Montreal Escorts

High End Myth


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
there is something to be said for a lady being "fresh", for sure.............and this has value to many hobbyists.

Hello all

Yes obviously but either you first in line on that day or tenth ,if the previous ones where only there for a pop ,freshness isn't really a issue :lol:

However if you are first in line one day and the lady offered a extreme PSE until very late the night before ,freshness is not really the right term .;)

We all have to realize that the ladies are renting there time and the more they rent it ,the more money they make .




New Member
Jan 14, 2016
I discovered the meaning of the words high end when I was stargazing at a star party. I went from my 150 bucks 10x50 Chinese made Nikons binoculars, to a pair of giant Japanese miyauchi binoculars worth 18 000 bucks with lenses made by canon japan. 45x141mm. it was like I had nothing in front of my eyes. like I had binonic eyes. the optical quality was dramatic. I have never felt that way about sex. if you pay astronomical amounts of money for sex, you are paying for fantasy and because you have the means to do so. but it ain't gonna be better than the 200 bucks indy in Quebec city as far as the sex is concerned.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
you are paying for fantasy


Exactly ,but the same question remains ,how much fantasy are you willing to pay for ?
Can some ladies provide more fantasies then others ?

For desserts lovers a Sabayon/ Zabaione ,to see it made in front of you is a delightful experience ,and tasting it after !Yummy yummy
the lady that can create the fantasy and phantasms ,better then the others ,might make reach levels of
excitement unmatched ,a real exceptional dessert .;)Yummy yummy

Good luck




Active Member
Nov 27, 2004
Thanks for the feedback...yes another High End vs the 'rest' !

I have gone 300 and $350 a few times . In my experience it was nice, it was pleasant and it went well but to say it was worth the extra $$ ? Nope

I have had great experiences with Indys and Agencies and bad ones too.
My range is $200- 250 because I simply can't afford much more as I have an average income.
Even if I did I still wouldn't indulge personally.
Not making any comparison here between women to wine; but like the car analogy it fits.
I usually buy wine in the $20-30 range. Wine that sells for 75$ to $100 and up and up and up to me is just not worth it. Wine experts agree that you can easily get a very good wine for $25 a bottle.
For the ultimate wine connoisseur that doesn't cut it which is fine too so they spend the big bucks.

I have had great evenings over multiple hours with regular , if you will, SPs so I am more than happy staying in this market niche.
Personally I find you either hit off with the SP and she does with you, or you don't and that is what really defines how the session will go.
No right or wrong answer here it just makes for interesting perspective


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2007
I don't think that anyone means to compare women to cars or wine, but I do think of engaging an escort as an expensive indulgence that, I hope, will bring me pleasure. When I have a night to myself in a hotel, I enjoy treating myself to a good bottle of Scotch or champagne ... and the company of an obliging woman. I'm not uncomfortable saying that I'm not paying them to be my friends or to pretend to fall for me; I hope that they have a wonderful time but in the end I'm paying them to indulge me, body and soul. So the question in this thread is both obvious and important: does paying more get you more? Following sexdoor's post, I'd say that there's no question that a $100 bottle of whisky or champagne is, generally, going to be "better" than a $15 bottle. We can say that taste is subjective but among serious whisky or champagne drinkers there's not much argument that Lagavulin or Highland Park 18 is better than most low-end whiskies. On most nights I'm content with a Roederer Estate ($25) but I would much rather have La Grande Dame. (I'm getting thirsty typing this.)

I agree with EB that Montreal is entirely different than the US scene. I've never done the kind of high-end experience that he talked about, but I have paid up to $800/hr (USD!!, for multiple hours) for something special. Las Vegas. And worth it. But it's so hard to tell in Montreal whether a $500/hr experience will be "better," even putting aside YMMV. It looks to me like the more expensive escorts have a more traditional model-look; and I agree very much with Patron and others that the market is "constructed." But for all that I have to say that there are so many amazing indies and agency SWs in the $200-$250 range that I find it hard to justify spending more. And many of them offer sensational deals for multiple hours.

I need to have a drink and get my ass back up to Montreal!


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
Money is not the only limitation

If I would be multimillionnaire, I would book all girls regardless of the price :)

Unfortunately, for us, guys, we should also perform... so money is not the only limitation. I think I'm already lucky to be able to come morning and evening for a few consecutive days. But after I need a few days off. In my younger days it was different of course. Life is strange: young, you can do it again and again, but can't afford it... older you can afford it but you can't do it so often... :( Sorry being out of the real topic of this thread but I can't resist.,,


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Life is strange: young, you can do it again and again, but can't afford it... older you can afford it but you can't do it so often... :(

Very true, and as I have gotten older, I have also preferred quality and length of encounter over quantity of encounters. The younger guys can focus on cheap repetitive sex; my preference is to be more focused on quality of the encounter, either by lengthening it or focusing on someone who is maybe higher end in looks, etc. But I do mix it up. Fitness and diet become increasingly important as you advance through middle age. It gets easier to get out of shape, and when you are out of shape, sex is less enjoyable as well as you being less effective in performing. My own conditioning has gone up and down, but as I get older it's become increasingly important to being able to not only perform but enjoy.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I haven't seen anything in this thread except honest discussion. In the past there were myriad HDH v. LDL threads and most of them descended into misogynistic posting but I don't see that here. There are a few assumptions built in to this thread which should be spelled out:

(1) We all have disposible income to spend, and we all choose to pay for sex.
(2) The DI could be spent on other things besides sex, if we choose not to pay for sex.
(3) Some of the other things we can spend DI on are: cars; watches; boats; gambling; vacations; wives; mistresses; etc.
(4) Invariably we all make choices as to where to spend our DI.
(5) It is fair to analyze and compare the choices of where we spend our money.
(6) It is fair to analyze why we have made the choices we have made. Why we spend money on one thing, but not another. This thread asks that very question- a question that comes up in many other threads.
(7) Any financially responsible person prepares a budget.
(8) If you prepare a budget you have to think about 1-6 in deciding where your DI will get spent.

Are you with me so far? Because I think much of the discussion you refer to proceeds from these assumptions, all of which are fair.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I doubt I'm the only one who feels a certain post was condescending, trumpeting misogyny, filled with bragging, and ultimately not even acknowledge that the comparison going on was demeaning as shit (and meant to be so). But I guess I'm the only one who will openly say it: Women aren't inanimate fucking objects. Comparing woman seriously to cars or wtv, whether a Sp or non Sp, is worse than thugs who go around lying to get someone into bed. It's fucking gross. People aren't items you buy and sell. How much money you choose to spend on prostitutes, or can, does not mean you're guaranteed a "better" experience. Actually, just because you can spend more does not mean you will be a better 'client' by default. Similarly, the higher rate does not mean an SP will be better across the board for every man or woman. ---

Anyhow, I think the higher the per hour price, the higher the beauty (or at least perceived) beauty of the Sp. That is to say, if you're charging 400 or 500 an hour in Montreal, it is because you look like a Supermodel. Beyond this, an Sp demanding such "higher prices" can presumably charm (for she is travelled) a room filled with "real mover and shakers". Madame 400/500 hr in Montreal is exclusive and selective because her prices make it such; she is what men with 'self-proclaimed statures of importance' (and money) are taught to crave. She is the perfect fantasy by design, by suggestion of peers or media, or just because she is that awesome. Also, she is usually really elegant and you probably you just have this sense that she is totally devoted/ into in your private moments together. Something like that.

Snake honestly there was many different analogy used in this thread (bmw, wine, jewlery, etc..). But these are just ways to explain how one would spend his money on pleasure of life. And that is where Sp appears. I wrote that I prefer to drive a shitty car because I save 400$ a month from the BMW I used to have. Is that really condescending to Sp? Is that gross? It's money I don't need so I spend it on Sp because they are giving me much more pleasure :)



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I wrote that I prefer to drive a shitty car because I save 400$ a month from the BMW I used to have. Is that really condescending to Sp? Is that gross? It's money I don't need so I spend it on Sp because they are giving me much more pleasure :)

I said the exact same thing- I gave up leasing BMWs because I prefer women to cars and that car cost me seeing 2 extra escorts a month. Any person who doesn't do such an analysis regarding their disposible income is financially irresponsible. You spend money on something and make a decision on whether you thought it was worthwhile. Similar decisions get made whether we are talking HDH or LDL escorts, cars, watches, electric razors or anything else that you spend money on. They are consumer choices we all must make, and the reasons for our choices should be analyzed. In fact what I posted was my exact reason for not leasing another BMW and downgrading to a car that is costing me less than half what I paid for the beamer.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I doubt I'm the only one who feels a certain post was condescending, trumpeting misogyny, filled with bragging, and ultimately not even acknowledge that the comparison going on was demeaning as shit (and meant to be so). .

Eeeeeek, I see nothing of the sort. Not sure if it was one post you were talking about but many of the posters on this board praise the SP's that work in Montreal.


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
People see things differently Sol....

That we can agree on..:nod:

Best Regards


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Sorry but I see nothing in this thread but honest discussion about consumerism - and if you don't have these discussions in your head before you pay for anything (even a bicycle), you really aren't thinking about what you are doing. I see no reason to bring agendas into this thread. I don't see anything misogynist in this thread- unless all of it is misogynist because by paying for sex with women to begin with, we objectify them.

How many of you guys posting in this thread NEVER refused an escort out of hundreds seen, regardless of price and looks and anything else? Just curious.


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
FYI Beaver, my response was not directed towards you
It was a general response

But I am sure the bicycle reference was directed towards me. No doubt

Some people see things differently than you , that's all



New Member
Jun 10, 2006
Are there any HDH agencies currently operating in Montreal? I remember that there was an agency ten years ago that charged more than average but it did have some very hot women. I can't remember the name. Montreal sex book?


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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That's what is ironic about this thread. There really isn't much of an HDH industry in Montreal any more. It has mostly gone to Toronto, NYC, Las Vegas, London, LA. There was a thriving HDH industry in Montreal 2002-2005, but most of those agencies are either out of business or now tour to other cities where there is more money to be made. The HDH capitals of North America are NYC, LA, Vegas, and Toronto.


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2007
Sorry but I see nothing in this thread but honest discussion about consumerism - and if you don't have these discussions in your head before you pay for anything (even a bicycle), you really aren't thinking about what you are doing. I see no reason to bring agendas into this thread. I don't see anything misogynist in this thread- unless all of it is misogynist because by paying for sex with women to begin with, we objectify them.

How many of you guys posting in this thread NEVER refused an escort out of hundreds seen, regardless of price and looks and anything else? Just curious.

I strongly agree. Taking this further, we are buying a product (if not, what are we spending our money on?). That product is NOT women, but it is their time and the "services" they offer. That's what SPs say on their website, and that's the way adult consumers should approach it: respectfully and intelligently.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I have only read the original message, but here is my point of view

I have seen providers at 220 or even 200 that where GREAT. I have seen providers at the same price that where not that great. I am sure at 400-500 there is probably both gems and more "ordinary" providers as well. I think USUALLY you have less risk of a soso encounter in term of provider attitude tough. I mean at 400-500 they usually know how to be that "high end" style and behave properly. I don't think you have much chances of seeing a provider in that price that would arrive drunk or intoxicated.

Now what is high end? Is 300 high end? Seem to be the middle ground for me. Not completely high end but higher than normal prices. Personally i may partook in a 300$ meeting if i REALLY want to see the girl in question. But exeptions only. Either if she done porn or if she is extremely well reviewed.

400-500$ are out of range for me... Of course would i be rich i wouldn't care, if a provider appeal to me look wise or whatever, i would book her. But as a regular folk, i can't go in that price category.

I think the "high end" factor only play a part in term of attitude, detail on attention (dressing, manners etc) because quite frankly i seen GEORGOUS providers at 200$. Of course beauty is subjective to personal preferences, but honestly for me i don't think there is a difference in look in the price ranges.

A lot of time those high end providers are either former 200$/h SPs that made a name for themselves and can now charge more and/or simply they do this on the side line and prefer to see less clients. Sometimes 400$ to 500$/h also mean less chances for them to get a jerk. I mean, again a jerk could also be able to afford 500$, thats not saying otherwise but they risk less i supose to get some late night dude that want to simply empty his balls at a cheaper rate.

In any case... as they say, they can charge what they want, we can choose who we want... So lets just enjoy ourselves lol


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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FYI Beaver, my response was not directed towards you
It was a general response

But I am sure the bicycle reference was directed towards me. No doubt

FYI my bicycle comment was directed generally at those posting in the "Cycling Thread." I actually considered buying a bicycle recently until I realized the cost of a decent one was about the same as the cost of 3 escorts. Or 2 car payments. I lost enthusiasm for the purchase after I looked at the prices and considered my other current needs which also include a new TV and new skull shaver as well as the fact that I can walk for exercise (on a temporary if not permanent basis).


Active Member
Mar 1, 2012
For the love of all that is good in this world, PLEASE STOP COMPARING US TO CARS.


Men understand cars. They usually don't understand women much. (Even though they love 'em.)
And some men are 'tactile' -- meaning they understand down-to-earth analogies. Simple pleasures. Helps explain things in a direct way.
"Quantum theory is like my old Jeep....."

Other people (sometimes even men) understand that every person is special. And complex. No one really even understands himself (herself). And no thing ever compares to you. (Nod to you know who.) And while I say it with a smile, it is still true.
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