So then read!
That’s exactly the type of reaction the left has. They never take the time to read - then expect everyone else to answer and cater to them. IMO, I clearly stated that actual women’s rights are being overlooked by the woke agenda and that I’m also not a Trump supporter. (Again, you’d see that if you had read) I can’t stand these political puppets.
I also can’t stand these “feminists” that shit on men. I see them appear on my feed at times and the way they have so much disrespect towards men flabbergasts me - yet so many of them are in the industry…?? They assemble when they see fit, tweet their “YAaaSSssSss QUEEN” to feel better about themselves/ feel validated, then guess what?… they go back to backstabbing themselves amongst women

wow eh. So much for feminism. Mob mentality. No thought process. I just have common sense and don’t care if I don’t fit in / couldn’t care less which trend to virtue signal that week.
I’m such a misogynist that I give a shit about women not being silenced for being victims of abuse by FAKE WOMEN in prisons/ breastfeeding groups/ sports/ or bathrooms at my little niece’s school

And frankly, not that it matters, but having voiced my opinion on socials actually brought men to book and congratulate me for having half a brain. And most of them are liberal… riddle me that.
Also, bud, your little peace sign entails coexisting & enjoying life with everyone lmao. If you can’t live in a peaceful democracy and feel the need to oust people based on how they voted - doesn’t that make you kind of like a TrOgLodYtE ?? Or like a … a…. A FASCIST??? You’re literally wanting to segregate others to make yourself feel at peace. Please. Take your own advice.