. Montreal police later confirmed it was two groups of two who fought...

Montreal police release video of St-Laurent Blvd. homicide suspect
Post-bar street fight left 2 dead, 2 recovering in hospital

CBC News Aug 07, 2015 12:10 PM ET

Montreal police have released surveillance video of the man wanted in connection with a stabbing on St-Laurent Boulevard on the weekend that left two men dead.
The man is seen entering a club on St-Laurent early Sunday morning. Police would not identify the club.
The suspect is described as five-foot-10 and 180 pounds.

Plateau residents shaken by fatal stabbing on Clark St. near the Main
Published on: June 24, 2015

..The confrontation seems to have commenced on St-Laurent Blvd. near Prince-Arthur St. shortly after 3 a.m., just as the bars were closing. It involved at least six young men, several of them armed with knives. Witnesses reported skirmishes at several other spots along St-Laurent between Prince-Arthur and the site of the slaying. Sections of St-Laurent, Pins, Parc and Prince-Arthur were closed to traffic for most of the day as police combed the area for clues and witness statements.

Noah Nielsen, who lives just across Pins Ave. from where the stabbing occurred, said Tuesday night was a busy one along the Main because of the Fête nationale holiday the next day. “It definitely seemed more like a Friday night than a Tuesday,” he said.
Fights regularly break out on the Main after the bars close, but stabbings are rare, he said.
“This is surprising. This definitely makes me curious about how safe it is. But things always happen when everyone is leaving the bars, and suddenly the space changes because everyone is out on the street.”



It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
This area is very safe most of the time, but I don't think I will wander around there at 3AM.
Depends on how you're getting around. I had an accident on des Pins, midway between St. Laurent and St. Urbain 2-3 years back. I was cruising gently down the street when my front tire (bicycle) ran afoul of a misaligned storm drain and I sent ass-over-elbows onto the pavement. Fortunately, I wasn't badly hurt, and unfortunately not nearly badly enough to sue the city for its malfeasance. For the record, I've reported this particular bit of public works stupidity more than once. The misalignment has yet to be corrected.


Oct 30, 2003
Visit site
Young members of street gangs just want to impress themsleves
However, it looks like in each occurence the victims were part of groups who fought, not innocent bystanders who don't want to be involved.
So I'd say the place is quite safe (in terms of stabbings... you still have to watch out for drunk drivers!)
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