Montreal Escorts

High End Myth


Active Member
Nov 27, 2004
I see on of our advertisers offering special rates to merb members of over 500$ and hour and close to $1000 an hour for 2 hours !!

This topic has been discussed before in other facets but my 3 questions are:

1) Anyone on this board actually pay these rates?
2) Is it honestly worth it?
3) What do other regulars thing of these rates.

The title of the thread pretty well sums up what I think, curious though what the clients of High End think and others


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Hello sexdor

Some answers in this thread,

And yes I have seen high-end ladies ,
What is worth it for me yes !But I do believe its personal to every individual ....
Not every one, would be happy waring a gold Rolex or Platinum ?

Has for request as a Booker I did have many request ,with guys waring high-end watches !

Is booking a presidential suit really worth it ?
Is driving a Ferrari really worth it ?




Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Thanks for linking to that older thread. The arguments remain the same now as they were then. I stand by what I already said in the earlier thread.

I typically lease my vehicles and I have flip flopped between market and HDH vehicles. I did have a BMW for 3 years and that was the best car I have ever driven. It was a 3 series all wheel drive- the car was a rocket and extremely well engineered. I paid twice as much for that car as the one I am leasing now. The analysis for me is whether I would rather spend the extra money on HDH cars or HDH women. Women win that competition every time. The BMW was costing me 2 extra escorts per month. I would rather have the two extra sessions than the more glamorous ride. That was why I didn't lease another one plain and simple. But the BMW is still by far the best car I ever owned. It just comes down to a question of where your priorities are in disposable income. Women win in my case. Every time. And these days the budget is not just escorts but seeking arrangements.

It's all coming down to a personal decision as to quality and quantity. But I mix up my HDH and LDL escorts and I would rather have more of both than HDH cars, watches, and even clothes. Although I bought a light blue sports coat yesterday and I do wear it pretty well. I am still looking for a yellow sports jacket. If you know an alternative fashion purveyor who has a selection of such items (yellow sports jacket) let me know Booker L. Some guys cannot pull off wearing the lighter colored suits and coats, or the shaved heads, but I can do both.


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2004
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I drive a BMW 3 series and it is the worst car I have ever owned lol , that being said I will be looking at a hybrid and bringing my monthly costs down across the board. This however does not mean that I will spend $500. or $1,000. for a session with an SP Likewise I won't go to a hockey game and spend $400 a seat to sit in the low reds, I will watch it on TV. There is a limit and everyone knows what theirs is. Some hobbyists will only pick up a girl on the street and will save a fortune, that isn't for me but I would like to think that I have enjoyed the company of some very clean, polite and wonderful women without breaking the bank.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015

Thanks for linking to that older thread. The arguments remain the same now as they were then. I stand by what I already said in the earlier thread.

I typically lease my vehicles and I have flip flopped between market and HDH vehicles. I did have a BMW for 3 years and that was the best car I have ever driven. It was a 3 series all wheel drive- the car was a rocket and extremely well engineered. I paid twice as much for that car as the one I am leasing now. The analysis for me is whether I would rather spend the extra money on HDH cars or HDH women. Women win that competition every time. The BMW was costing me 2 extra escorts per month. I would rather have the two extra sessions than the more glamorous ride. That was why I didn't lease another one plain and simple. But the BMW is still by far the best car I ever owned. It just comes down to a question of where your priorities are in disposable income. Women win in my case. Every time. And these days the budget is not just escorts but seeking arrangements.

It's all coming down to a personal decision as to quality and quantity. But I mix up my HDH and LDL escorts and I would rather have more of both than HDH cars, watches, and even clothes. Although I bought a light blue sports coat yesterday and I do wear it pretty well. I am still looking for a yellow sports jacket. If you know an alternative fashion purveyor who has a selection of such items (yellow sports jacket) let me know Booker L. Some guys cannot pull off wearing the lighter colored suits and coats, or the shaved heads, but I can do both.

I like the car analogy ;) I too had a BMW. I really like it but discovered quickly that I am not a car guy at all Once the lease was over I renewed a small basic car at 280$/month. And you are right the extra saved money is 2 session per month, yes! ;)

For girls, I put my limit at 200$. The few times I went over that were not worth it. Don't get me wrong, the girl were very nice and I had wonderful session, but just as I had many times with girls at 200. I completely understand the girl asking these high end price, they would not if they had no market for it. Let them enjoy the money the make on men that can afford such high price.


Aug 4, 2015
Make that a 4th person who owned a BMW ('03 M3). Fantastic car. Hardly anything went wrong with it, but when it did, I was practically scrounging to eat soup broth and bread for the month! Combined with the need for premium gas & synthetic oil, whew! Maybe we should start a new thread on "Who's owned a BMW in the past?", haha.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Still have one, 98 328i modified... back to highend myth. For me I have seen one highend escort, very good looking, charming, very educated, good sex. I have also seen escorts 200 and less that looked almost as good or the same and sex was better. I am old, do not look for marathon sex sessions, just a little romance, mutual oral sex and one or two positions, if I am done early I do not cuddle, cleanup, say thank you and on my way. Not worth it for my requirements to pay double when the same or better quality is there, and I mean many of them for far less.
My opinion I would keep the BMW and stick to the reasonable prices escorts if you needed to. Two 400 escorts could easily change to two 200 escorts and the BMW, just sayin.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
EB, to continue with your analogy, I think the op wanted to know what is different apart from the price. A BMW has distinctive features that provide an overall more pleasurable drive compared with a Camry. What are the distinctive "features" of an high end escort? From your experience:

Usually better looking?
Usually better dressed?
Usually better educated?
Usually better conversations?
Usually makes you feel better?
Usually better sex?
Usually has less clients?


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
I also don't like comparing ladies to anything else.

I think in life when you pay a higher price for objects, you usually get better quality. Often, you pay also for the Brand that aquired good reputation.

For the ladies, I believe that this is not necessarily true for the Better quality (sexwise) but I think it is true for the reputation at some point.
Some ladies become stars in the escorting and that creates high demand and then higher price.
Reputation can also come from the fact that a lady was a popular pornstar before. Does not mean she will offer a better service than LDL but you pay for the Brand :)

I believe that service wise (SEX), there is no difference between HDH and LDL.
You can have top notch service with both.

The HDH ladies are looking for a different market (especially for the indies).
The john's that sees HDH are looking for exclusivity, non rushed encounters.
Usually, the HDH often receive you with wine, fine treats, fine lingerie to make it more "glamour", and less "production line" lol.

If I would be multimillionnaire, I would book all girls regardless of the price :)


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
According to me, HDH differentiates by their Education, Unrushed service, and exclusivity (Less clients).

Usually better looking? NO
Usually better dressed? No... If you mean Lingerie?. I admit that clothing is irrelevant for me
Usually better educated? Often they are
Usually better conversations? No, Same
Usually makes you feel better? No, Same, Maybe a bit more if we talk about Indies because the time is more unrushed
Usually better sex? NO, Same
Usually has less clients? YES


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I think you are missing the point Amber. The point is that those who have a higher disposible income have a choice of spending it on either cars, women, clothes, watches, maybe boats, and in one case I know a guy who like to spend wads of money gambling. The comparison is in where the money is spent. It is not comparing women and cars. In my case, women win over all the other possible things you can spend DI on.

I have seen women in HDH and market sectors, I have leased vehicles in HDH and market sectors. It's my choice to continue spending money on both HDH and market price women, but I don't choose to spend money on HDH cars any more, because I had that experience, and I would rather spend that money on women instead. BookerL wants to spend his money on higher end watches. I don't even own a watch- lower end or otherwise. My cellphone is my watch.

Gugu, to answer your questions, I have used a higher end booker whose women operate in in NYC/Florida (also LA and Vegas) and she is booking women in $1500/hour range. These are women who have been in Playboy and Penthouse. What you are paying for with women of that milieu is their looks and major model status. On my recent trip to South Florida I happened to be there during Fashion Week in Miami and I saw a lady who is an international swimsuit model (she is European in origins but lived in USA for 5 years and speaks perfect English). She is a former international beauty pageant winner. Drop dead gorgeous? Of course. $1500 isn't something I drop every week (I am no Spitzer after all), but 3-4 times a year on special occasions, I can handle that and I do that. I know a UTR booker, got on her email list after I saw a HDH indy in NYC in 2008, and had a working relationship with her ever since. She is connected. My experience in service with such ladies is that almost all of them were GFE, and some were very GFE.

Ladies who are international models and have lived in multiple countries usually are sophisticated, intelligent, cultured, well dressed etc. otherwise they wouldn't be working as professional models appearing in magazines and doing a few gigs on the side. These are not true working girls, they are working models who probably book a few appointments like that every city they travel to. But like I said, I am no Spitzer, I do this MAX 4 times a year, and usually when I have gotten a huge bonus from a settlement. The rest of my hobbies are in Montreal, NYC, mostly at market price. Except the recent Euphoria Mini Party on which I spent about $800 which is relatively speaking a bargain compared to the ultra HDH shenanigans.

I think UB is comparing HDH in Montreal vs. LDL but I am talking a whole different level and milieu. For the milieu I speak of the answers are not the same.


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005

As you know, my best experiences recently have been in budget brothels
I was quite surprised how wonderful these girls were..

And in these scenarios, and in Fkk's , you cannot be expected to think that you are the only one who will be having sex with the girl that day

Like you, I have no problem with waiting patiently for my appointment with my desired partner

Best Regards


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
BookerL wants to spend his money on higher end watches. I don't even own a watch- lower end or otherwise. My cellphone is my watch.

Hello EB and all

A High-end watch can be a unregistered investment .
Making money over the years ,increasing in value like houses .

Spending on High-end ladies is only a pleasure ,not a investment ,whoever the lady might be .
Over the years in this business ,I have realized that some ladies have a great talent to be able to mesmerize men .

Are they worth more ?Well some richer men seem to think so .
Are they for all ? No




Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
LOl. Another LDH vs. HDH argument.

Well back in the days around 10 years ago I mostly partake in the HDH market because I can book things a month in advance. A simple e-mail and within 24 hours or less I get a YES 95% of the time and I am set. That was the appeal.

It was more about convenience.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Let's be clear on something- Montreal HDH sector and HDH everywhere else is comparing apples and oranges. Most of the true high end ladies don't stay in Montreal because the money is in Toronto, NYC, Vegas, London and elsewhere. Montreal is not a major financial capitol. So it's not a real conversation about HDH as it exists in the rest of the world to be comparing HDH and LDL in Montreal. In fact, I would tend to agree with most of the reasoning of UB for LDL vs. HDH in Montreal. However once you step up into that Playboy/Penthouse/Professional Model UTR venue it is a whole different game. It is the real major leagues. The business is done differently. You are not sent blurred photoshopped pics. Every HDH lady I met in NYC, in that milieu, I got full facial pics, her modeling portfolio and her videos and magazine credits. The clients don't pay that kind of coin unless they know what they are taking to bed with them. So, the whole way the business is conducted is different. Also, no fake names. Unless their professional model name is a fake name. But most of the ladies I have seen, they have Facebook profiles and instagrams and all the pics on those sites are their modelling portfolio pics the booker sends. This is the real major leagues of hobbying. And believe me I am not a real major league player, I have only had a cup of coffee, but I have been to the big show. Sort of like the guy who makes the team out of spring training but gets sent down in late April.
My honorarium is lower then $1000 for an hour or two but...

There isn't much room for differentiation other than to give the impression that a higher-end provider sees fewer clients. I'm not convinced that equates to better service, but it appeals to the many guys who seem disturbed by having sex with someone who had sex with another guy just a short time before. That does not bother me at all, but perhaps someone who is bothered by it will explain why. Of course, I doubt that many "HDHs" really turn down $300-$500 an hour appointments just because they have another one right before or right after. They are just more aware than typical agency girls of saying so. Some of my favorite Montreal agency ladies have told me they came to see me from another customer, or had another appointment right after. If did not bother me at all. I was glad they are successful.
Many of my patrons have shared with me the fact that they don't want to be intimate with "volume girls" even if they're gorgeous and don't mind spending more for an exclusive companion who restricts the number of clients seen a on weekly/monthly basis. They also prefer ladies that have a 2-3 hour minimum and screen for safety. I only see one patron a week, with the exceptions being two, and clients who seek exclusivity appreciate this aspect very much. It also lowers their hygiene and health concerns by a lot (what I've been told).

Another bonus is they know I'm not coming from seeing another client: I'll be in a great mood, I won't be exhausted or sore from a previous appointment or talking about my previous client (how rude) and I won't be in a rush to leave to go see another client. My time is reserved for them and only them. When a rendez-vous is going very well, a lot like to have the opportunity to extend and often do.

I've been given many other reasons but you get the drift ;)

Often, you pay also for the Brand that aquired good reputation.
For the ladies, I believe that this is not necessarily true for the Better quality (sexwise) but I think it is true for the reputation at some point.

The HDH ladies are looking for a different market (especially for the indies).
The john's that sees HDH are looking for exclusivity, non rushed encounters.
Usually, the HDH often receive you with wine, fine treats, fine lingerie to make it more "glamour", and less "production line" lol.
Well said!


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Gabriella. . . . there is something to be said for a lady being "fresh", for sure.............and this has value to many hobbyists. However, as long as I am first in line, I don't care who comes after me...............


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I think it's important to go back to the initial question. We all know Montreal is the best place in America for seing escort (quality versus price). You need to go in Europe for the equivalent.

Knowing that, is there a meaning in Montreal for seing HDH? Me personaly the few times I tried I had great session indeed with intelligent and amazing woman. But so did I with girls in the 180-220 range. Life being short and me not being a milliionnaire I would rather stay in the lower range and see more girls ;)


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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The Montreal scene is very different than the rest of North America. Which is why the local Montreal hobbyist travelling to the rest of North America suffers extreme confusion because the same business models and platforms and price tiers do not exist in the rest of North America. There is not a real HDH v. LDL debate in Montreal. There is in the rest of North America.
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